Tag Archives: The B-52’s


Ugh. So muggy out. And constant rain rain rain. It’s actually tropical storm Hannah which so far killed over 100 people in Haiti. Today was also the day that the B-52’s were doing a free show in Cranford NJ.

The original flyer said that in case of rain the show would be moved to Kean University where my niece Corrinne goes to school, but checking the website today, the promoters stated they they have taken provisions and the stage will be weather proofed and the show will go on as scheduled, outside.

It’s just as well that we didn’t go, Bill and I had planned to go with Chaz, because the rain has been steady and sometimes blowing sideways and it promised to be muddy and not much fun. Last night Bill and I hung out.

Bill was rather subdued. He was told at work that he will probably have to change his schedule. Right now he’s flexible as a part timer working 37 hours a week. But their not happy with that and want him to go full time.

That would close the window that he currently has which allows him to go on interviews and go sees for his acting career as well as allowing him to run down to his mother’s apartment should something go wrong. So he was understandably bummed.

All I could do was suggest that he try to forget about it for now, get a good nights sleep and see how he feels about it tomorrow. Some advice that I should probably heed. He listened and went to bed after a few laughs courtesy of Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.

I stayed up and watched Bill Maher who had Dan Savage on so that was pretty good. Michael Steele is not the same Michael Steele from the Bangles. The one on Bill Maher’s show last night was a real jerk. Of course he towed the republican line until it became so much static.

Slept like a log last night, Bill was up and working on a script when I got out of bed. Went out and ran errands, needed some more Stevia and got the bagels and the papers. Then proceeded to watch the rain come falling down.

Just got back from visiting Julio and Stine and Alexander two floors down. Haven’t seen the peanut in over a month and he’s now 15 pound and 25 inches. And quite active too. He can now focus and he’s always looking around.

And he can turn over by himself now, and can also support his head on his own. Still adorable, quite the little man. Gurgle and goo goo is his vocabulary so far, and if he’s anything like Julio, he’ll never shut up. But the space monkey is adorable and everything is good physically with him.

Right now Carole King is on Public Television. She’s nice. I met her at Right Track, where I wrote about last night. How can anyone not like Carole King? If only for the songs that she’s written.

Well thats about it now. Too sticky and hummus here.

Late addition:
from John Ridley/Huffington Post
cut n’ paste

Thank You

Well This is new. I’m using Google docs instead of my usual Open Office which for some reason is unresponsive. I think my computer was attacked by a bug recently and things just aren’t the same. But so far I don’t like the layout of Google docs and slowly I am waiting for the Open Office to open itself up.
Now it’s back to normal whatever that means.

Last night more of what you’ve read before. We tried watching the republican convention, but it was difficult. Fred Thompson, actor not statesman. Mentioned that John McCain’s experience as a POW doesn’t qualify him to be president but it shows Cotton Hill’s character. Which is almost exactly what Wesley Clark said in July and was attacked for saying it.

So he can play the role of good old boy from Buttfuck TN, with a bobbleheaded wife with bobble boobs and help the large circle jerk in St. Paul get off. Sarah Palin, the less said about the better. Biden should and would destroy her in the debates. I’m sure she is bound to fall on her face.

And Cotton Hill. What could be said about McCrazy that hasn’t been said already. The debates should decide everything, but then again that’s what I felt back in 2004. We will just have to wait and see.

Work wise things were quiet. I did run into Casey this morning, when I wasn’t at my best, and on the ride back from the city when I was at my best. I prefer me at 5:00PM. Don’t you?

Things are basically back to normal (that word again) in the office. Big wig coming in next Tuesday, big enough for Greg Stevens to request that I wear a suit and tie. Now I don’t mind wearing a suit and tie, I would wear one everyday if possible. Already in my mind I am trying to figure out just what to wear.

I am also hoping that it won’t be 90 degrees like it promises to be tomorrow. The B-52’s are scheduled to do a free show in Cranford NJ on Saturday, but tropical storm Hannah is also scheduled to be in Cranford that day so that seems like it will be a wash out. It could all change but so far that is the forecast.

So I do have a new suit that I bought and just had it altered. Navy pinstripe, two button jacket, wool/cashmere blend. On sale at Macy’s. Had the trousers taken in, hemmed not cuffed and buttons added for braces, which are also known as suspenders. I’m looking forward to wearing it.

I have given up drinking soda, at least at home. I bought cranberry juice and seltzer. So far so good. I likes I likes.

I wonder what Tony Dow is doing. Why do I wonder about Tony Dow? We’re watching Scrubs and there was a guy who might have been Wally Cleaver but they would have given Tony Dow a line or two. Obviously I have run out of things to write about.

This was finished on Open Office by the way. Anyone try Google Chrome yet? How is it? What’s your opinion?