Monthly Archives: September 2008

Goo Goo Muck

I didn’t write about this yesterday but it was on my mind. A synchronicity of sorts. My brother Frank and I were talking about a few topics, one of them being a woman we grew up with passed away from leukemia a week ago, Dorothy Foglio. She didn’t have an easy life, major hearing loss in one ear that went undiagnosed for so long that Dorothy was regarded as slow.

She wasn’t, and I think it wasn’t until she reached adulthood that a significant hearing loss was discovered. Dorothy was the daughter of Jim and Lorraine Foglio who were good friends of my family. Jim was a great guy, really nice and always willing to lend a hand. He had four daughters which he loved but Frank and I figured he probably would have liked to have a son to play ball with.

His daughters ages roughly corresponded with me and my brothers and sister. Jim might have tossed a ball with me once or twice, something my father rarely did. My mother taught my brothers and me how to throw correctly not like a girl. One night in 1975 Jim had tickets to a Yankee game and he couldn’t go so he gave the tickets to my mother so that one of us boys could go.

My brother Brian was unavailable so the tickets went to Frank and myself. Frank was late of course and we drove to the Bronx in a drizzly rain, Frank telling me about some song about how the Red Sox were winning. I mentioned that trip to Frank, thinking it ‘funny’ since the last game to be played at Yankee Stadium was last night. Just something that was on my mind, that’s all.

Last night Bill and I watched True Blood while I wrestled with the computer which seems to have cleared up. That’s why the posting was later than usual and also the reason I got an irate phone call from Harpy whining about how late the blog was posted. Harpy would be the guy on a paper route who’s newspaper invariably wound up on the bushes.

True Blood was very good and very interesting since the guy who plays Anna Paquin’s dim brother was being videotaped dancing in his briefs with quite a large bulge that pointed to his left. That got our attention for sure. After that we watched Entourage where Ari Gold played by Jeremy Piven went apeshit and deservedly bitch slapped a rival agent in front of the rival’s staff.

Then we watched the end of the Emmy awards which Harpy called about during True Blood. Bill went to bed before the end of the awards and I stayed up and watched the usual bad news which keeps getting worse and worse.

Woke up to Bill’s alarm clock and heard that ‘more news on that terrible story later in the broadcast’. Horrible news? What now? More economic disasters? Going to work was scary thinking about all that. Nothing on the TV news said anything overtly horrible except for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley converting from investment banks to holding companies.

I don’t know what that means but I keep hearing that yes it’s bad now, but it’s going to be a lot worse soon enough. Bush has a plan to give Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson a lot of power and money to bail out these corporations, with no questions asked and what Paulson decides will be the final word on the matter.

Fuck Bush and his plan. He allowed millions of people to be screwed and now he wants our money to bail out this monoliths? Call your Senators and Representatives and tell them you’re against this, that is- if you’re against that.
Cut n’paste

Today’s New Yorkers

Late addition: I just read on Joe.My.God.’s blog (in blogroll on your right) that McCain’s chief of staff is an out to his friends and family gay man. There’s an interesting and conflicted debate going on about it in his comments on the entry.

What do you think about a situation like that? Should he be outed? Can an out gay man be outed? There are some very interesting comments, what would yours be?

Computer Blues

Computer problems again. Deleting tons of photos. Clearing space for memory. I thought I deleted a lot of photos in the past but obviously I still have quite a bit. Not to mention a lot of photos were duplicated since I was too lazy to change the settings on my camera to a lower setting for the frame.

So if I have a pic that is 3225 x 2650 you can bet there is a 555 x 416 duplicated. And now a lot of pics are gone. Where do they go once you empty the recycle bin? They have to go somewhere. I know they’re still on the computer.

Last night was a nice time with Rand. I was plenty tired after riding about 40 miles and walked gingerly as I strode up Washington Street towards McSwells. Nobody I knew on the street at 8:00 which is the norm these days. It used to take me a long time since I knew a lot of people back then. Now, not so much.

After a few pints with Rand I wasn’t so achy anymore and gradually became animated somewhat. I put some money in the jukebox ensuring that for the next hour the music playing was selected by me. McSwells is a totally different scene, filled with hipsters nowadays rather than the characters of yesteryear.

Very much akin to what I hear Williamsburg is like, and like Hoboken had done in the 1980’s Williamsburg is gentrifying at a very fast pace. At least that’s what the interviews with TV on the Radio have mentioned. I haven’t been to Williamsburg in about a dozen years or so.

According to Harpy who works in the thick of Williamsburg hipsterdom, the hipsters hate to be called that. Which is all the more reason to call them hipsters, and not in the Graham Parker sense of ‘I’m the token hipster/ and you’re just the novelty set’.

Actually perhaps the hipsters are the novelty set. Watched a few Raphael Saadiq videos on the television of the past couple of hours. Such a personable and handsome guy that Raphael is. But enough about him.

I spoke with my brother Frank today who was a bit too upset about forgetting my birthday. I tried to let him know it was alright but it plays into the bigger picture of what has happened to his memory since the stroke. That would make me panicky.

I did my best to reassure him that it was ok, that I wasn’t Dad who would be greatly insulted if his birthday wasn’t recognized. I also spoke with Frank’s wife Elaine who apologized. There was no need for it.

In fact I always forget both my sister in law’s birthdays and they’re right after each other in December. I usually call Elaine and Karen on the 6th or the 7th and wish them a happy birthday only to find once again, after decades of having them in my life I still cannot get the dates right.

Rand and I parted ways after walking around Hoboken with me smoking a Padron and I was home by 11:45. Watched most of Saturday Night Live and I thought it was pretty funny. It seems they’ve taken to ending skits rather than let them peter out. That definitely makes all the difference. Kings of Leon were oksucked.

Walked around Hoboken this afternoon. Since I rode so much yesterday, staying put was nice. Finished the New Yorker, skipping the movie reviews since I’ve started reading them mostly, until after I’ve seen the movie.

this was posted on Bill’s laptop since my computer is crapping out.

You say you’ll change the Constitution, well…you know, we all want to change your Head