Monthly Archives: May 2007

C Moon

It’s Monday again and it’s back to work. Juan and I briefly entertained the thought that if I took today off as well it would lend credence to my being unwell on Friday. I knew as good as an idea that was, I really should go in. And I did, after waking up, showering, shaving and coffee and cereal. I walked out into a really nice morning, playing the Arcade Fire. That was an accomplishment of sorts. I did enjoy the show somewhat after all, just had problems with myself, or at least inside my head. I wish I could move to Montreal. Ha ha.

I walked across town listening to Tunnels and Laika and Wake Up and all those great songs and I felt good listening to it. You know, I would give anything to see them again, to redo last Wednesday all over again but we all know that ain’t gonna happen. So I have to move on. I know Frank did. I got to the office and no one was in yet. I didn’t slick back my hair, went natural I thought it would be easier and it was. I did ask Carla the receptionist what she thought was better and surprisingly she said she liked it slicked back.

Work was busy enough, most everyone was in the office. I had a few errands to run, even going as far as 28th street and Eighth Avenue. I needed to get some thing for one of the printers and Carla told me this one place in all of Manhattan had it. So I hopped on a train downtown and walked to the store where they did not have the thing I was supposed to get. I called the office and Carla was apologetic. I tried to calm her down. It was a beautiful morning and I told her that at least it wasn’t raining. I really didn’t mind.

On the way back to the office I stopped off and picked up my salad for lunch since it was almost noon. I went back to the office empty handed except for the lettuce, broccoli and grilled chicken and technically they were in a container in a bag, not in my hands since I balanced it on my head walking to my desk. I ate the salad a little while later and walked around midtown, stopping into Barclay Rex where I bought a small cigar and smoked it which really made the afternoon that much better.

After that, more people gave me more things to do and since it was close to the end of the day, I labeled them so I would remember tomorrow what it is exactly I’m supposed to do with them. The origami I practiced with various bonds and licenses didn’t go over too well last week. I did have another errand to run which involved me going to Kinko’s since the printer wasn’t working properly. I was helped by two big queens, or at least I thought they were kin. After that it was home, where I am now with Juan waiting for Heroes to come on.


A beautiful Sunday and if you’re a mother, Happy Mother’s Day. I’m taking it easy today. After last night’s entry I wound up going to Casa de Lopez, aka Julio and Stine’s apartment on the third floor. Stine had made some chicken quesadillas as well as other snacks and Julio bought some beer. I hadn’t hung out with them in a while and another friend Lisa, was there as well. A lot of catching up to be done though I was physically exhausted from riding over 30 miles yesterday. The Guinness I had did re-energize me much like Gatorade does to professional athletes and alcoholics.

Bill joined us and he hadn’t seen anyone in a while, though he sees Julio more than I do and that’s usually at 6:30 in the morning when they’re both headed for work. Bill entertained the girls with his tales as Julio and I spoke in the codes that we’ve developed over the past twenty years. It was a really good mellow time with good friends. We’re just all so busy playing the roles of adults that we don’t have time for fun and games like we used to. What’s that line? Don’t grow up, just grow old? Maybe.

Missed an opportunity to hang out with Juan. He wasn’t so much into hanging out with Julio and Stine as he’d rather just hang with me. That’s a nice sentiment. Oh that Juan. It was 11:00 when the small party ended at Casa de Lopez and the geezers like Lisa and myself split. 11:00! That was when I started to get ready to go out back in the day. I did have quite a few pints and a thimbleful of vodka so I felt it better to be upstairs listening to Bill snoring since he left the part about an hour earlier.

I had another pint as I chatted with Juan online. He was hanging out at home. He did offer to come down to Hoboken and I said yes, but I would be turning in at 1:00. He was fine with that though he also had the idea of hanging out all day here which was also fine with me. It all seemed to me like a pretty good plan. Not too soon after that I was three sheets to the wind and decided to turn in, leaving Juan to chat away in cyberspace.

Woke up as Bill was headed off to church. I showered, had some coffee. My niece Meghan texted me, telling me that her and her fiance Rob were in Hoboken for a race. I wasn’t hungover so I decided to get some clothes on, grab my camera and head on over to Pier A. It was bright and sunny and many runners roaming around. Couldn’t find Meg and Rob and thought it best not to use the cell to track them as they were probably psyching themselves up for the race. The race was run and I think Meghan came in second for women’s.

Not so sure. Not a sportswriter you see. It was nice to see them and I offered to take them to breakfast, but this being mother’s day they had things they had to do. They were also going for another jog so they went their way and I went mine. It was fun to do something out of the ordinary, on a Sunday morning. And definitely good to see Meghan and Rob. They’re upcoming wedding seems to be the social event of the year!

I guess I shouldn’t have read Liz Smith before writing this.

Anyway, here’s a couple of pics.




the lovely couple!