What a day. A really strange day at that. I thought I slept fairly well last night, thanks to a melatonin, but man was I dragging ass today or what? It started out fine, Bill kissing me good bye for the day.
I won’t see him until tomorrow and he mentioned that I looked so cute, so groggy with dragon breath this morning. Nice to hear and it was probably true, I did have dragon breath.
I made my way to the bus stop, enjoyed a nice cigar as I waited in the shade. The bus came and I got on, said hello to the bus driver who calls me ‘champ’. No, not chimp, or chump but champ thank you very much.
Deborah from the fourth floor got on at the next stop. She and her boyfriend are taking a two week vacation, from Washington State down to Los Angeles. For some reason we started talking about parents and siblings and that was like an open faucet for me. < Some wounds were reopened somewhat, but me being me, I put a somewhat twisted and humorous slant on things. I think that might have been what set me back throughout the day. We parted ways and I got on the subway.
More crowded than usual and I wound up being a few minutes late for work which for me is most unusual. It was Calvin and Thomas working alongside me. But I couldn’t catch up.
It was like I was a few steps behind everyone else despite having the best sales of the day. Thomas and I got along fine, though with every misstep I took that Thomas saw I would turn to him and say ‘oh shut up you.’
He just ran out of the store, looking for his phone. He may have left it in a nearby store. I hope he finds it, he’s a nice guy. Thomas picked out another Friday afternoon movie, Scarface.
Not the Paul Muni classic but the horror show directed by Brian DePalma, starring Al Pacino. That movie gets so much play from so many people who wouldn’t know a good movie if it bit them on the ass. Still it did get a nice crowd to Thomas’ credit.
Bill is driving to Atlantic City again and I am working both Saturday and Sunday. I more than likely won’t see Bill until Sunday night which sucks for me. We’ve been having a good time together in the apartment. Many laughs and a mutual appreciation which is always nice to have.
Tomorrow I am working with Thomas and Bradley and it shouldn’t be so bad. We all get along quite nicely lately. Sunday it’s Bradley and Jerry Vale and them I’m off. That shouldn’t be so bad either. I do expect a lot of staring at each other waiting for a customer to come into the cigar shack.
Now I am alone in the cigar shack, listening to Beck, Black Tambourine. Thomas still hasn’t found his phone, or at least he is not back with his phone. Thomas is closing the cigar shack tonight which means I get to leave in about one hour. Looking forward to it and having written over 500 words so far it’s so far so good.
And now I am home. The usual nonsense at the subway, and the usual invisible barrier that prevents people from forming an orderly line at the gate for the bus.
It’s been a long day and I’m attributing my oddness today to the solar plasma waves that have been unleashed by the sun. From what I heard it’s going to be rough going until the beginning of July.
I’ll do my best to hold on tight and I advise most of you to do the same.
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