Daily Archives: September 8, 2007

Okay Chorale

Ahh. A bit tired, a bit jazzy, and a bit hungover. Took a lot to get motivated today. A cocktail too many last night was the reasonable culprit. I’m not regretting it, I had a good time. I watched Small Town Gay Bar, which was Executive Produced by Kevin Smith. It’s about how it’s the only gay bar for miles in Mississippi and people travel hundreds of miles just to go and socialize for a few hours. I guess we take it for granted up here in this metropolitan area. I don’t take it for granted. I simply don’t go.

Bill came home last night, first time in a few days that I’d seen him. We watched Bill Maher and Bill soon went to sleep soon after. I joined him an hour or so later, laying next to him in bed next to an air conditioner that doesn’t condition the air at all. But it was good to have his body next to me in bed, it really makes a difference to be able to reach out and touch someone. I know he felt the same way. No frottage or anything like that, just a well placed arm across the chest. All pretty comfortable for all concerned.

Waking up was easy, though I guess when the sun came up I had put on my eye mask which allowed me to sleep that much more. Bill was up and about and soon I stumbled around, making coffee and going out for those round rolls of dough with holes in the middle as well as the tabloids. It was hot at 9:00 in the morning and must have sweated a gallon by the time I got back home. Bill was off to his classes and then to stay with his mother. I did laundry and took a nap after talking to Julio on the phone for a little while. Had a deep sleep and a dream that featured a disguised Lesley Robertson from McMann and Tate, hectoring me on the fact that I never gave her a phone call when I said that I would.

It was a two hour nap and though it revived me somewhat I couldn’t really get started and felt I was a few feet behind myself.

Nothing too major. I motivated myself to actually get up off my ass and head into the city, despite the jazz tunes clouding up my head and sheer laziness on my part. Rode the Path train to 14th street and couldn’t deal with the crowds so I walked down 12th street and headed to Farfetched where I hung out and talked to Susan for a spell. Harpy popped in, he was going to Mr. Steve’s for a haircut. He’s been looking rather shaggy lately. Susan got hung up on making a sale so I left and walked towards Tompkins Square Park, stopping off for an Addicted to Chocolate milk shake from Ben and Jerry’s which initially sounded like a good idea, but in reality weighed heavily on my stomach for a bit.

Hooked up with Rand and Lisa and Richard who were promoting the Jack Kirby Museum since Jack was born a few blocks south of Tompkins Square. Good to see Rand and Lisa and good to make the acquaintance of Richard. I wandered around the park, checking out the burlesque show and various vendors and graffiti artists who had hung canvases on the perimeter of the park.

It was too humid to stay in one place and I wandered around the East Village, winding up on a crowded St. Mark’s Place and headed over to the Path train to return home, all sweaty and quite tired.

Tomorrow may indeed be a beach day, so I’m taking it easy tonight, watching The Importance of Being Earnest on cable. Last time I saw it I was living in Lodi with my father so it’s good to see it in relatively stress free conditions.

And here are some pics.

Wayward Italian Feast Musicians

Rand, Richard and Lisa representing the Kirby Museum

Free Dalai Lama Rides

Ballerina Burlesque

Boss Tweed



Dude with Possibly Maybe tattooed on his shoulder

Goin back to Jersey