Tag Archives: Martin Kelly

You Didn’t Hear It

Well here we are, January 1, 2010. So far so good. No known superstitions or rituals to go through and no hangover either. Been a pretty good day. Last night was pretty good too. Bill woke up from his nap and we had dinner at Arthur’s Steakhouse on Washington Street.

We’ve been doing that for the past 8 years, New Years Eve dinner. A few pints, some steaks, some garlic bread. It’s never been crowded and quite cozy that last night of the year. We came home and watched some TV before heading over to Rand and Lisa’s apartment around 11:00.

On the way we saw various party goers outside different buildings having a smoke. One guy at the corner of 7th and Park Avenue called us over for a light. As I lent him my lighter, he farted. Many laughs all around.

I brought some Guinness, not sure if Rand had any or if anyone else would be drinking it. Apparently Rand had some on hand already, not that it mattered though I’m sure I will have to pay him a visit and take those off his hands. Also pick up some socks that were left behind a few months ago. Arrangements will have to be made.

I did go out around 3:00 this afternoon to get some groceries. It was a nice afternoon, a balmy 40 degrees. I ran into Martin Kelly, good to see him. Had a few laughs with him. Spoke with Annemarie when I got back. She had a great time seeing X in San Francisco last night while her husband Rex and their son Earl went to see the Dead play for 4.5 hours. I would have been at the X show of course.

In Hoboken, it was low key last night. Rand & Lisa, Lois & Fred and Bill & myself. Nice amount of people. All rather perfect actually. We all sat around the TV, Rand controlling the TV. NBC, CBS, ABC & CNN as well as a video of a video of Lady Gaga on TV.

The countdown went well and I decided to record it. I sound like a big gay goofball but I guess I sound like that all the time, though I did sound campier than usual when I tried reassuring Lois that the champagne blindness in her eyes. At least I sound that way to my ears.

I even played Rand’s guitar and played some Beatles tunes, All My Loving, She’s A Woman and Please Please Me. That was fun. I was surprised to see Bill singing along to All My Loving. According to him, he’s been paying attention all these years and was learned the lyrics from my constant playing. It was fun and Lois complimented me on my guitar playing.

I guess she hadn’t heard me play in a while. Perhaps all those years of playing on my own has given me a unique style of playing.

Bill and I were home a little after 2:00, passing plenty of party people heading to various other parties. I remember those times, not wanting the party to end. Now I’m content to let it end when it may, not caring since I was going to bed.

I have to wake Bill up in a half hour, he’s driving to Atlantic City again. Of course I’ll be worried until I hear from him in Atlantic City. I’m in for the night, been invited to a party but I’m feeling reclusive.

Hope you all had an enjoyable New Years Yves.

Friday I’m in Love

It’s a Friday and it’s been rather a ho hum Friday. Nothing much at all to report. The highpoint of the day so far has been laundry and that was over before noon. I saw Stine and gave her 3 copies of Architectural Digest which I’ve been receiving lately somehow.

I haven’t subscribed since I never even look at Architectural Digest in the newsstand, much less bring a copy home. It was all Stine, no Alexander. He was in the bedroom and Stine was hoping he would take a nap.

Today was a cloudy, gray day, always on the verge of raining, which it didn’t do until I went outside. I was prepared and carried an umbrella. I saw Martin Kelly where he works at CVS.

He told me he had been there since 5:00AM. I asked if he’s getting overtime and he’s not since he’s only working till 1:00PM. That’s the kind of day it’s been. I’m reporting on Martin Kelly’s day.

Today is Good Friday which is a big day in the catholic world I was brought up in. Stations of the Cross was a highlight. I was so enamored of the stories when I was growing up that for a few years I always expected the sky to go dark and the earth to shake around 3:00 which was the time I was told by my teachers that Jesus died on the cross.

Of course it never happened, they were just stories. For a couple of weeks before Holy Week at St Francis de Sales we had to go to church on Fridays and go through the Stations of the Cross. It usually took an hour or so to get from the start to the finish.

Always a drama and for an imaginative kid like myself I was entertained while repeating the lines along with the rest of my classmates. Despite all that, Easter was always a letdown. No ‘real’ presents to speak of. A suit jacket and some polyester slacks from Robert Hall usually and for me it was torture.

I certainly wasn’t one to dress nicely back then, remember this whole getting dressed up in a suit and tie is relatively new, at least for the past 10 years. 30 years or more I was just grumpy and had to be told to tuck in my shirt constantly.

Still my appearance was close enough to make my mother feel good.

The Saturday night before Easter was usually spent dyeing eggs using Paas egg coloring kits and rub on stickers. 2 baskets full of candy and chocolate and eggs would usually sit on the credenza for a week as the milk chocolate bunny gradually was nibbled and torn away by unseen culprits.

Tiny chocolate eggs wrapped in foil wound up in pockets, hopefully eaten before body temperatures melted them

Photographs would be taken in front of the forsythia bush, me and my siblings and occasionally some neighborhood kids also dressed in Easter finery.

This year I am going with Bill to his church for Easter services.

I already know what I’m going to wear, now all I need is a forsythia bush.