Tag Archives: Martin Kelly

Three Minute Hero

Ahh. A few years ago Bill and I saw a friend of mine have a recital. Dan Moore, the friend had rented out a studio space and had a pianist accompany him as he sang maybe a dozen songs with a couple of stories inter sped throughout. It was a good time, and similar to an idea I had, when I had ideas, that Bill and I dress up and cover Frank Sinatra and Count Basie’s album ‘It Might As Well Be Swing!’ I was to be the singer and Bill was to be the pianist.

I revisited that idea on the way home tonight listening to the forgotten Specials album, ‘In The Studio with the Special AKA’. I was listening to the song Break Down The Door and felt I could sing my own interpretation with Bill’s accompaniment. It could be fun, with a couple of shots under my belt perhaps. Break Down The Door was the B-side on the Specials single, Free Nelson Mandela.

I’ll always remember the night before Mandela was going to be released, I was spinning records at McSwells and I played Free Nelson Mandela. Martin Kelly came over to me and said it was the last time I would have to play that song. It’s still a good song, but a little dated. Oh the Specials have such a spot in my heart.

I found out in the latest issue of Mojo Magazine that the ‘We thought you were inferior’ header above my letter was part of a series of quotations from the movie, Planet of the Apes, not directed at me (see the post titled Ego Tripping Out) . So Mojo doesn’t think I’m inferior which is a weight off of my mind. Apparently that’s what they’re doing now, a line of dialog from a movie posted above each letter published, though that ‘inferior’ line didn’t do much for my self-esteem.

At work with the new people I am busy as ever and I don’t mind at all. It would have been great to have Juan in the office, but money is too tight. I’m doing all the work and finding some ways to get to do my own thing. For instance, I was in touch with the Roundabout Theater Company regarding Sunday in the Park with George and their volunteer usher program. I found out you have to go to the box office and inquire directly.

I planned to go to Studio 54 where it’s being performed at lunch time, but there was a file that needed to be delivered a few blocks away from there so I offered to save the company some money and deliver it myself, enabling me to check out the program at the box office. I go and talk to the proper people and found that all the volunteer slots are filled for the next two weeks, then the play closes.

Oh well.

I admit my ardor had cooled somewhat and I’ll have to be content with renting the dvd from Netflix of the original cast from 1984. I’m sure some volunteers will drop out between now and then, but I won’t have any way of knowing and they’ll have no way to contact me. Plus I don’t feel like lugging around black trousers and a white shirt, or wearing such an outfit, day in and day out for two weeks waiting for that call.

What am I? A stand by waiter?

Buenos Hermanos

A very nice Saturday. Beautiful blue sky, nice temperature in the high 60’s. After the day of rain it was great to be able to be out and about. Yesterday, only left the apartment in the rain once and that was in the morning. Watched Catch 22 after I watched I Am Legend. The verdict in I Am Legend is the same, Boo. Catch 22 I gave it my best effort but still could not get into it as a whole. I never read the book so that might matter.

My brother Frank had been talking about Catch 22 the past few times I spoke with him on the phone and I can get his point how it can be related to today’s events, switch the M&M syndicate with Blackwater/Halliburton and it makes sense. I first heard about Catch 22 though Mad Magazine back in the day and that’s how the movie stayed with me by watching it through Bill Gaines eyes.

Today was an interesting day. Woke up at a decent hour, slightly before 8:00. Got foodstuffs for the new parents on the third floor and some groceries for myself, trying to shop frugally. Got a haircut and also ran into Martin Kelly at CVS. Always good to see Martin. I always liked Martin, he was a good guy that looked out for me from time to time.

Now he’s working at CVS and living in Union City. I must confess it was a bit unnerving seeing Martin a few years ago for the first time. He looked like he lost some weight. Weight perhaps put on while serving drinks in the back room at McSwells. We caught up rather fast this morning, who saw whom and where and what condition were they in, stuff like that. Scott H on the wagon and drinking ginger ale for those who want to know.

Got a call from good old Pedro. He was heading into Manhattan with his girlfriend Connie. It was a good day for it so I decided to join them. Unfortunately they’re now out of towners and somehow wound up at Caliente Cab Company, a Mexican restaurant for people who don’t know any better. I like Mexican food and it was bearable, but you definitely get more for your money elsewhere though I think people go to Caliente for drinks rather than food.

Kept in touch with El Jefe and Gigglepuss who were on their own sojourn in Manhattan. After a few Coronas with Pedro and Connie and traipsing through a meandering street fair in the West Village, they heading back to Otisville. They offered to take me up there but once again I begged off, needing more time to prepare. Maybe next week. When I go to see Miriam and Joe in Sleepy Hollow it might be possible to make it to Otisville somehow.

Hooked up with El Jefe and Lady Gigglepuss we rode back to Hoboken for more beers before heading home on our separate ways. Just a mellow Saturday night planned. Coming down off the beer buzz, looking forward to nothing in particular. Bill and I were supposed to see Natalie Cole at Lehman College in the Bronx tonight, but since the butting heads the other night we’re not going. Bill is watching his cousin Elsie’s kids while she and her husband go see Natalie Cole.

I don’t mind, I wasn’t much interested in seeing Natalie Cole anyhow. Mellow night, jonesing for a cigarette. So, how are you doing?

Pedro and Connie

El Jefe and Lady Gigglepuss

Lady Gigglepuss

Me and Guinness