Coin Operated Boy

Oh the prices one must pay for St. Patrick’s Night. Oh how I paid. The pipers union Local 154 was replaced by a fife players union for the holiday. I was relatively functional, doing chores and whatnot at my own pace, intersped with long bouts of napping.

We hung out Julio, Bill and I mainly on our own computers. I was drinking quite a bit of Guinness. Bill had a pint as well, with Julio drinking his Stella Artois. We unplugged to watch Bill Maher. Got to get some fuel for our leftist beliefs, even if we have to get it from Bill Maher. I admit I am tainted in my regard for Bill Maher, thanks to Rita who met him once at a comedy show and found him to be so Hollywood.

The plan to go to the galleries was postponed due to the fact that Juan and RoDa both were in recovery from the previous night’s festivities. Unfortunately Juan goes back to University tomorrow. Unfortunate in the sense that he won’t be able to join in the art house visit. But Roda’s cousin Tony will be his replacement. And Tony owes me a few cigars, which could definitely be in my favor, whatever that means.

Juan is here tonight. Always good to have him over. We’re watching the Martin Scorcese documentary on Bob Dylan. With a bit of the hair of the dog for the both of us. Last night as I surfed after Bill went to bed, Juan instant messaged me. He had just gotten home and we both chatted hazily online.

For much to long perhaps. Into the wee hours. But he’s such a good guy I didn’t mind and enjoined him in chat for as long as my eyes could remain open.

I also had a good conversation with Bill about going to the gym with him. I had to keep reminding him that I was relatively drunk and what I was saying I shouldn’t be held to in the light of sobriety.

Amazingly enough, this afternoon Bill asked me if I remembered what we had talked about and I was able to recall most everything, not word for word but more like subject by subject. I was impressed, and I think Bill was too.

Does that say anything in particular? Probably not. It was St. Patrick’s Day night, I was hanging out with my boys, i.e. Bill and Julio. Juan provided the bookends. St. Patrick’s Day eve and St. Patrick’s Day post mortem.

Bob Dylan blares on in the background. Just put on Saturday Night Live so Juan could satisfy his Shakira jones. Alec Baldwin is hosting and both Juan and I find him appealing. Bill would too, but he’s asleep. Perhaps dreaming of Alec Baldwin.

Alec Baldwin is pretty funny. Doing a retrospective of sorts of his hosting the show many times, with clips. And Tim Meadows. Juan is nostalgic for Mean Girls, a movie he has yet to bring over in his visits, despite saying that he would.

Perhaps in May.

One thought on “Coin Operated Boy

  1. juAAAn

    oh, you.

    i am going to miss you a tooooooon.
    think of me whenever anything even remotely good happens.

    because, i probably caused it.

    much love, fool !

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