Tag Archives: Monty Python


As expected, going back to work after such a grand time on Saturday was dreary. The weather was great and I listened to some tracks that I bought for the wedding but never played. Songs like Never Let me Down Again by Depeche Mode and I Got A Man by Positive K. We rapped along to I Got A Man on the way up in a driving rainstorm.

I bought it not only because it’s a funny song, but Lois had written a song called I Got A Man and I initially thought it was the same song. It wasn’t. Lois’ song was just as funny and fitting the occasion perfectly.

The bus ride was fine, sat and talked with Casey. Great guy. Really a chatty guy too and I’m surprised I could keep up despite the fact that I usually don’t talk to anyone in the morning, on the bus. We chatted about death this morning. His wife’s mother as well as my mother. Who knows what the people crowded around us think of our little chats. A few weeks ago it was political, today was death.

We parted ways at the bus terminal, made some loose plan to have drinks with him and his wife at McSwells someday, and I journeyed across town listening to ‘Heroes’ by David Bowie, another song I could have played at the wedding.

Got to the office, right on time and no one else was in the office. I did my drudgery which I don’t mind since they pay me nicely to do such things. People came in in dribs and drabs and soon I was off running to the bank and returning some audio cables that I bought to DJ with which I didn’t use. Luckily I kept the receipt and was able to get a full refund. Yay!

Another bright and sunny day and me trying to find shadows to walk down the street in. The morning passed and I remembered I was going to have lunch with Christina, my assistant from my Wanker Banker days.

She’s been having a bad year, unemployed and made some bad decisions employment-wise leaving her and her son to live with her mother in the Bronx. She showed up around 1:00 and I actually had lunch outside of the office which I rarely do.

We walked over to Second Avenue and decided on pizza which I really don’t eat as much as I used. Bill was going to order Grimaldi’s last night. They make the best pizza in Hoboken, but they were closed for vacation. A few years ago I would have known that.

Christina and I sat and ate and caught up. I told her to email me her resume and I would do my best to clean it up and make it look better. Working at a few staffing agencies helps with the resume game. A little padding here, the right turn of phrase there. It’s a lot like cruising sans sock in the pants.

The afternoon flew by and I was soon listening to Bowie singing Fame with John Lennon on backing vocals while I enjoyed a Padron. Walked through Bryant Park and saw hundreds of people on the edges of the lawn waiting to be able to stake out a spot to watch Lifeboat by Alfred Hitchcock.

Julio and I tried going to the film series there a few years ago but found it too crowded and I was snubbed by a neckbone giving free stuff away from City Search.com so we left with me grumbling. Never tried to catch another film there again.

And why should I? You have to wait there for three hours for the sun to go down so the movie could begin. And I have better things to do with my time.

Like writing this blog.

Yesterday’s clouds

The crotch to car trick

Archeology Today

Ultraviolet (light my way)

♫ Harpy Birthday to Happy 56 years! ♪

Well the holiday weekend, it’s winding down. Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I posted this morning and post dated it for last night. Over 1200 words which is more than enough, what with the original plan to write at least 500 words a day, so that makes this gravy. Last night I was too much of a vegetable to actually sit down and write more than an excuse as to why I wasn’t writing.

Slept very well with Bill ably playing the role of snoring lump in the bed. Still it was an agreeable enough sound to fall asleep to, but anything would have put me to sleep anyhow. Woke up this morning to the sound of my cellphone alarm at 6:45, set so I wouldn’t forget my cellphone when I left for work. But I was off today and didn’t need to remember the cellphone.

After setting the phone off, I had to reset it a few minutes later because in my sleepy state of mind I didn’t actually do that the first time. Bill was out to rehearse for his play, I slept in, finally getting out of bed at 9:00 in time to see the B-52’s finish a song. Yes I totally spaced on the B-52’s. I think Chaz went with his friend Andy. I thought about it and still wasn’t sure whether or not I would go until I woke up this morning and realized I wasn’t going. Forgot to record it on the DVR as well.

Still the website for the Today show has some clips, one of which is included below. More crowd shots than band shots, and no Chaz and Andy as far as I could tell. I decided to watch the rest of the show and then go out and get some bagels and the papers. Luckily for me, Julio called from the bagel shop. He decided to go himself since I hadn’t gone yet. He also had to buy some flowers for Stine since this is her birthday. That was cool.

He delivered a little while later and we had a brief chat in my doorway, looking past my shoulder to see how single life looked. It was messy. The B-52’s finished with an abbreviated Love Shack and yes they looked and sounded great, though I wondered what happened to former Raybeat Pat Irwin. Why isn’t he playing with them anymore? He’s a great guy, I met him once at Summerstage years ago and I hope he’s alright.

As the afternoon started I ran an errand to CVS where I saw Martin Kelly once again. Always good to see Martin, same amiable guy and always a fleeting moment with him. Watched Monty Python’s Life of Brian which was brilliant, still one of the funniest films around and still a face paced 94 minutes. Blessed are the cheese makers? I think he means all dairy products. Python is always good for a laugh from left field even 30 years later, or 40 years actually since they started the TV show in the late sixties.

Got a call from Julio. He and the wife and kid were out for the afternoon on Pier A, and why don’t I join them? Sounded good to me. An afternoon outside with Alexander, Stine and Julio sounded like a grand idea indeed. I wandered over, camera in pocket and bought a dozen roses for Stine’s birthday. Julio called me after the initial phone call to remind me it was Stine’s birthday and to wish her a happy one. I took it a step further.

It was a nice hour or so sitting on the grass under the trees, Alexander was fast asleep. No waking that peanut up. Still, he’s an angel as you could tell by the pictures. We walked along the waterfront, Stine allowed me to push the carriage which was great. It’s going to be even more fun when he’s older and I’ll really get to push him in his cart around. I’m picturing a scene from Eisenstein’s Battleship Potemkin.

The star of the show

The mom and dad

What the ant saw

Meanwhile, off shore

The peanut once again

And Julio and Stine

Rock Lobster