Daily Archives: August 11, 2006

Dance This Mess Around

A day to sleep in. After last night’s B-52’s show, Bill and I made it home with soggy socks. At least my socks were soggy. He was wearing some Swedish socks designed to be worn for days on end without a whiff of odor, and they are supposed to dry fast too, so according to Bill his feet weren’t as soaked as mine. Good for him, uncomfortable for me. That was ok because as soon as I got home, off they went. We stopped at McDonalds because neither one of us had eaten and it was too late to cook. I hardly ever go there anymore, but I was quite hungry, and I know it’s no excuse.

Stayed up after eating for a while eventually crashing before Bill who actually had to go to work. I wisely had taken off today, knowing that I’d be seeing the B-52’s the night before. I woke up to Bill bending over the bed wishing me a good day and kissing me as he went off to work. An hour or so later I finally woke up and made some coffee and showered. Since it was a day off that meant weekend breakfast, so I went out and bought the papers and some bagels, coming home to fry some eggs. I love weekend breakfasts. All that’s missing are jelly donuts and World’s Fair donuts from Fischl’s bakery.

I got in touch with Rand who was coming over today to finally see what the hell is wrong with my computer. I sat around and waited, reading the papers, drinking some coffee and doing laundry a day earlier, which meant the clothes should be dry a day earlier. That’s how it’s supposed to work at least. Eventually I wound up in front of the telly watching an All in the Family marathon on the TV Land channel. I forgot what a good show it was, though dated with Watergate references and woman’s liberation jokes, as well as fag comments and racial situations. A great ensemble cast as well. Carroll O’Connor has passed away but the other three live on. I suppose they can’t have a reunion since they killed off Edith towards the end of the series, in one of the later incarnations, probably Archie Bunker’s Place which I never watched. Ever.

It was quite a groundbreaking show, with Archie Bunker striking a chord with his bigotry. Some friends of my parents, if not my parents themselves, might’ve felt their racial views were validated when hearing them on television, no matter how stupid the character was written. There should have been a disclaimer before the show, ‘Don’t Try This At Home’

Last night while watching the B-52’s in Coney Island, (I still can’t get past Fred screaming ‘Let me kiss your Coney Island’ during Strobe Light) Bill and I kept our ears open for some authentic Brooklyn accents. Man it was so funny to hear, ‘I warned ya about the wedder’. That roughly translated to ‘I warned you about the weather’. The park where the band played is on the border of Coney Island and Brighton Beach and it wasn’t too strange to hear Russian being spoken as if in the Ukraine.

Tonight was a session with Philip Beansprout and I was late. Rand and I decided to try to go wireless and join Bill’s network. Bill said it was ok so Rand and I swapped my network card for his wireless card. I left Rand’s apartment and caught the bus at 5:00 thinking it wouldn’t take more than 45 minutes to get into the city. It normally takes 20 minutes with no traffic and it was rush hour. But it wasn’t enough time and I eventually sat on the bus for an hour, and that was mainly sitting in traffic on 11th Avenue for half of that hour. I eventually made a the last half of the session and Bill and I were once again in a love bubble much to what seemed like Philip’s dismay. He wanted to hear about bad news, not good news which he acknowledged as nothing being wrong with good news, but you don’t see a therapist to talk about good things. Perhaps we’ve run our course with Phil. Everything seems ok with Bill and myself, and what’s more, we’re communicating better. We’ll see I guess.

I’m still using Bill’s G5 Mac while he wrestles with installing the wireless card on my computer. What a guy.

Mike Douglas died at 81. He used to be a talk show host, 4:30 on channel 2. My mom liked him a lot. I remember playing ‘talk show’ with Donna Foglio one winter day making large chairs out of piles of snow. We modeled the set on the Mike Douglas Show set.