Rainy Friday. Woke up more tired this morning than I was when I went to sleep last night. Don’t know why. Crazy dreams perhaps. Damn cannabis free dreams.
Last night was a TV night, watched Community which I am liking more and more. Harpy called about 20 minutes in and I wound up talking to him for over a half hour. I paused the DVR so was able to catch up fairly quickly.
Watched the Office which was very good. “St. Patrick’s Day is the closest to Christmas that the Irish ever get,” a Michael quote. After that came 30 Rock which was close to being as good as it should be.
That meant not too much Tracy Jordan or is it Tracy Morgan? The line is blurred.
What did I watch after that? The Marriage Ref. Just not that good a show, produced by Jerry Seinfeld. Last night’s advisers were Larry David, Madonna and Ricky Gervais. Ricky Gervais was very funny which is something I find to be rare but Harpy disagrees with me on that one.
Larry David was just a grouch and looked like he was wondering what he was doing there. And then there was Madonna. Madge more than likely had her snappy patter written for her since I doubt she would have a quick wit like that.
I’m sure she owes Mad Magazine some money for Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions. After that was the news, Seinfeld and the Simpsons followed by Craig Ferguson which halfway through I decided to go to bed.
Which is where I began, waking up tired. I wonder if I’ve been tired from Bill tickling me as I slept. Or maybe it was the snorkeling.
Was out and about this morning and wound up in the library. The rain did give me a headache but nothing that some Advil couldn’t handle. I picked up Gosford Park, Observe and Report and The Invention of Lying (Ricky Gervais again!).
One of the things that gets me out of bed on Fridays is the fact that grocery circulars are delivered. Well not delivered to my building. I usually go up to Washington Street and take one from an unwatched stoop. I scan the ads for the A&P and Shop Rite.
Yes one more step into becoming my parents. Well that and cutting coupons.
With the economy being what it is I suppose it’s the thing to do. It was a thrill to see boxes of Post Raisin Bran on sale, 4 boxes for $5.00 and with my $1.00 off coupons for 2 boxes of Raisin Bran I wound up paying $3.00 for 4 boxes. And 2 for $5.00 bottles of Cranberry juicer made my day.
And the sale on Metamucil put me over the top as well as the sale on Ensure.
I wound up at the library again and returned Instamatic Karma by May Pang. She was John Lennon’s girlfriend on the 1970’s when he and Yoko separated. Nice photos, saw a few of them before.
Took another look at the DVD’s and picked up I Love You Man. 4 DVD’s to watch over the weekend. A nice selection I though.
Had some lunch when I came home and checked my email. Another DVD that I ordered via that socialist institution came in, Near Dark, directed by Katheryn Bigelow.
I hadn’t seen that in about 20 years and ordered it after she won the best director Oscar for the Hurt Locker. I just watched it and it wasn’t as good as I remembered.
Another trip to the library, the third time today. I told the librarian that a DVD was on hold for me. Another librarian heard me and told me that Moon came in. I also ordered that a few weeks ago.
Moon was directed by Duncan Jones and got really good reviews that also almost always mentioned that Duncan Jones is David Bowie’s son.
So altogether, 6 DVD’s. Thank you fellow taxpayers!

Art installation

Not an art installation
Late addition: my friend Andres Duque of Blabbeando posted the following link on Facebook.
My comment wouldn’t post there so I thought I would post it here.
I couldn’t get a beer at the Dugout a few years ago and it wasn’t crowded at all, maybe 5 other guys at the bar. My boyfriend got some attention since he’s of color but me, goatee, reddish hair, glasses and rock & roll attitude was ignored till I ‘knocked over’ my empty beer bottle, which got the bartenders attention. My boyfriend was amazed at how I was being ignored and sipped his ginger ale.
Most of my friends are straight. I hung out and worked at Maxwells, a gay/straight bar in Hoboken with the best underground rock bands in the 1980’s 90’s with bands like REM & Husker Du among others. I mentioned them since Michael Stipe of REM and Bob Mould formerly of Husker Du are gay and don’t fit the stereotype either.
The Dugout was a bar on Christopher Street that mainly catered to bears, that sub-group of gay men who are hairy, hirsute and sometimes heavy.
I’m a wolf.