Well last night I was so tired and Word Press was misbehaving that somehow I lost what I originally wrote. Between the lost entry and the one I eventually posted,
I wrote over 1000 words in under an hour. The second one was easier, just reconnecting the threads in my mind of what I had just written. Tonight I am not as tired and will limit myself to over 500 words but under 1000 words.
I slept really well last night, due to playing Frisbee with Annemarie on the beach, some swimming and the stress of trying to get to Bill’s show last night at Joe’s Pub. Of course, I could have used another hour of sleep but that didn’t happen.
Bill was up and at ’em this morning, I was dragging ass. I did get it together and was out the door, making it to work before 9:00.
There were things that should have been done last week, and the intern didn’t know what to do with the mail despite me telling her that the mail has to be delivered to the proper companies when it comes in.
Some of these companies are financial firms and the mail they get is sometimes time sensitive. There was a fiasco of sorts with the conference rooms today and it happened when I was out.
Really arrogant people, forcing someone to move their catered meeting in progress to another room. Incredible! It made me angry that the intern allowed this to happen.
Here’s the scenario: One party by the name of Seth asked me to book the conference room last week for today, from 12:30 to 3:00 and I did.
Today one of the neo-cons booked the same room at 2:00 even though the room was already booked. It’s a scenic room, windows overlooking Third Avenue. The neo-con goes into the room and tells Seth that he has to move.
Seth, being a very nice guy and also new to the office got it all together and moved with his guests. The neo-con’s meeting was an internal meeting, meaning no guests. He could have had that meeting in his office or in one of the other conference rooms, but no, stupid ass wanted the scenic room.
I was very upset, Seth didn’t mind. For me it was the principle and also the fact that the intern didn’t do anything about it, nor did she call me.
I think it all boiled down to the fact that what I call the Large Conference Room is what the neo-cons consider the boardroom.
There is another large conference room which I call the End Conference Room since it’s at the end of a hall and the neo-con when he wrote in his reservation called it the Boardroom which in his mind made it correct when it wasn’t.
There is also another conference room called either the Small Conference Room or the Round Table Room since it has a round table in it. I know this sounds petty to you, the reader but this is what I was hired to do, to maintain the booking of the rooms.
I have no problem kicking people out when it’s time for them to move on and obviously the intern does have a problem with doing anything like that. It more than likely comes from having to get people out of McSwells when it was closing time.
And of course, I thought I would be leaving today at 1:00 or 2:00 but actually left at 4:00.
I know, it’s good for the Susquehanna Investment Group, but still my hours are supposed to be limited and I don’t want any trouble when the time sheet is submitted for some fresh Cafe Press T-Shirts.
Anyway, here are some pictures from yesterday’s adventures.

The view from the beach

Anne on the beach

Me on the beach

Crazy close up

the view from under the umbrella

a Speedo butt

the car of an idiot who was texting & driving

Bill Comes Alive

Bill Live at the Hollywood Bowl

Bill at Budokan

Bill: Take No Prisoners