Money (That’s What I Want)

Just opened an email from Sung, formerly Song. He and Ray just made it safely back to Sydney and he asked me to tell Bill and Juan that he said hi. So, ‘Hi’ from Sydney to those two. He’s such a sweetie. I enjoyed having dinner with Sung and Ray last week and I’m glad they enjoyed my company as well. One day Bill and Juan will meet both Sung and Ray. Hopefully soon, though of course, time will tell. Who knows, when that ship comes in, perhaps Bill and I will sail off to Australia with Juan ably playing the role of Gilligan to my Skipper, with Bill paying all the major parts, being the actor that he is.

Bill has been my champion the past few days. No scratch that, the past few years. He really puts up with me. I know, I put up with him, but my drama is so wide ranging and half the time, he doesn’t offer any drama. Make that most of the time, not half the time. Tonight, we were sitting watching Scrubs, and we both got choked up as one of the patients sang, ‘Waiting for my Real Life to Begin’ with the cast then she died. Very touching song and used to perfection while yanking our heartstrings. I got choked up and turned to see Bill wiping his eyes, which made my bladder move that much closer to my eyes. Here’s a clip : cut and paste

Like I said, Bill has been my champion. The past few days I’ve been stressing out the new job at the Golden Staffing Agency. Perhaps it’s an employment hangover from last year, it was a doozy. I knew it wouldn’t be hard to do the job as I have done it before in the past. Just wary because of the people, after getting screwed by the Wolffmen, and the Wanking Bankers, but Bill built up my spirits and I slept well with out much tossing and turning as I lay in Bill’s arms most of the night.

After two weeks of doing nothing at all, I guess I was ready to start doing things. I got up at 6:30 which is about a half hour later than I used to when working for the Wolffmen. I was able to take my time getting ready since I wasn’t due in until 9:00. So I got to watch TV and check the email. I finally heard from Debbie, one of the Wolffmen who responded to my email last week, telling me that I was paid up payroll wise and that I wouldn’t be getting a bonus since that was for people that still worked there.

I did the right thing, or so I thought when I left the Wolffmen. I thought by giving them notice, I wouldn’t leave them hanging, giving them the time and helping them out. If I took the money and ran, leaving the company and not returning, I would have had that cash in hand. My financial planning is worth shit. My sense of decency leaves me broke. Nothing I can do about it now, except to work and wait for my next paycheck, in two weeks. It sucks, but it’s not the end of the world.

Thank you Bill.

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