Monthly Archives: September 2007

Neat Neat Neat

Yes it’s Monday again. As if you didn’t know that already. Granted maybe you’ve just stumbled into this blog and if that’s the case, please take your shoes off and leave them in the hallway. I know everyone else has their shoes on, but they were here first and it’s a new rule. Oh don’t give me that look. It’s not like it’s Ciara’s birthday. Who’s Ciara? You got me. Just pulled it out of a hat. Maybe Ciara is just bait, or better yet, chum. We’ll see about that soon enough. But it’s Monday like I said, big whoop.

Last night Bill was here. He was exhausted and thought he was coming down with something. He plopped on the couch and after an hour he went from a sniffle to being a full blown head of mucous. Poor thing didn’t last too long after that. Not even the brownies I baked for him could keep him awake and you know he tried by eating half the pan. I didn’t like them and I figured out it wasn’t the eggs last time, it wasn’t the mixing bowl, made in China, which I threw out. No, it’s either the cooking spray I used, or quite possibly the Pillsbury brownie mix. Bill liked them enough, and like I said I didn’t.

I watched Curb Your Enthusiasm and of course felt Larry David is an asshole. A funny asshole, but an asshole nonetheless. Certainly makes me uncomfortable to watch yet I do watch every chance I can. It is like watching an R rated Seinfeld episode sometimes. Then I watched a bit of a documentary on World War 2 again. There really was nothing else on. I was waiting for the news at 11:00 and that was not worth waiting for. Not at all.

I woke up next to Bill, who’s forehead was quite warm. He wasn’t going to work today, and he sounded terrible. I had to go to work and I did my thing. Soon I was bending over the bed, checking Bill’s temperature once again, still warm. I gave him a peck on the cheek and then I was on the street recovering the building’s garbage cans which were scattered up and down the block. I don’t know if anyone would have done it if I didn’t. I do it most days anyhow and never tried to find out. Perhaps tomorrow I will.

Got into the city in no time and spotted a replica of the Taj Mahal in Bryant Park. The next few days are Indian cultural days hence the replica. I made my way to the office passing many police on most corners and big bodyguards in suits outside the various hotels I walked by. I would have taken some pictures but they were fairly intimidating. I do plan to take some tomorrow if I have the nerve. All over the east side of midtown there were police, guards and protesters.

Yellow school buses parked in front of my office building unloading hundreds of yarmulke wearing boys and girls wearing clothes that covered most of their bodies. They were all headed to Dag Hammarskjold park to protest the president of Iran coming to town and to state that Israel was not going anywhere. Forget about the displaced Palestinians, fuck them in fact. No, Israel having been set up almost 60 years ago has earned the right to bully and squash anyone who disagrees with them.

There were a few other protesters lounging about, having screamed what they wanted to say, like ’10 out of 10 terrorists recommend voting for the democrats’. Fat fucking Faux news watchers I call them. What do you call them, Ciara?

Here’s some pics.

The Taj Mahal replica


street scene 50th and Lexington

NYPD Watch tower and antennae 50th and Park

Handsome guy

Here Come the police


another cute dude

Guardian Angles (Curtis Sliwa is at the front waving to people who aren’t waving to him)

Vietnamese protestors

Buddhist monk next to a christian for Israel

The terrorist’s favorite pollster

The first place I worked at in Manhattan 25 years ago, loading dock for 757 Third Avenue

Epistle To Dippy

Sunday Sunday Sunday. No churchy la femme for me. A beautiful day though. Comfortable, around 70 degrees, blue cloudless sky. It almost makes me think somethings going to happen. Perhaps that a hangover from 9/11. Nice days mean trouble. Low flying planes mean trouble. That guy on the street over there means trouble. I go looking for trouble and I just have to open my eyes. Nah, it’s not that bad. So far today has been a trouble free day. Of course I haven’t turned on the news, but it’s a day of sports so the news might not be on at 6:00.

Last night I did very little. I watched Jesus Camp, which I rented through Netflix. I forgot it was in my queue and I watched it. It was pretty creepy this woman out in the Midwest preparing young children to start a christian jihad and to praise a cardboard cut out (at least I think it was. Who can tell?) of the chimp in charge. Oh these kids, towing the line, speaking in tongues. I was relatively religious when I was a kid, going to catholic school and all, but obviously I grew out of that, thanks to my catholic schooling. One year in high school I had to write a paper on the Lutheran religion. And I found myself agreeing with a lot of what Martin Luther had written. That threw my catholicism headed towards doubt. Then as I went through life, thinking for myself and meeting different people with different ideas and backgrounds made me wonder if none of us were right.

Jesus Camp is worth seeing if only to see Ted Haggard, famed for his Monday morning phone calls with the chimp in charge as well as buying crystal methamphetamine and soliciting a male escort. It’s the creepiest!

I wound up watching Nature on PBS. It was about Hippos in Africa, as if they would be anywhere else. Interesting show, had no idea that hippos were so aggressive, and not the pink dancing hippos doing ballet in tu tu’s. They can run and spend a lot of time under water. They are impressive creatures and I would get out of they’re way should a pod of them come headed in your direction.

Then I got sucked into watching How The Earth Was Made on the History Channel. I never watch the history channel so I guess I’m bound to repeat it. Narrated by Edward Herrman, I was totally taken in. Of course, me being skeptical I kept in mind that it’s all guess work, and by guess work it’s theory. To describe something happening 1.5 Billion years ago, how this happened and what that as like, in this day and age with the equipment we have now, we don’t really know. I believe it more than creationism (duh) but geological history from way way way way way etc back then, I don’t think we could really know.

It’s the same thing with the Universe. We don’t know. Our tiny minds on this planet, guessing what’s going on many light years away, we don’t have a clue. The theories are better than nothing but subject to change. I do believe that everything is connected, every thing, every one, everywhere is related. From rocks to plants to animals to air to space to planets, it flows on within you and without you. Oh so groovy like.

It’s funny, watching the Earth show on the History Channel that when they go from something occurring 1 billion years ago to something 100 Million years ago, I think ‘oh that was so recent.’ Like it was last year or so.

Here’s is a link for Keith Olbermann, who sometimes I can’t take. I do think he’s right on the money on this one though (he usually is on the money, but his delivery can be so Keith Olbermann). It has a video and a transcript of the video.
Cut n’ paste

Today is the first day of Autumn.