Tempo House

Ok. Last night went well. Had a fun time with a fun guy, and no fungi. Came home, wrote, watched the Station Agent on TV. Love that film. Peter Dinklage, Patricia Clarkson and Bobby Cannavale. I really like Bobby Cannavale. Not only is he easy on the eye, but a great actor to boot. Watched John Lequizamo on ER and then to bed. Woke up at 6:00 and was so bored left for work at 6:45.

Started reading Harpers this week, probably going to subscribe. Enabling Lewis Lapham to buy more nice suits. Hey, if it wasn’t for his advice, you more than likely wouldn’t be reading this. So blame him.

Walked to work, listening to Scissor Sisters and got to work at 7:50. Nice, with no one in the office, I was able to wander and take my time, no hustling. Bleedin Hope was out on her vacation. Listened to her voice mail. Quite chipper. Not at all like someone who has just handed in her resignation. Brenda showed me an email that Bleedin’ Hope sent with bad usage of the word emphasis. Lucille the Lush seems to be in charge, or at least all important decisions are to be made by her, according to Bleedin Hope’s outgoing message.

“Hi, I’m traveling internationally and won’t have access to cell phone or email…blah blah blah” The wombus never said anything via in person, by sycophant or email, which makes me think once again Bleedin Hope never said anything, just expecting me to go, “No. Don’t quit.” I took matters into my own hands and asked a few senior vice presidents and managing directors if I could put them down as references for my job hunt. They all agreed, and some said I didn’t even have to ask. Nice guys on top, crumb bums in the middle, then me. I guess nice guys make the bread in that sandwich.

So I did my thing, just a lot of work, knocked most of it out by 2:00. From then on in it was reading newspapers, stocking the fridge with Poland Spring, and bringing some bottled water down to the guys at the security desk in the lobby. Look at a few websites for jobs and sent another email to Matthew Semegram the guy who placed me at Wanker Banker all those years ago. OK, three years ago.

There was some good news from Annemarie about her husband Rex. Rex had a procedure for his heart and it seems to have gone well. He might’ve been released from the hospital today, but they gave him a private room, and want him to stay one more night. So all is going good for Annemarie, Rex and Earl. I asked Bill to pray for Rex, but Bill being Bill, prayed for all three, which was very nice.

Saw Marcia, Marcus Rasta’s woman. That was nice. Indulgent I know, but helps out on wet indoor weekends. Tomorrow may entail a trip to Sym’s so Julio can buy a new suit. I enjoy buying suits, so I maybe of some assistance. We’ll see.

I got an email from MoJo Magazine. They were asking about favorite Mark E. Smith rants. I picked ‘Winston Churchill had a speech impediment, and look what he did.’, form Tempo House by The Fall.

The other night I had a few lines pop into my head about a couple that were having an open relationship. I wrote before I went to sleep. I wrote: A Play about a couple in a not so open relationship.

“You’ve fooled around before”
“Yes, but with many people! You’re seeing only one person!!!”
“So? I’m loyal….”

That’s about as far as it went. Perhaps this is the seeding. Or Sowing.

But I really have to say, I forgot how much I enjoy writing. Probably a lot more enjoyment derived by me writing it, than by you, dear reader, reading it.


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