It’s a Monday again. I don’t mind. Less people on the streets, less people wandering around the Hoboken waterfront. Worked out fine for me. Last night I watched The Pacific and though there wasn’t much violence last night, it really hit home hardest out of all of the episodes.
Last night was all about the surviving Marines coming home after the war. No one maimed or seriously injured, but most of these Marines had internal damages to their minds. It was last night where I started to recognize most of these soldiers as the type that would be sitting around the U shaped bar at the VFW in twenty or thirty years.
There were a few scenes that brought the lump to the throat, specifically John Basilone’s widow visiting her late husband’s family for the first time. Not many of those soldiers left, as was noted in the end credits. The actors were listed and then the person they played and their history followed.
Treme was good too. I do have the occasional problem with Steve Zahn though. Some episodes he’s good and other episodes he’s not so good. I don’t know how many episodes are left but I’ll keep watching more than likely.
Stayed up late and watched Burn After Reading by the Coen brothers. Not the best from the Coens, but better than most. A few surprising twists in it. Don’t know if I would recommend it. This afternoon I was out by Pier A, strumming my guitar. Made a quarter.
It was encouraging.
I thought the Art Hams or something resembling pork products were supposed to be doing something in May up in Hamilton NY but that doesn’t seem to be in the works. At least not if I’m included.
Occasionally, some people make plans and I show an interest then it’s all hush hush until after the fact.
And some people always coming up with some plans, “A movie! A CD! And I want you, John to be in on it!” and when I say I would be in on it, I ask when and where and I will be there, I never hear anything about it again.
“A part for you John, where you wear a suit and tie and you smoke a cigar. Think you can do it?” I reply positively, even offer some more ideas to the project at hand, when seem to go over well then nothing is said until after the fact and if I then mention my ignorance I sometimes hear that I knew all about it.
Like playing in Hamilton, which is probably now, two people and a trombone doing who the fuck knows if it hasn’t happened already. It’s happened before, hearing afterward about two friends playing right up the street from me at an open mike. Turtle club anyone?
A while back I was somewhere with someone who told me about a project they had just completed. I asked why didn’t I know about it and they insisted that I did know about it. It’s just as well. I do my thing and they can do whatever.
I suppose my request to do the voice of a radio DJ has fallen by the wayside. I may have been replaced, that is if that project still exists. Once again, besides the initial idea presented to me and my interest in doing whatever is asked, I’ve heard nothing. Perhaps a fourth party or someone else will tell me all about it.
And also the Last Sunday of the Month Shakespeare reading seems to be no more. It was a good idea while it lasted and it was fun. But there are no more brunches at Maxwells and I’m not too keen on participating in the process in someone’s kitchen.

from last week.
Next day, 5.18.10 a new attitude. Not so bitter and resentful.