Monthly Archives: May 2007

Don’t Play That Song

I just had a tuna fish sandwich. It’s Monday. Yesterday’s outing to the Art and Music Festival was a lot of fun, and after that Bill and I watched 60 Minutes which had some horrible footage from terrorist explosions in Bali a few years ago, a restaurant full of tourists getting blown up at dinner. One minute they’re sitting at a table, the next minute they are splattered all over the restaurant. Really terrible stuff. Some Al Qaeda terrorist who dropped out of his cell since the idiots on top declared all non Muslims to be targets. He claimed it was against Islam and dropped out and started naming names.

We watched Law and Order after that mess. Bill’s chance to watch what he wants since I monopolize the TV most of the time. If I didn’t it would be all stand up comedians all the time with Law and Order spliced in between. The Sopranos were excellent. It’s winding down, four episodes left. Lately we’ve been watching wondering who is going to get whacked in each episode. And though Southside Johnny was on the week before, we still haven’t figured out what role he played.

After that it was Entourage which was really funny. A relief from the intensity of the previous programs. Then Bill went to bed and I watched the last installment of the De La Hoya/Mayweather documentary. The actual bout was the night before and we didn’t watch it since it was on Pay TV. It’ll be broadcast next week, but if you want to know who won, Mayweather won in a split decision. Pedro was wrong about that. He said De La Hoya would win by decision since De La Hoya was promoting the fight. He knows his boxers, but missed this one. I’m sure he’ll give me the lowdown.

I may go up to Otisville to hang out overnight this weekend. Go up on Saturday, come back to the city when Pedro drives to Riker’s Island on Sunday. He’ll drop me off by the subway far from Riker’s. It should be nice just to get out of town for a spell. I’m looking forward to it, though we talked about it last week and I haven’t heard from him since. He did want me to come up this past weekend but I postponed since Sweet Sarah and Bob were scheduled to come to Hoboken.

Work was super quiet today. I flew into the city and got to the office before 8:00. No one was in yet and half the office was in Boston at a conference. The self doubt still lingers but I persevere, trying to get things done properly. Setting up a system isn’t that easy and needs the cooperation of a lot of people. I ran a few errands this morning and had to buy a cable for my camera since we’re subletting some office space and I needed to put photographs up so they can be posted in Craigslist. It was a nice morning to walk around for a bit and I don’t dawdle, I actually go and do the task at hand.

I don’t try to get over on receipts either, everything is on the up and up. I also did Greg Stevens’ expense report and he’s getting a lot of money back. He’s not a get over either. The office should be quiet for most of the week so I should be able to get more done hopefully. That is the plan and it does look quite good on paper, or on a computer screen.

Yakety Yak

A lovely Sunday. Slept in until 8:00 or so. Nice. Bill was off to church and I was solo. I went out and bought the papers and some bagels and then to the supermarket. Got a text message from Sweet Sarah who let me know she and Bob would be coming to the Hoboken Art and Music Fest. That was good to know. I had hoped they would come down. Dr. John was scheduled to play, as well as an old friend Karen Kuhl. I came home and made myself a nice breakfast and then sat down to read the papers.

Then Sweet Sarah called around 10:30, letting me know she was outside of Johnny Rockets. The fest didn’t even start until 11:00. She knew they were early, they wanted to beat the crowds. I was looking forward to them coming down via train around 2 or 3 in the afternoon. They drove down and knew that I’d be coming along soon enough. And soon enough I was. It was a gorgeous day as I met up with them. I went back on my vow and went into Tunes, the local record store to see if they ad any discs by Girl Talk.

Even though they pride themselves on their indie cred, they didn’t have it. I wound up buying it via the net and Amazon. They were the only ones who had it available. It’s all part of the Illegal Art thing. Copyrights and ownership is disputed. I just like the mash ups. They making everything new and fun again and keeps me on my toes, wondering where bits of certain songs are from. I took some pictures of Sweet Sarah and Bob as we saw a gospel group.

Then we walked around Hoboken, I gave them a thumbnail tour. Pier A, the esplanade, up to Stevens and then had some lunch at Margherita’s on Washington and Eighth for a sub par margherita pizza. It was toasty in the sun and chilly in the shade and we were in the shade. We saw Wild Carnation which is Brenda from the Feelies, and we saw Karen Kuhl and her band which had Alice Gennese on bass. That was a surprise. I hadn’t seen Alice in years and wasn’t sure she was still in town, much less still playing bass.

Sweet Sarah needed to relieve herself so we came back to this messy apartment. Then we went outside as they were leaving and Bill finally showed up. Sweet Sarah and Bob left Bill and myself on the front stop after making tentative plans to have dinner some night soon at the Lido in Hackensack which is a favorite restaurant of Sweet Sarah and Bob. I hadn’t been there in decades, it used to be a favorite restaurant of my parents.

Bill and I saw Dr. John, then walked back to the apartment where I got a phone call, surprisingly from Julio who was at the festival looking for me. He never goes to these things, but Stine had never been and wanted to check it out. Too late for me, I had been too long at the fair.

Here’s some pictures,

Sweet Sarah and Bob


Brenda Sauter in Wild Carnation

Karen Kuhl



Dr. John