First off, Bill’s appearance on the Late Show with Jimmy Fallon was less than 10 seconds, a still photo at the first break of Bill in Saudi garb draping a gold chain around Jimmy Fallon’s neck. No lines, no live action but still quality face time

Jimmy Fallon with Saudi Bill
8:00 and it’s been a lazy, do nothing Friday. Raining all day. A nap was taken and laundry was done. That’s about it. No word from Juan so I don’t know if he’ll be around tonight or tomorrow.
Chances are he’ll text me around 9:30, aiming to stop by around 11:00 which may or may not be too late for me. The nap might have made it possible, if it was actually a restful nap and it wasn’t. So roll your eyes because I’m about to do the iPod shuffle.
Sini Lindile- from The Indestructible Beat of Soweto
I originally got this record from Jet. The album is an above average collection of South African songs, specifically Soweto. Amazing songs. This is the record I was playing with years ago and when I told a certain person I had respected he shot me down telling me that once had to be a professional musician to play this stuff. Like the South African musicians themselves who more than likely weren’t that professional. Anyway the guy was a dyed in the wool hypocritical punk rocker who became what Ann Boyles called a Jazz Queer. Stupid Knappy Wolf.
Rocky Raccoon- The Beatles
From the White Album. One of my most fun memories of this song is from being upstairs, above McSwells in someones apartment after hours, drinking and smoking and gossiping after hours and surprising Maurice Menares with my spot on imitation of Paul McCartney’s monologue at the beginning of the song. It’s a nice, fun song that most everyone loves.
Border Song (Holy Moses)- Aretha Franklin
A very good soulful take from the Queen of Soul covering the Queen of Rock. From the early 1970’s and probably one of the first artists covering a song by Elton John and Bernie Taupin. The first time I heard Elton’s original was around Christmas time 1974 when my neighbor Barbara Williams received Elton John’s Greatest Hits. Nice Arif Mardin arrangement, but not one of my favorite Elton songs, though Aretha’s version is just fine.
On A Plain- Nirvana
The first time I became aware of Nirvana was not when I was working the door when Nirvana were playing McSwells on a Thursday night, but rather years later driving up with William Charas from visiting our friend Connie in the Highlands. It was night time and Smells Like Teen Spirit came on the radio. That was fantastic and miles away from the band that looked like carnival workers playing in Hoboken on a Thursday night.
Night Time- Brian Wilson
From Brian Wilson’s first solo album, the one that was executive produced by his shrink, Dr. Eugene Landy. I liked it a lot as did Suzanne, the red haired beauty who worked at Pier Platters as well as Sonic Youth. This album isn’t looked on that favorably by Brian Wilson hardcore fans, but I like it. I last saw Suzanne when I acted like an idiot and asked her if Beck was really a Scientologist. Suzanne was on Beck’s tour that year. She said yes and I said ‘Oh No!’ in too high a register, effectively making me look like a moron. I liked Suzanne and I’d hate to think her last memory of me is mouthing off on Court Street and First Street in Hoboken, but that’s how it goes I guess.
All Together Now- The Beatles
Sometimes I edit the shuffle when an artist appears twice. But I’m too lazy today. This is from Yellow Submarine, specifically the Songtrack from 1999. It’s a good intro to the Beatles and features all the sings from the movie whereas the original soundtrack from the 1960’s had only 5 or 6 songs on side one, side two going to George Martin’s score for the movie. The Beatles also appear live in the movie introducing the song.