Monthly Archives: August 2011

I Can’t Make You Love Me

Well I am writing earlier than usual, at least earlier than yesterday. Yesterday was so pleasant, a day at the beach with my Corinne and Meghan & Rob. Today was bound to disappoint. And it wasn’t really disappointing, just a letdown, a 180 degree turn from being out of Hoboken to being stuck in Hoboken with the Seaside Park blues again.

I slept really really well last night and woke to Bill kissing me goodbye once again and telling me how much he loved me. I do the same then on the rare occasion when I am leaving and Bill is still in bed. I am lucky in that I don’t have to remove a sleep apnea mask to kiss him good bye.

I got out of bed an hour or so later. A shower has been thrilling lately since the drain actually works and I don’t have to stand there in 2 or 3 inches of dirty water. Then some coffee and checking emails before I headed out to the supermarket for some foodstuffs.

The kitchen window has been closed most of the time due to the squirrel invasion but the squirrel has not been around much lately. It could also be from the black pepper I poured on the window ledge. I looked up online and found that squirrels are not fans of pepper. Specifically cayenne pepper but the entry said black pepper does the trick and so far it’s been working just fine.

I saw my latest favorite cashier, Isis who had injured her leg riding on a motorcycle with her boyfriend/husband. I came home to a nice breakfast and after some surfing and TV, it was laundry time. Not too much laundry but enough for 2 loads.

I decided to visit the bibliothèque after finishing The Harvard Psychedelic Club which was a fun fast read, so much so that I felt like I was partaking of the lysergic at times which I hadn’t done in quite some time. I finished the book on Pier A and on the way to the bibliothèque I stopped by the Guitar Bar where I saw Mr. Wonderful. He and the funniest girl alive, along with daughter Ruby are going upstate on Saturday to see daughter Lily off to college.

Tears will undoubtedly be shed. I am excited and nervous for Lily as is Jim and Meghan. Jim mentioned that Ruby is the one to be worried about since she and Lily have been so tight ever since they were babies and toddlers.

Some more walking around Hoboken, staying on the shady side of street including a walk past where Julio works. I hoped he would have the time to come out and chat but after a pic of his building’s door sent to Julio’s cellphone was sent and no reply seemed forthcoming I continued strolling and eventually wound up back home.

It’s been a slow day, I miss being at the beach and staring at the horizon and enjoying a nice cigar. I did speak with Bill and we are planning on another beach excursion, perhaps on the 15th of August. I did make plans to go to the NY Aquarium with Corinne, but I think a better time might be had at Sandy Hook and with Bill driving, she wouldn’t even have to drive for a change.

I think it has the possibility to actually happen. I hope it does.

I Can’t Love You Back

I just got back from a visit down the Jersey Shore, yes the Jersey Shore. Specifically Seaside Park, right next to Seaside Heights where the TV show Jersey Shore is filmed. Lots of clones there, girls with big hair and guys with wife beaters and tilted baseball caps. Nice to look at from a distance, but one doesn’t want to get close enough to hear them speak.

I went down with my niece Corinne and we visited her sister Meghan and her husband Rob. It was a late start and we got down there later than expected but it all worked out in the end. The water was 72° and the beach was crowded. Not at all like Sandy Hook where some space could be had away from other people. Still it was nice to be able to swim in the water and not look up and see Manhattan in the distance.

Then a walk on the boardwalk where the gelled hair set started to come out once it started getting dark out. Nice slabs of beef roaming around but like I said, one doesn’t want to get too close. The four of us devoured a very large pizza on the boardwalk, then checked out some rides, but didn’t get on any.

A storm was approaching and since Corinne and I were driving back, along with Corinne’s puppy Brady- we didn’t want to get caught in the rain. Luckily the storm was passing to the south of us and we didn’t get any rain. Still it gets quite dark on the Garden State Parkway and I didn’t want to keep Corinne out too late.

Yesterday was quite out of the ordinary. I traveled to Poughkeepsie and then onto Millbrook. I was representing the cigar shack at a rifle range. They were having a shootout, different teams skeet shooting or clay pigeons. Prizes went to the best score in each group.

I was out of the apartment at 8:30AM and headed to the Path train. I was hot and sweaty when I got to the Path and got on an air conditioned train, standing all the way from Hoboken to 33rd Street. From there I walked over to Grand Central Station.

Another crowded train but I at least was able to sit from Manhattan to Poughkeepsie. I stared out the window, looking at Harlem, the Bronx all the way up the Hudson Line. When I got to Poughkeepsie I found a taxi, a van actually. I told him where I wanted to go and he said he knew where it was. Halfway there he pulled over and asked me to call the rifle range and ask them where they were.

Once I got to the rifle range, I was fed and set up with 270 cigars to hand out. As soon I was set up, about 30 guys lined up all wanting a cigar. I would ask if they wanted a mild, medium or full bodied cigar and gave each to whomever requested one. Then I was set up in the woods under a few trees situated at a crossroads where various rifle men would stop by and get some more cigars.

I networked, handing out cards for the cigar shack and enjoying a couple of cigars myself. It was great to be out of town, in the woods and getting paid for it. Yes I was working, but at least I wasn’t in the shack. A good crowd of men, the agreeable type all enjoying the cigars and the camaraderie that goes along with smoking cigars. The brotherhood of the leaf.

I was able to secure a ride back to the train station after that, in time to catch the 6:40 train which was actually the uncatchable 6:35 train. I was able to have a pint in a nearby pub and killed some time before catching the 7:40 train. I was home around 10:45 and quite happy to be there.

Bill came home a few minutes after me and I was so happy to see him. I love him so.