Lloyd, I’m Ready to be Heartbroken

Had some crazy ass dreams that as much as I could remember, entailed me being chased through the Bronx (?) by Irish immigrants. A lot of running and hiding from red headed women, and men in flannel shirts. They were out to get me for some reason. It was the last dream before waking and I was exhausted from all that running. Bill was getting ready for work when I got out of bed and got into the shower. Coffee, cereal, email and I was out the door once again, heading downstairs, carrying papers to be recycled.

I was fairly ambivalent heading to work. Just so blah lately. Almost depressed. It was the usual crowd on the Path today and I just played Burning Spear ‘Marcus Garvey’ and it’s Dub companion, ‘Garvey’s Ghost’. Been playing some old school Dub sides lately. Feels good, all I need is a spliff. Forget about it being 7:30 in the morning. I have done the shake and bake before. Just haven’t in a while. A very long while. But not having access to all the supplies, it’s a pipe dream. Or a bowl dream, though at that moment I’d settle for a roach.

But it wasn’t to be. Da Rasta has been vacationing. ‘Notin’ bad happen mon, just needed some time off my brother’ he said. So a visit to the land of the Red, Gold and Green is on the horizon. I play my cards right, I won’t be chased by any Irish immigrants, or at least, won’t remember being chased, much like I can’t remember being chaste. (Rim shot!) It was very busy at the office and I wasn’t in much of a mood for anything, and all I had in front of me was everything.

There was a client who I personally don’t like but he’ll never know that. I think he’s an arrogant jerk, and that might be something he does know. I had a lot of running around, many things to do and then there was the presence of Felicia. She’s been really something else lately. She rubs a lot of people the wrong way, and just has been taking a lot of time off, leaving the office early. I know I did it on Tuesday, but I was actually sick.

She’s had a Yom Kippur dinner to attend, doctor’s appointments and tests, and today was the fact that her brother was in town for a few hours, so she had to leave early. If I were on salary, perhaps I’d do the same if I had the opportunity. She’s a force to be reckoned with and when she’s not there the tension decreases and I’m sure it gets noticed.

But if she leaves or gets let go, it’s possible that the person that comes in after her could be worse. I don’t think they’ll make me the offer and I’m cool with it. It would be a change that’s for sure.

I cheered myself up on the way home, playing the Beatles on the Path train. Made it that much more bearable.

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