The Crunge

Incredibly, unbearably hot. Too hot to even walk. I had off today and while walking, unfortunately during the peak hours, I stayed in the shade waiting for the traffic lights to change. The sun was so powerful that it hurt to be in it for more than a few seconds. I was off from work to go to a meeting that may or may not have gone well. I’m fairly ambivalent. Had to stifle a yawn at some point during the meeting.

My camera is still in the shop which is why there weren’t any weekend pictures. My computer is still unable to access the net. Rand who just got back from the Whale’s Vagina hasn’t been able to stop by. I bought a network card the other day and of course what should be easy to install, isn’t. Juan, who being born of foreign parents and a test tube and eighteen years of age could probably install it without a problem. In the meantime, Bill’s Power book is a good substitute.

Considering that I work in a Mac office, and using Bill’s Powerbook and G4 at home I’ve become slightly proficient on the Mac. Too bad everything I need is on the PC. Music and photos mainly.

The camera problem is that it stopped focusing and the lens wouldn’t retract. The good folks at Canon offered to sell me a different, refurbished camera for a hundred dollars. I just want my camera back. Is that so wrong? Still digging the vibe from the beach on Sunday, which hopefully will happen again this weekend. It’s my mantra again, ‘Get through the week, get to the beach’.

Going back to work tomorrow and that should be cool, especially since there’s an air conditioning vent right by my desk. That and Felicia being out the next three days. It looked like it was going to be pretty much quiet when I left on Monday, though things could change in the curse of a day.

It should be nice. Even though Felicia and I have been getting along fairly well, it’s a lot mellower, or at least I’m a lot mellower. Though looking back as I wrote that sentence, things have been better than usual, and I’m sure it’s because I’ve mellowed and perhaps even adapted, or better yet, evolved. Wouldn’t that be something?

It’s 8:30 and still quite hot. I put in the air conditioner last night. Lately, there haven’t been many breezes with all the windows open. It only barely cools the bedroom and you can’t have any major appliances on while it’s running. A small price to pay and who really needs to make toast at 3:00 in the morning anyway?

Lot’s of hot guys in Hoboken both literally and figuratively. I saw the UPS guy today while walking down the street and had no idea he was such a hottie. Ay caramba! I walked over to Radio Shack to buy a new Ethernet cable and there were so many walking around in what used to be called in Lodi, guinea tees.

And now Bill is home, I have to eat dinner and after that, turn on the air conditioner.
A good plan.

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