Tag Archives: The Diving Bell and the Butterfly

Atlantis to Interzone

Well last night was very cool. Bill was here and that was great. He ordered a pizza, I think he’s putting some child of Grimaldi’s through college. I had a slice or two even though I had eaten a few hours earlier. Sort of wished it was Lodi Pizza though, but it wasn’t and I made do with it. We watched 60 Minutes which had a segment on why the Danish people are the happiest on the planet, according to some survey. 50% tax rate, great health care system and the quality of life is quite good. Tough immigration laws keeps things the way they like it. I saw that it was on yet forgot all about it until I got a phone call from Julio insisting that I put 60 Minutes on right away.

It was interesting alright, almost made us want to move to Denmark, but with so much going on here we quickly forgot about that. We watched the Simpsons after that, killing time until The Wire, which was good. Bill hasn’t been following it so I gave him the quick low down. Baltimore PD has no money, McNulty hatched a plan to create a phony serial killer to get the Feds involved and pump more money into the Department. That’s working nicely and a reporter who has a habit of making up stories, ala Jason Blair has caught on and is fabricating a lot though the city desk editor at his paper has an idea that this reporter, Templeton, is a fake, but the newspaper’s management loves the reporter. And Omar is still limping around the streets with a bum ankle, looking for Marlo and taking out Marlo’s soldiers one by one, waiting for a showdown with Marlo in the street to avenge the murder of an old blind friend of Omar.

Too much for Bill so he went to bed. I was soon in bed, cuddling up to Bill while wrestling with my pillows. Last night they decided to be uncooperative. Despite the pillow revolt, I was able to get some decent sleep, Bill kissing me good bye for the day and me laying in bed, hearing the rain. I slept some more knowing that it isn’t often that one has a rainy day and Monday off, makes for a good reason to stay in bed. But I had to wake up, get moving. Not for work mind you, I had off. It’s President’s Day, a celebration of both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays. Namaste bitches! Brought the suit that I’m wearing to my cousin Neil’s wedding party to be altered at the tailor. Came back farted around, did some more laundry.

I decided to go to the movies and I decided to see The Diving Bell and The Butterfly. I called Harpy, Rand, Roda and they all couldn’t make it. I called Carla, whom I used to work with and we made plans to meet up after the movie. Left messages for Chaz and Kathe, and still I went on my own. It was an amazing film, quite touching, a bit harrowing and highly recommended. I really haven’t seen any other films quite like this. A magazine editor has a stroke, paralyzing all of his body except for one eye. You see the film from his point of view, interacting with his physical therapists, and the memory of his previous life.

So far, Julian Schnabel has made three excellent films. I’m usually wary about Schnabel, not much of a fan of his art, but his films shouldn’t be missed. I think he has found his true medium. Called up and left a message for brother Frank afterwards telling him what a good movie it was, also called Annemarie about it. It’s playing in Eureka and she had better see it before it goes away. It is nominated for a foreign film Academy Award, deservedly so. (Actually Schnabel is up for Best Director) Told Bill about the film, he couldn’t make it since he had to work today, but he never heard of it. He asked if it was something he’d be interested in, and I told him if he didn’t mind subtitles I’m sure he be interested in it. Stopped by Farfetched, chatted with Susan, then I met up with Carla and we walked around Union Square and the Virgin Mega Store before having a nosh at the Bob Vivant Diner.

We caught up quite a bit, or rather I told her mainly what was going on in my life lately. She’s such a sweetie pie, and she was looking very good. Why she doesn’t have a boyfriend, I’ll never know. But there probably any boyfriends good enough for her. She also agreed that Tom Chin is crazy. Good to know I wasn’t the only one. And Susan at Farfetched was looking fetching, a boyfriend for Susan! Pronto! Chop chop! That’s it for me, back to work tomorrow.