Tag Archives: Robert Altman

Walking on Thin Ice

Felt like taking a nap, but didn’t. Ate dinner instead. Some pesto,chicken and penne which is my old stand by. Works for me. Cook the chicken one day and it’s good for at least 3 meals later in the week.

Last night or rather this morning, my cannabis free dreams involved 2 people from McSwells, Louie who in the dream was tending bar at the Elysian Cafe. He burned a couple of bridges in real life and is basically persona non grata to a few people. Me? I’m a loyalist. He did something nasty to a friend of mine and when I heard about it, cut all communication with him.

But there he was in the dream, behind the bar and behaving much like he used to all those years ago. Then in a related dream perhaps was Steve Fallon’s sister Mary. In the dream she was working at S. Sullivan’s, a bar at 6th and Washington. I’ve walked by S. Sullivan’s 8 million times but never went in.

Mary was a bit shy in the dream for lack of a better word and talking to her was like pulling teeth. Last time I saw Mary was at the Hoboken Music scene exhibit at the Hoboken Museum. She seemed a bit perplexed when I went up to her as did other people, so happy to see her. And we were happy to see her, and not because she was Steve’s sister.

I know how it is to be in a sibling’s shadow but I adapted and made my own light. It would have been nice to have spent more time with her then, but I guess I will just have to settle for dreams.

Then there was a dream about my nephew Earl, who was playing at SOB’s nightclub in Soho. I was getting ready to go when I woke up so I have no idea how it went. Perhaps tonight I’ll be reading the reviews in the next installment of my cannabis free dreams.

Yesterday in NJ The state senate moved along a bill to vote on same sex marriage in this Garden State. Hopefully my friends and family will do the right thing, take a minute and call their state senators and voice their support for the civil right of marriage, for me and Bill. Strange that no one commented or sent word to me regarding this. I guess I do have strange friends and relatives overall.

Once again I find myself dialing members of my state senate. Most of them (Bateman, Beck, Kean, Kean Jr.) are voting NO, though Bateman’s staffer is for our marriage rights, her daughter works for LGBT organizations in NJ. Madden and Turner are unknown and Sacco’s phone seems to be off the hook. So I sent Sacco an email telling him to get his phone fixed, and not to worry about the bill, the voters will pay for it.

Call one or all of these undecided Senators now:
Christopher Bateman – (908) 526-3600
Jennifer Beck – (732) 933-1591
Sean Kean – (732) 974-0400
Thomas Kean, Jr. – (908) 232-3673
Fred Madden – (856) 232-6700
Nicholas Sacco – (201) 295-0200
Shirley Turner – (609) 530-3277
Call these Senators today and let them know you’re depending on them to put human rights above politics. Let them know that civil unions represent an outdated separate-but-equal mindset. Let them know that marriage should be an equal right for all.
This is a civil rights issue that transcends partisan lines, so every Senator needs to be called.
I called about 15 state senators within the past 24 hours voicing my support and urging them to do the same. Most of them were voting no, or had voted no on pushing the bill to a vote on Thursday. I do hope these friends and relatives realize that if they were in the same position as Bill and I find ourselves, I would sure as hell vote for their civil rights.

But that’s me and I can’t expect people to rock the boat especially if they might have a fear of water.

Last night I visited Hoboken411 which is usually a fun and interesting website to visit. Apparently I pissed off whomever Hoboken411 (Perry) is. He usually leans to the right and that’s usually easily overlooked.

Yesterday one of his ‘pals’, Murph posted a few shots of the present Mayor, Dawn Zimmer next to some photos of various apes. The shots were of Zimmer, photographed mid-speech so her facial expressions were a bit weird.

True, the same thing was done to George Bush, but to Dawn Zimmer’s credit, she was elected fair and square and did not subvert the Constitution to illegally invade a country nor did she do the other heinous things that Dubya was involved with.

I made a comment that it seemed unfair since he was basically saying that Dawn Zimmer is a monkey and unsexy. I mentioned that since he never posted pictures of previous Mayors Dave Roberts and Peter Cammarano, probably because he thought they were sexy.

Oh that must have upset the thin skinned Hoboken411. My comment didn’t make the cut even though it was well within his posting rules. He also deleted a few other comments from other people, but they probably didn’t question his sexuality. To even be thought of as gay is bad, you see.

Because probably in Hoboken411’s tiny world, even the suggestion of being gay is a horrible thing to consider. I also remarked and thanked him for reminding me why I don’t visit Hoboken411 every day like I used to.

I might miss reading about him and his dog going to the dog run and his restaurant and bar reviews which more than likely involve having those establishments picking up whatever tab or bill he might incur while visiting these establishments.

He also doubts global warming, calling it a scam. I should have realized it earlier but I’m always willing to give the benefit of the doubt, and in his case, I thought he might have been cool.

Only this guy sits in his home, dog at his feet and an ear to the police scanner. Maybe he wants to be the Rupert Murdoch of the Hoboken blog scene, since Hoboken411 is starting to smell like the NY Post, so anti-Dawn Zimmer he appears to be, actually is.

The only comments that don’t get posted here are spam, and I’m no chicken shit. But I’ll probably keep this Perry’s blog in the blogroll, if only to remind myself, how not to run a blog.

In any event, the chap who runs The Hoboken Journal has similar problems with Mr. Perry Klaussen. So I added The Hoboken Journal to the blogroll.

And here’s some photographs of my stroll around Hoboken this afternoon.

12.8.09 Hoboken 001

12.8.09 Hoboken 002
12.8.09 Hoboken 003

12.8.09 Hoboken 004

12.8.09 Hoboken 006

12.8.09 Hoboken 007

12.8.09 Hoboken 011

12.8.09 Hoboken 015

12.8.09 Hoboken 026

12.8.09 Hoboken 020

12.8.09 Hoboken 019

12.8.09 Hoboken 010

Burn Down the Mission

Ugh, so tired. Been a good day though. Mainly spent by myself. Whatever manic high I was on the past couple of days has faded along with the sun on this autumn evening. Ooh, how poetic.

Last night Bill was driving off to Atlantic City again, so I was home alone. Following my sister’s advice, I looked up some holiday songs to play. Had an idea, that since I made $3.00 yesterday, if I can play some holiday songs during the holiday season, I might make some more money. Maybe $5.00 next time.

I looked up Jingle Bells, Jingle Bell Rock, Sleigh Ride, Winter Wonderland all of which were OK. But the song I was more interested in was 2000 Miles by the Pretenders. I love Chrissie Hynde’s voice and in my head I can approximate her vocal stylings and I wouldn’t change the pronouns.

I’d sing, “He’s gone, 2000 miles/It’s very far” and be happy with it. Any eyebrows raised by the fact that a guy is singing about missing another guy wouldn’t be my problem. The fact that it’s easy to play is a definite plus. I practiced that for a while.

Also reacquainted myself with the Rolling Stones Wild Horses, as well as Bob Marley’s Jamming. No TV really last night, mostly listening to music. Saturday Night Live was a repeat and I didn’t want to watch Shakira again for some reason.

I did watch Live from the Artists Den which had Aimee Mann on. To my chagrin I enjoyed her performance. I suppose since she’s put Till Tuesday behind her, I can too. It was live at a church somewhere in Los Angeles.

After that I went to bed and the dream I remember was me being a good friend of Belle Du Jour, or rather Billie Piper from Diary of a Call Girl. She was fun to hang around with and it was an interesting and erotically charged dream.

Nothing happened, just sexuality was in the air. One big bloke was definitely into me and I was feeling the same way but one or two anti-Semitic comments from him put the kibosh on whatever was going to happen.

Some disappointing things happened last night, both involving Facebook. One person who I suggested something to, did not take my suggestion under consideration which made me think whatever it is they’re planning will only go so far. Damn cannabis clear thinking!

Another Facebook contact, did not get a joke I made and took it too seriously which made me think that this person I thought was cool at one point is really a big jerk. Too bad I didn’t know it earlier, having known this person for about 20 years or so makes me want to wash my hands of their project and walk away.

Not terribly anxious about the thing that they have planned either and wish it was behind me already. But that’s life.

Bill came home this morning around 11:00 and went to bed. I told him I might be gone by the time he wakes up and he was fine with that. I decided to go out and play by Pier A again around 12:30.

I had no idea whether Tim or Tariq would be around and they weren’t. I was armed with new songs to play and gladly set myself up in the sunshine and played from 1:00 to about 3:45.

2000 Miles was enjoyable and I sang it a bit, which was fun. Not too loud though. As the sun went west, I went south a few benches to stay in the sun and out of the shadow of the buildings. I played the hell out of Maybe I’m Amazed, so much so that my arm locked up a bit.

Easily shook it off though and played open chords until I felt comfortable to play barre chords again.

At one point, a shabby couple came up to me, both wearing plastic rosary beads around their dirty necks. The woman asked if she could strum my guitar a bit and being a nice guy I said sure. She did a little doodle on the guitar, played for less than a minute and gave the guitar back.

They walked off and I started to play again, but couldn’t play a complete song without making a mistake. The woman, Linda was the succubus’ name, stole my Mojo. Horrifying!

It was getting cold out and I was back in the shadow of the buildings but I would give up until I can play a song without any major mistakes. It took a while but I was eventually able to play Wild Horses at a slower tempo.

I didn’t make any money today and was ignored by most everyone that walked by this afternoon. I was fine with that though. That’s the thing about busking, sometimes there’s money, sometimes there isn’t.

Maybe Saturday is a better day, with people giving away their change to various churches and other superstitious institutions that they get dressed up for and attend on a Sunday. I’m very annoyed with the news this morning that NJ catholic churches were announcing their fight against same sex marriage.

After reading about how for the past 30 plus years the child sexual abuse that has been going on in Ireland and covered up by both the church and the Irish government, I can’t help but think these bastards in gowns are using same sex marriage as a boogeyman to distract people from the fact that children have been routinely raped and sodomized by this world wide ring of pedophiles.

I think Sinead O’Connor was right. Fight the real enemy.