Tag Archives: Rain

Nicotine & Gravy

I guess it’s Friday. It must have been. I had an appointment to get some blood drawn to check out my cholesterol levels. It was a painless procedure but of course I didn’t watch.

I got there early and was out even before my scheduled appointment was to begin. It was a Path train ride to Journal Square.

I had enough time to check out a soul cover band doing Ain’t Nobody by Rufus and an instrumental version of Mercy Mercy Me by Marvin Gaye for a lunchtime show on the plaza. I decided to take the Path train back to Pavonia/Newport where I checked out the Newport Mall.

Some Israeli woman was doing her best to hard sell me some hand softening lotion made from some Dead Sea salts. It was on sale, marked down from $80.00 a jar to $40.00 a jar.

I explained I was unemployed as she washed the Dead Sea salts from my hands. They were softer than before I guess, but I wasn’t such a soft touch myself.

I bought some shorts a shirt and some underwear, all on sale. And some dress socks, the ones I like. Thick and thin ribbed, over the calf. Now all I need is a job to wear them under my suits.

But that’s not going to kick in full gear until October. I’m looking but things are barren out there.

I did make it home minutes before the skies opened up and the rain fell in a deluge. It was like that for about 30 minutes before eventually stopping. The rain cleared out the hummus leaving things nice and cool.

Now it’s been raining intermittently about every half hour. Which makes it cool outside but you have to close the windows which makes it stuffy inside. Presently it’s cloudy and the sky is the color of orange sherbert over Jersey City Heights.

Last night was a walk to Sinatra Park where I met up with Rand & Lisa while Swingadelic played. I finally saw Swingadelic live and they were OK. Nothing to write home about.

Rand, Lisa and I strolled up the river towards 11th Street. I expected a crowd outside of McSwells since Mitch Easter was playing, but Roda came out and said there was probably 30 people in the back room.

I opted to just go home since it was so humid out and I was very sweaty. It’s too bad for Mitch Easter but then again I only really liked the Let’s Active EP that came out 26 years ago and excepting the album Cypress that came out a year later I have no idea what he’s been up to and I guess I didn’t care enough to have a look see.

I’ll never know if it was my loss or not.

Now it’s 7:40, Bill is taking a nap, asking me to wake him up in 3 hours which seems odd but he reckons that he’ll know then whether or not to keep on sleeping or wake up for an hour or so.

Don’t try to figure him out, I gave up years ago.


12 Hours of Blues

Guess what? It’s raining again. It’s rain, rain, rain over and over. I’m not too thrilled about especially when lightning flashes nearby.

Last night I went out for a walk with Julio, all over town. Basically the reverse of the walk I had with Annemarie just a week or so ago. It was a good walk. We came home, each to our respective apartments. Soon after- lightning, thunder and a lot of rain.

Dodged that one with minutes to spare. Didn’t do much after that. Bill was off stage managing a show. He didn’t get home until late. Lately he’s been zombie like when he comes home.

Not the effervescent self that he’s known to be. He’s also been staying up longer and I’ve been going to bed earlier, which is a reversal of sorts. Of course he’s Mr. Bright & Bubbly when he’s headed out the door in the morning.

I went to work once again today. No great shakes. Had a talk with Vivek, who’s birthday is today. I’ll still keep coming in, but now my hours will be limited to 10 hours.

That’s not so bad.

My first week of collecting Cafe Press t-shirts landed me about 20 hours, the next week was about 16, last week was 12 hours. I know they don’t have much money and I appreciate what they’re doing and I don’t want to mistake their kindness for weakness.

I left work after 5 hours today which when combined with yesterday got me to 10 hours already. That means I don’t have to go into the office again, but if I want to get paid, I had better show up.

I left the office just as it was about to rain. I braved it and of course got caught in a major storm. Despite having a large umbrella I still got soaked. I wound up near the Path train and rode it to Hoboken.

It was still pouring when I climbed the stairs from the Path station. I did luck out though. When I got home I turned on the news and Path trains operations were running very slowly if at all.

No train service between the World Trade Center station and Newark and it was the same with Journal Square. Everyone was being rerouted onto buses. If I was a half hour later I would have gotten stranded in the city.

I also had some problems with the computer for the past 12 hours. Apparently there was a Microsoft update installed in the middle of the night which required a restart of the computer. The thing is, the computer wouldn’t restart.

I texted Rand in California. He and Lisa are traveling after the ComiCon in San Diego. I followed his advice, which has gotten me here on my own computer.

I do have to take Rand & Lisa out to dinner when they return. I mentioned it already and I just hope the gift card I got hasn’t expired.

And of course, it’s still raining.