Tag Archives: Drive

I Still Luv You

Another day spent mainly indoors. It’s certainly warmer today that it has been the past few days, today has been in the 30 degree range. The difference is that it’s been steadily raining all day which makes one want to stay indoors. I kept myself busy with laundry and some cleaning, all the while the TV on without much attention being paid to it. I did see Rand this morning, as he was off to Manhattan. Rand set up something on Yahoo called Freecycle. It may have been going on elsewhere in the country but Rand brought it to Hoboken.

It’s something that people can use to give away things for free instead of being thrown out. Baby clothes and baby items, books, computer and stereo equipment, books and what have you. Rand has been doing some cleaning on his end with Lisa and had somethings that he posted that I thought Bill and I could use so I put the claim on it. I was planning to swing by Rand’s place to pick it up, but here he was on my doorstep. We had a brief chat as he headed to Manhattan and I headed to the nearby deserted supermarket.

Bill came home last night and for the first time in a while, did not go right to bed after a few minutes. I threw in Drive. The Ryan Gosling movie I watched the other night. I knew Bill would like it and sure enough the first 10 minutes were enough to grab his attention and hang onto it for the next 90 minutes. After that we watched some of Victor/Victoria which is still a cute little movie, very silly and still a bit backward but then again it was 1982. Blake Edwards couldn’t be called cutting edge, but at least it had no Breakfast at Tiffany’s Mickey Rooney characters.

Bill did not last for that and at 11:00 it was time for the news which of course was filled with bad information. Halfway through Bill went to bed and I stayed up, disappointed that I forgot that The Daily Show and Colbert were repeats this week. No matter I found other ways to be entertained on television and on the internet. Now Bill is home once again and we are watching My Favorite Year, starring Peter O’Toole and Mark Linn Baker, already in progress.

I have decided to take a break from daily blogging. After 2,488 posts I figure I deserve a break. I don’t know for how long the break will last. It could be a day, it could be a week or it could be for a few months. I’ve written over 1,000,000 words which I think is something. I just want to take some time to figure what to do next. I’ve been talking with Rand about some things which sound somewhat interesting. I am looking at the end of the month to give it a rest. A minimum of 500 words a day since October 2005.

This is why we can't have nice things. Stupid Jazz fans and their graffiti.

This is why we can’t have nice things. Stupid Jazz fans and their graffiti.


I Still Call Australia Home

Saturday night’s alright for something. I am trying to figure it out, just what it’s alright for. Fighting? Smiling? Making love? Going to parties? Writing a blog? I am pretty sure it’s the last one and I am now doing that. After this here thing gets posted what will I do? I am always content to stay home but I was invited to a party tonight and the last time I went to a party thrown by these people I had a good time. I was talked into going by Rand & Lisa and we wound up dancing and having a really good time.

Old friends were there then and I don’t know if it would be the same this time. Some of those old friends are no longer friends and they might be there and that is a reason I might not go. I asked Rand & Lisa and also asked RoDa if they wanted to go with me but they seem uncommitted. If they were going I would have no problem if I ran into that badly drawn woman and her consort the former drunkard. I heard they were in a civil union nowadays so they would likely be a pair.

The former drunkard was sober at the last party a few years ago and he was with his then wife, before he kicked her and before she licked him out of her life. The badly drawn woman was there by herself (the former drunkard did not profess his eternal love for her yet since he was still married to the mother of his children). The badly drawn woman was being hit on by a wallflower coming into bloom and she being totally non-confrontational allowed the wallflower to harass her until I spoke up and put him in his place.

This happened right in front of badly drawn woman, and not hearsay from a few years before regurgitated like a drunk after a three day bender. The thought of seeing the badly drawn woman with her fingers in her mouth and the idiot former drunkard by her side, chin jutting out attempting to be clever is off-putting enough to make me just stay home which would be too bad, but then again the hosts are mutual friends to both parties. Absence is hardly ever noticed at parties, the hosts are too busy attending to the people who are there not the people who aren’t.

RoDa has backed out and Rand & Lisa are unsure and don’t know and won’t know until after they have supper. So it is still up in the air.

Last night I watched Drive starring Ryan Gosling and Carey Mulligan with Albert Brooks. I heard it was good but did not realize how good it as until about 10 minutes in. I enjoyed it but it had about 85% of my attention. That was fine since I do plan on watching it again with Bill and I will be able to see all that I might have missed or overlooked. I highly recommend it though it is a bit violent.

I just had dinner myself and now I am writing this. One down, two to go and that should probably decide what I will do tonight. I am in my slippers though and that is something that I should consider.

I did hear from a friend I used to work with. She has big plans to get out of the place where she is at, some place free from marsupials she hopes. Apparently there is an infestation of the marsupials currently on the upper west side having migrated from North Carolina.

PS- I went to the party and had a good time.
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96 Tears