The ghost of Tom Bosley haunts the shopping mall. Parents push strollers while babies bawl. Nothing active, nothing remains. Automatic focus brings forth no gains. Certain things are different, certain things are the same.
If it’s all the same to you, please repeat your name. Belief is a system, belief in a system. Systemic revolt revolves all over the place. 100 days, 100 nights plays on the public announcement speakers.
No one really ever knows where it comes from, nor do they know where it is going. In limbo, a suspended animation. Is that a light at the end of the tunnel or is it an illusion, a mirage?
Snotty 30 year old teenagers mill about, causing a ruckus, making a scene. This sort of thing has got to end sooner or later. ‘Preferably sooner’ she said. Salt & pepper hair club for mensch belies a pressure drop, unsafe for those who aren’t concerned.
Beautiful women stand around outside holding signs for Project Worldwide. Information not shared with the unknowns.
And that more than likely includes you, you nosy person. Said loosely of course.
That’s where I began today. Not much else to say.
I did have the meeting. I wasn’t as anxious before the meeting as I am now. The guy I met was nice enough. He showed up and it was ‘quick, follow me’ as he trotted away. I did my best to keep up.
He talked and talked, no questions really. He asked for my sandwich which I of course had and gave to him. Then it was a tour of the premises after about 20 minutes of him talking.
It was a large enough complex, so many offices both large and small as well as indeterminate size. On the way I met Arnold who seemed nice enough. He was hired eight days ago. More offices and conference rooms.
I had to text the job to let them know I was going to be late. The guy I met handed me over to Arnold who finally asked me questions. He worked in hospitality. No so much of a listener though.
I explained that I am currently working retail and he then asked me if I was working in an office in the building that houses the cigar shack. I had to explain to him that no, I work retail.
It was an odd meeting and I left with a lot less confidence that I had yesterday. I was prepared for it this morning and afterwards I left feeling discombobulated. I got to the cigar shack about 15 minutes later than usual.

Sorry about the poetry thing at the start of tonight’s entry. Felt I had to write something. Both Thomas and the brain dead Bradley were hovering about looking at most everything that I did. If I smile, Thomas asks why am I laughing.
It doesn’t matter about the brain dead Bradley since neither one of us is talking to the other unless it absolutely has to happen. I did think it was odd when a customer came in after the brain dead Bradley left asking if Bradley was in. Was it a reader or just a mistake? Or perhaps it was ol’ lazy teat itself.
I’ll never know and I’ll probably care even less.