Daily Archives: June 16, 2011

I Can- Nas

Oh it’s been a long day but I’m pretty mellow. No toilets overflowing with excrement today, and I made sure the store got a decent plunger. I slept really well last night, had an interesting dream before I woke up. I was following Juan in a supermarket where New Order was putting on a secret show. I was surprised to see Juan at the show and neither one of us could find the aisle where New Order had set up. We heard the music alright but neither hide nor hair could be found of Barney, Hooky, Steven & Gillian.

After my usual bargaining with the snooze button I got out of bed and shuffled along. I was going to be working with Bradley, Thomas and Calvin. Calvin was spending a lot of time in the office which he made his own. He tossed off Marcus’ stuff which when Marcus made an appearance had a shit fit about how somethings were missing. Then the unforeseen happened. Marcus in a hurry to get out dropped a box cutter which fell somewhat opened and nicked his ankle which caused a lot of blood to spill. It was gross and luckily there were enough bandages to stem the bleeding.

Calvin had a chuckle about that after Marcus split, leaving Thomas and Bradley and myself to wonder what the hell was going on. Calvin & Marcus had gotten along like a house on fire previously now it seemed like there was nothing but bad blood, not counting the blood on the floor. Too appease our minds Calvin bought lunch for everyone. It was going to be pizza but it was decided on hamburgers from a pricey restaurant nearby. That satisfied most everyone, chewing our food with one eye on the plate and the other on Calvin to see what was going to happen next.

A few regulars overheard what had happened and were very much interested in what was going on but Calvin had sworn us all to secrecy and so we kept our mouths closed with regards to Marcus. It was an uneasy afternoon but things went along on quite an interesting keel. A security guard who regularly buys some cigars came in and though he walks through the door most every day, today he walked right into the door. It was hard to stifle the laughter but Thomas, Bradley and I kept relatively straight faces until the security guard, usually full of bravado, walked away with his tail between his legs.

Bradley left and his appointed time and Calvin was soon out of the store about 30 minutes later. Thomas and I had a wide ranging discussion with regards to Marcus and Calvin and their butting heads. He also asked about my relationship with Bill. He gently ribbed me about how when I talk to Bill on the phone, seemingly in private, the lovey dovey way we finish our phone calls. Thomas mentioned that a lot of couples do that, mainly straight but never with the emotional investment that Bill and I have for each other.

I certainly appreciate Thomas’ admiration for us and it’s good that he and his fiancée are supportive of same sex marriage which may or may not be going forward in the New York State Senate. Who knows, perhaps Bill and I will tie the knot in New York City if it passes. It will definitely be a much lower key affair than last summer. It would be nice though, a political act mixed with love and romance. Two more days to get through and it shouldn’t be that difficult.