Me and You and a Dog Named Boo

Rainy Wednesday. Really crappy and cold and varying shades of gray. Apparently from what Juan tells me it’s the same there in Trenton. I just hung out last night, Pedro did call and we talked. I told him everything he knew but will he be able to extricate himself from the situation he is in right now, I really couldn’t say. Bill and I watched the Law and Orders which was ok, though I tried to go start the latest Mojo Magazine with the horrible Steven Tyler on the cover. In the UK it’s the Arctic Monkeys who at least are easier on the eyes.

We watched the 11:00 News on Channel 4 which had an all black anchor team which may have been a first. I noticed it before Bill did and then he kept going on about how this might be history in the making. The revolution was televised, after all. I watched Scrubs at 11:30, Bill went to bed and I soon joined him wrapped in his arms. His snoring has been greatly reduced which makes for a nearly quiet night. Bill of course was up first, I jumped in the shower and got myself ready for the world as Bill kissed me and headed out. It was crappy and cold this morning as I waited for the bus.

Got my seat and figured I have about 100 pages left for Claudius the King. I may take out a book about Augustus next from the library, it’s on my list. Got into the city and got to the office at 8:15. Not much for me to do lately so I surfed and surfed. With Passover basically over, everyone was in the office today and whatever camaraderie was available yesterday, it wasn’t there today. They brought in unleavened desserts which I didn’t sample oddly enough. The foods didn’t look too appetizing and it would be rude to take a bite and then spit it out.

Wally asked me to run an errand which involved going to a 99 cent store to get some plastic easter eggs. I took my time since it was raining out and wound up getting the plastic eggs at a Duane Reade across the street from the office. Time for my easter joke. Easter is when Jesus comes out of his tomb and if he sees his shadow it’s six more weeks of lent. The Christ as Groundhog joke really does best at this time of year. I have another Easter joke, actually it’s Rand’s and it’s more physical than anything and would translate well to print.

Now I’m just hanging out, had a tuna sandwich for dinner which I made myself. Work has been dreadfully slow and each day I keep hearing noises about how they wish I wouldn’t leave. Jake, the IT/Researcher told me that I was the first competent person to do the job that I do and he’s going to be sorry to see me go. But I’m tired of having to ask if I can go to the bathroom and at the new gig I think I’ll be more or less my own boss, which is how the last year and a half was at Wanker Banker where Greg Stevens saw me shine. So we’ll see, won’t we?

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