Tag Archives: West Indian Tony

Fanny (Be Tender With My Love)

Ok, it’s Thursday. Not much to report. Maybe I could make something up. No, not tonight. I’ll give you some mundane details. I promise, I’ll write some fiction soon enough. Until then some non fiction, some of my life. A pound of flesh for you dear reader.

Last night, I found the couch. It was buried under clothes and mail and Mojo and Uncut magazines as well as a songbook or two. Bill did a decent job in cleaning the apartment. It still has a way to go, but it’s a step in the right direction.

You’d think, two gay men living together, the place must be immaculate. Well that goes to show, you can’t trust stereotypes. I’ve always had a problem keeping things neat and orderly, and with Bill around I’ve surrendered to the chaos that surrounds us.

Normally if Annemarie, Rex and Earl were coming this summer we’d make an effort, perhaps even hire a cleaning lady to come in and do the things that we can’t seem to figure out to do ourselves.

We did that last year and talked about having her come every now and then, but we had more money last year and the Arcata contingent were headed east. Not so this year. It’s ok. Juan doesn’t mind.

He’s a college student so it all seems somewhat homey to him. He just sits in the couch and we watch the tv and get jazzy. Last night was the same only no Juan and I was doing a jazz solo.

Bill came back from the laundry and we watched Keith Olbermann then after that watched Dave Chappelle who was very funny, funnier than Keith Olbermann. After that, sleep. Bill was out at 6:00 and I stirred soon after getting out of bed myself.

Lot’s more people on the bus lately. Too many, and they all take my favorite seats. They always give the Hoboken run the worst buses, and this morning was no different.

I got off the bus, listening to Orbital as I picked up my free newspapers and walked to Smilers for my breakfast sandwich from West Indian Tony. Tony of course, asked all about Bill. He never asks about me, I guess that because I’m in front of him and by being there I must be alright. West Indian Tony can also predict the weather by how much his knees ache.

As I walked up Fifth Avenue I ran into a former co-worker. Daniel Begin, who set up a successful hedge fund which was also legal, and that’s rare these days. Nice guy, a fellow atheist and quite an intellectual from Israel.

I saw him last summer in Central Park with his wife and kids. It was awkward since I was beat from riding from Hoboken to the George Washington Bridge over and down to Central Park. Plus my eyes were a little bloodshot from a quick jazz improvisation off the bike path.

Not this morning though. We exchanged pleasantries and business cards and we were both on our separate ways. He asked me to tell my boss, Greg Stevens that he had said hello. Greg remarked that I always seem to be bumping into former co-workers and it’s true I do.

I saw the former head of Wanker Banker this morning too. His new company is across the street from my building so I see him fairly often.

Work was slow today. I had to see a vendor, someone who is trying to get my company signed up with her mobile phone service. They never take no for an answer and I was pigeonholed. She was nice and most guys that aren’t gay would love to spend time with her. Me? I just told her some horror stories about cellphone service, she works for T-Mobile which is my carrier.

She listened politely while telling me more and more about how the Blackberries she is promoting are the very best and give good value. I think deep down she knew she wasn’t going to get anything from me, everyone already has a Blackberry with their own service and they aren’t about to switch.

I told her I would bring it up at the next budget meeting next week, which isn’t going to happen. I did get her name which is the title of this post. After that was my special Thursday lunch, penne, pesto and chicken. I was quite a gavone while I ate.

Walked to the bus terminal after work listening to Public Enemy, then I saw a t-shirt that said ‘Never Stop’ so I switched over to Echo and the Bunnymen. Sat in a crappy seat and read ‘Tweak’ by Nic Sheff, the son of David Sheff who wrote the last book I read, ‘Beautiful Boy’ about his son’s addiction to methamphetamine. This is even more harrowing since it’s written by the junkie son. It’s a sad story.

You Can’t Say No Forever

Let’s see. Betty sent me a story about how Julie Nixon Eisenhower is a Barack Obama supporter, giving the maximum allowed by law. Her sister, Tricia Nixon Cox is a McCain supporter. Betty also sent me a link about the longshoremen and dock workers from Long Beach to Seattle going on a strike for May Day as a protest against the war. No mention of this on the national news. Brian Williams who I used to like isn’t mentioning at all.

Betty always sends me informative links since we are of similar mindsets. I first knew Betty when she was a waitron at McSwells and had an apartment directly above the bar. When I was living in Hoboken for those very long months in 1991, I would wait at the bus stop outside of McSwells and Betty would have a chat with me from her window above. Then I would take a bus into the city to get a bus out to Lodi. Such stupid, futile times those were.

For some reason I just flashed on a memory of playing something called The Noise Fest in Rahway NJ. It must have been around 1985. I had my Fender Super Bullet II plugged in, and my body was filled with caffeine. I did my fast rhythmic thing, Lois played bass, Jane played cello, and two others played various percussion. We were the Lay Offs and we were noisy alright, and I was a bundle of nerves unable to look at the audience which gave the appearance of being aloof. Don’t know why that popped into my head. There’s a tape of it somewhere, maybe.

Last night Bill was here once again and that was good. We watched, what else, but Lawn Hor d’oeuvres. It was better than The Olivia Show somewhat, all about a Scientology type group that an artist was trying to frame for his wife wanting to leave him and her murder. It was ok. I try to guess the killer in the first 5 minutes but I guessed wrong, it wasn’t the art dealer, it was the artist. I went to sleep soon after that, Bill stayed up to watch some David Letterman.

Once again, slept really well and once again slept later than I used to. Bill stayed in bed as I showered and dressed and still sleeping when I went off to work. He’s been going to his mother’s apartment before work to make sure she’s eating properly. When he comes to Hoboken he also goes there before coming over to make sure she’s eaten dinner and ready for bed.

I made my way across town, since it was Thursday I stopped by Smilers, saw Bill’s biggest fan, West Indian Tony and got myself an egg sandwich. Thursday also means Penne, Pesto and Chicken for lunch. It really is the little things in life that gets you through the day. Well at least today it was the little things.

This weekend is the Hoboken Spring Art and Music Fest which means a street fair with all the little knick knacks and tchotchkes that you don’t really need. Where in the past the music was the Bongos, or Patti Smith or Dr. John, this year it’s Micky Dolenz who lately looks like a former dictator from the Soviet Bloc. Don’t know if I’ll be checking it out, though deep down I know I’ll check out one or two songs. I’ll let you know.

Here is a white tiger swimming.

This has been my 900th entry. Woo hoo! Cheers!