Tag Archives: Ramones


Last night was cool. Juan was in town again and he stopped by and we hung out. Good to have him around again if only for a few hours. Gets lonely on the 5th floor sometimes. He’s such a good guy. We hung out watched some telly, then watched End of The Century: The Story of the Ramones I don’t think I had shown that to Juan. Johnny Ramone was a dick. A task master and they probably would not be as successful as they had gotten if it weren’t for him but still a dick nonetheless.

At 8:00 we switched over to The Simpsons which was funny as usual and King of the Hill will was also funny. Juan left at 9:00 after eating some reheated leftovers which smelled and looked better than they were the first time around. Juan split, needing to get back to school before the expected rains, I watched Michael Clayton which was better than I expected, but then again, there was George Clooney, looking good as a fix it guy at a big law firm. He makes most everything better.

After that I went to bed, slept really well. Certainly did not want to get out of bed this morning, all was gray and rainy. Still somehow I got it together a bit later than usual and was at the bus stop soon enough. Different sort of commuter on the bus at 7:30 than there is twenty minutes earlier. I read last weeks New Yorker as was the woman sitting in front of me. She was a few pages ahead, and I fought the competitive urge.

Got to the office around 8:30, checked my email. Tom Chin wrote that he was ill and was going to work from home. I was glad about that. Made the gray day almost bearable. Some work would be nice to do as well but it is slow again. And it is only Monday. Padma is leaving this week and it’s sad to see her go, but there is not enough money coming in to justify her research. I’ve been helping her clean out her office so that’s been keeping me somewhat busy. Left work around 4:00, most everyone else left already.

Drizzly walk across town, back on the bus, no interior lights working, leaving me to look out the window in the Lincoln Tunnel. It’s pouring now, I’m not going out again today, in for the night. Even if it was dry I would more than likely be in for the night. Bill has a gig playing piano for his friend Rome Neal. Bill was feeling tired from sleeping on the couch in his mother’s apartment and the weather didn’t help matters much. He took off today and I suggested he eat some bananas to give him some energy and chase them blues away somewhat.

I’m also planning a gate sale of my crap in June. Rand and Lois are having their gate sales the same day so we’ll all be referring gate sale shoppers to each other in case the shoppers aren’t happy with what we each might have for sale. I know I have a lot of crap, I just got to figure out what to keep and what to sell. That’s about it for now. Hello to Betty Colatrella and once again to bhikkhu who may be a Buddhist monk. “Know truth as truth and untruth as untruth but do not tell John Ozed who you are.” Or maybe not.

Here’s some Telly.