Tag Archives: Heat

Too Hot

Yes it’s hot again. I think it’s Wednesday. Been taking it easy, walking out of the sunshine. Have done much of anything except looking at jobs online. Slim pickings.

Too hot to do much of anything. I did some laundry since I’ve been going through t-shirts quite a bit. That was productive, and so is writing this.

That’s two constructive things I’ve done today.

I went and sat by the river this afternoon and read Uncut magazine. Beautiful day, especially when under a tree.

Not a very good issue pf Uncut so far. Best thing in it was an interview with Quincy Jones about Michael Jackson. It seems like a slapdash issue that was years in the making, basically a compiling of clips of people who may have been somehow related to the Beatles in one way or another.

Not as interesting as I would have hoped and I’ve only just started it.

Last night I paid a short visit to the Chasms. Haven’t seen Casey and the missus in a while. They’re moving to Vermont. That’s too bad. I’m going to miss seeing them. But things being what they are, Casey will probably do better in Vermont than in this metropolitan area.

The sun is setting now, over the Jersey City heights, things should cool down a degree or two. No walk with Julio since he’s flying tomorrow and probably has some packing to do. I may go for a walk myself, there is music in the park, Swingadelic.

Dave Post is in that band, he’s one of the owners of McSwells. I’ve never seen them and they play every Monday night there, but it is a lot cooler inside on the top floor with a breeze coming in than it is on the street. No breeze and a crowd of people. Staying indoors seems more likely.

And there are no mosquitoes here.

Bill is here in the air conditioned bedroom on a conference call. It’s been a lazy summer day turning into a lazy summer night.

Right now Keith Olbermann is on, but I don;t think for much longer. Too much time spent online, reading about Barney Frank and the health care option. My sock puppets were busy most of the day.

But Olbermann has me on the hook right now. He’s saying the things I believe in. Things that make sense and aren’t talking points from an insurance lobbying group like Americans for Prosperity.

And as well as healthcare the chat online was also about bringing firearms to Town Hall meetings. Meetings that are hosted by the President.

And certain wing nuts are screaming that their second amendment rights are being violated by preventing entry. These are the people that are afraid of the ‘death panels’, and the inherent socialism in the Obama administration.

But Barney Frank is a hero to thousands today and probably thousands more hate him even more than ever.

I know, my sock puppets had a few things to say about it at various discussion groups on some newspaper websites.

Pressure Drop

Jeezy creezy it’s hot. 90 degrees in the apartment, windows open with a slight breeze. Barometric pressure is falling. I sweat a lot. I change undershirts a few times a day. It’s pretty bad, but what can I do? It’s my body’s cooling system I don’t sweat and it’s ‘hello heat stroke’.

I get some strange looks from people on my way into the office. I guess most of them take the subway whereas I walk across town. I saw West Indian Tony who sweats behind a grill all day, he always gives me a bunch of paper towels to mop up my sweat.

I always keep an extra t shirt in the IT room which is very air conditioned all day and night. In fact I spend a few minutes in there throughout the day. Part of the challenge in walking across town is trying to avoid touching anyone.

There’s a lot of people and occasionally there are people heading towards you and vice versa. That’s when the mirror effect sometimes comes into play. It happened this afternoon, only instead of face to face I was turning a corner as some roly poly guy was walking straight ahead. I was in his path and he was in mine.

I moved, he moved. I hesitated, he hesitated. Fed up in 90 degree heat I decided to move ahead and thats when roly poly decided to do the same. Outwards went his gut and my right forearm was practically engulfed by his belly.

I was wearing the iPod so I didn’t hear his expected curse. Is a curse effective if it goes unheard? I’ve rubbed one or two bellies in my lifetime and this was nowhere as pleasant as that. It was an disconcerting experience and since it happened on a course I usually take, we will probably cross paths again, though it’s doubtful that I would remember what his face looked like, but that belly would not be forgotten anytime soon.

I put in notice that I would be out of the office next Thursday and Friday. I suggested getting a temp to work in my place but good old Greg Stevens replied that there was no one who could do my job, that I was irreplaceable. I responded that since he wrote that I would definitely be back the following Monday.

My brother Frank and his wife Elaine have rented a house on Long Beach Island and I plan on going down on Thursday and coming back on Saturday with them. It should be nice to get out of this metropolitan area for a day at least.

And I may or may not go to the beach with Julio on Sunday. Stine and Alexander have flown to Denmark to see her family and it was actually Stine’s idea that we would be able to go to the beach while they’re away.

I miss Alexander, I haven’t seen my little buddy in a couple of weeks. It’s amazing how I worry about him. Julio is going over to Denmark in a week or two, so if he wants to go to the beach that would be the time to go.

He was a bit wishy washy about this Sunday though, but left it open ended which gives me hope.

I also stopped by Barnes And Noble today and saw a book about Sonic Youth. I picked it up to see if anyone I knew was in there, and while there was no Bill Ryan there were a few entries for Maurice Menares.

here’s a link, courtesy of BettiCola with regards to my entries earlier this week
cut n’paste

and here’s something that is just silly.