Juan came by last night. Bill was on his desk top Mac and getting into his proper frame of mind for working on his script. That meant singing along to smooth jazz and some lite house music. I didn’t mind and neither did Juan. We watched The History Boys which Juan had never seen before. He enjoyed it but remarked that he would like to watch a comedy with a happy ending. He was right. The last two movies we watched don’t exactly end well. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World ended just like that title says.
And the History Boys while funny and witty and deep, has an unfortunate turn of events that Juan said before it happened, that he hopes what he thought was going to happen, doesn’t. Like I said he liked it and I made a point of getting something funny, guaranteed laughs so I picked up Zack & Miri Make a Porno, which I had seen before and found to be sweet and funny. Plus there is some nudity which should make a 25 year old young man happy.
And of course today I took the troll bait and wound up defending Yoko Ono in a few forums. Yesterday would have been John & Yoko’s 44th anniversary and to mark the occasion she posted an image which I am posting below. It is not a new photo, it was the cover of her 1981 album Season of Glass and I recall seeing it then and being upset but understanding the concept behind it. Yes it’s gruesome but not as gruesome as watching the man you love being torn apart by bullets in the night.
I am always astounded by the people that hate Yoko. I always liked her after seeing her sing Who Has Seen the Wind on the Mike Douglas Show way back when. Such vitriol and racism comes forth, people wishing that Lennon’s killer had murdered Yoko as well. And also there is the whole switching “L’s” for “R’s” and vice versa in an attempt to write the way Japanese people speak English. I shouldn’t be surprised since I did see a midnight showing of Let It be back in the day and people would hiss and boo whenever Yoko was on screen.
I have to learn to just ignore it and walk away. I’m not going to change anyone’s mind, though I do hope that I would be able to open someone’s eyes. I mean I have done it before via this here blog so I suppose I hold out hope for the best.
And now I am writing this, not checking up on my emails. Jeopardy is on and I am kicking ass. Bill always says I should go on the show, but I am not so sure about that. Easy enough sitting in Hoboken, but to start the process? I know Harpy has done it in quite an altered state and my brother Frank also attempted to try out. Me with my self-doubt and total lack of confidence? Oh that would work out just fine. Perhaps I should try some trivia contests in town before I fall down that rabbit hole.

Someday Baby [Alternate Version] 1
Oh and I am still responding on the Rolling Stone Yoko Tweets JL’s bloody glasses thing…