Monthly Archives: January 2009

Touch Sensitive

It’s Thursday and a melancholy Thursday at that. Another co-worker has been given her walking papers. Well a subtenant actually. Trudy who I wrote about the other day as well as a couple of times before.

Through no fault of her own, just the economy. She was an assistant working Tuesday through Friday for a charitable foundation but since the donations aren’t coming in, they can’t afford Trudy.

On my front, my company is making sure that I’m getting paid but who knows how long that will go on for? Till March 2010 is what they told me but anything is possible.

Trudy had tears in her eyes as she told me her bad news and made me swear not to tell anyone and I’m sure I can count on the five or six of you that actually read this to keep Trudy’s secret.

Spoke with Harpy last night and it’s getting sadder each day at Farfetched. Susan and Lois did everything right for 28 years. The holiday season didn’t come through though, and even if they did spectacular, they’d still have to close the store since the landlord wasn’t going to renew their lease. So it’s quite gloomy at 110 Fourth Avenue. There was nothing they could do.

I bought a lottery ticket which I plan on winning so maybe I’ll be able to help everyone out somehow. That’s the only plan I have at the moment. Check with me on Saturday to see how it turns out and think positive people!

Last night I watched the Daily Show and The Colbert Report, both of them funny, but The Colbert Report was that much funnier since it was decidedly hilarious to see Stephen Colbert’s mascara running down his face and gross to see the snot running from his nose due to his being so happy about Barack Obama being sworn in as President.

After that was Lost. The TV show not the actual fact of being not able to find one’s way. It was a good two hours. No Olbermann and Rachel Maddow, just escapism. The second half was the more interesting part, the first half was all about the set up for the season.

And apparently this season will be all about time travel and it’s implications of what you can and cannot do. Since it’s science fiction they can do anything, bring people back from the dead, unleash smoke monsters or even travel through time.

After that it was the news and then bedtime which was earlier than it’s been, 11:45. I made sure to set the alarm a little earlier on the alarm clock so I can get the day started a little bit earlier. Bill texted me warning about a water main break at the Holland Tunnel and that traffic was piling up at the Lincoln Tunnel.

I took my chances and called Bill on the cellphone when I got on the bus. Two seats in front of me, some dork thought I was talking loudly, when I wasn’t and luckily for him, my death glare wasn’t working properly so he lived. It seemed there were assholes all over the place.

Almost saw a fight on an escalator when one guy wouldn’t step to the right to let people pass on the left. He was adamant about not moving, one of those people who just stand on the escalator and stand there. He got called an asshole and not by me. I can only assume there is a proctologist convention in town.

Wear You to the Ball

After all the inaugural footage and festivities have wound down, it feels like the holidays are over. I know they ended a few weeks ago but to me it seemed like it was finished. I mainly watched MSNBC covering the balls and the events of the day regarding the incoming president.

I have to say after hearing the Etta James song, ‘At Last’ nine times I had had enough. A James Brown song would have done better but hey, it wasn’t my party and I wasn’t the guest of honor. A few twirls around the stage and a few words from the president and then it was off to the next ball for them.

Somehow Barack Obama was able to get up and go to work this morning. I did too but all he had to do was get out of bed and walked through the White House from the east wing to the west wing. I’m sure he had a busy day and I was busy myself. Finally.

Things were quiet on the conservative front this morning. Perhaps my comment to them yesterday shut them up, perhaps they were hurt or perhaps they realized they can’t just spew their ignorance around anymore without anyone else speaking up against what they had to say.

What I said yesterday was nonsense though and though I sort of expected the other shined shoe to drop, it never happened. A lot of running around in the cold streets of midtown. Just quick jaunts here and there, nothing too insane.

Got an email from Susan regarding a party for the closing of Farfetched. Harpy mentioned that it might be this weekend so I should keep this weekend open. I committed to this weekend when Pedro called inviting me up to Otisville for a get together to watch a boxing match.

He’s big into boxing. I told him about Farfetched and their closing party and of course he berated me for not going up to see him. The email that Susan sent this morning was announcing the party being on January 30.

I texted Pedro this morning, letting him know I could make it after all. Effectively giving him another opportunity to bust my balls and telling me that I wasn’t invited after all.

I told Bill about Otisville and he wanted to go, but when I told him it would be an overnight trip, a two hour train ride each way he said he wouldn’t be able to make it after all since he has to do a reading at his church on Sunday morning. We’ll probably be just getting up when he mounts the pulpit.

Bill and I will have to work out a visit later in the year when it’s warmer. Then it would be up to Pedro and Connie to invite us up. But that’s further down the line and a few flips of the calendar pages and right now I’m just too tired to really care.

Hopefully I will get to sleep at a decent hour but having said that, it seems unlikely, what with Lost returning to TV tonight in a 2 hour season premiere.

Here’s a picture of Superboy that Julio took with his cellphone last month.

