Monthly Archives: June 2011

I Can Never Go Home Anymore

A long long day at work today but I am home and happy to be here. Slept really well last night despite the fact that Bill wasn’t here and I rarely sleep well when he is absent. No melatonin needed last night though the night before it was taking a while to kick in, I was laying there and actually felt it’s effect with my eyes closed.

I felt I was walking through a distinctively feminine portal, almost mirror like. It was a nice feeling and helped me finally get to sleep after much tossing and turning. Last night was a sleep walk through the park and waking up wasn’t so bad either.

I did get up earlier than usual since I had to go to work and also get a few things done before I headed into the cigar shack. The bus ride was uneventful as usual and I headed out of the terminal to get my usual weekend egg sandwich.

After that it was a walk to the theater district where I picked up the tickets to the show that I am taking Bill to see for his birthday. I could probably write it here since I don’t think Bill reads this here blog, but being the paranoid person I am I won’t.

Walking through the theater district took me away from Hell’s Kitchen, where it would have been nice to see the reaction to New York State’s passing of Marriage Equality. But that simply wasn’t to be. I walked in the shadows of the office buildings trying to keep cool and also picked up the Daily News which had the beautiful headline ‘History’ over a photograph of the celebrants outside the Stonewall Inn on Christopher Street. Years ago I probably would have been there in the crowd celebrating, but not anymore.

It’s just that I am so anti-social lately. I am most comfortable in my apartment, usually with Bill. I leave the cigar shack and I am usually fed up with the people all around me. I guess it is from being weary of having to interact with strangers all day long.

Today was one of those days, and I couldn’t make a connection with anyone except for my co-workers. Thomas and Bradley were the co-workers today and both did very well with their sales.

Way better than me actually. Thomas really hit a home run towards the end. His method is showing the high end pricey stuff and then working down from there. It’s the exact opposite from me, where I show off the less expensive goods and usually make my sales that way. Thomas is exceptional at sales and Bradley is pretty good at it. I just treat people the way I like to be treated when I shop and I guess that’s the wrong way to do it.

I’m not upset with the outcome though. I’m not thrilled about it either. It is what it is and that’s the way it is. Now I am home and happy to be here. I am off tomorrow and I don’t plan on doing much. Bill is driving to Atlantic City tonight so he’ll be home tomorrow morning and more than likely going right to bed. I did think about going to the Gay Pride parade with him but he won’t be up for it and I am not going alone.

It would have been nice but like previous years we will probably go to Pier A in Hoboken and watch the fireworks. I suppose it’s good that I’m not going to the parade since I am anti-social lately but it might have been good to break from the routine. C’est la vie.

I Can Help Too

LATE BREAKING NEWS: Marriage Equality comes to New York State! The same-sex marriage bill was approved on a 33-to-29 vote.

It’s a Friday and everyone seems to be in a good, if not decent mood. And it was fairly busy at the cigar shack. Two special guest stars came in one was Casey Chasm who I hadn’t seen in a year or so. Good to see him, he was with a friend named Parik.

Casey looked good, clean shaven since the army frowns upon beards and whatnot. He’s probably going off to Afghanistan in a few months to do his Judge Advocate General routine. Luckily that doesn’t require being in the front, but still I worry.

And if I worry I can only imagine how Mrs. Chasm is feeling. And she now has 2 babies to look after, 2 girls named Annie and Clara. Casey wasn’t able to stay long, I was just one stop on his visit to Manhattan, he had a few other people to reconnect with. I was able to purchase a cigar for him as well as giving him a free cigar which was part of the promotion going on today.

And that promotion was what made the store extra busy. Quite a number of regulars and guys that hadn’t been seen in a while hanging out in the man cave smoking up a storm. The other special guest was Eddie Vedder, the lead singer of Pearl Jam. He was in the other day and today he came back to buy some more items for his manager.

I don’t think Eddie Vedder is a cigar smoker but his manager seems to be, enough so to warrant a second visit. He was nice and trying to be incognito which explains the lack of photographs. I would be more impressed but I can’t say that I am much of a fan of Pearl Jam.

I spent my lunch hour once again on a bench near Central Park, smoking a cigar and reading Michael Azzerad’s entry on Mission of Burma. I totally missed out on seeing them, but did have Academy Fight Song which could be their most famous song.

Another story about a band too far ahead of their time. I did see a spin off band of Mission of Burma called Birdsongs of the Mesozoic. Almost as noisy and dissonant as Burma and I am pretty sure I saw them at the 9:30 Club in Washington DC with Jet during one of my sojourns down to the nation’s capital.

Bill is driving to Atlantic City tonight as well as tomorrow night so chances are I won’t be seeing him until Sunday which happens to be my next day off. He’s been busy at work lately so my occasional phone call with him has been a bit intense.

It’s all good, but today he was talking so fast that I could barely understand him and even though I asked him to repeat himself twice I wound up missing the gist of what he was saying. I told him so later which got a laugh. Just treading water now, it’s killing time. And now I am home and happy to be here.