Tag Archives: Harpy

Piranha Salad

Well it’s Monday and so far it seems like a waste of time. There was a plan to go see Watchmen tonight, talked about it with Harpy. Told him weeks ago I would take him to see it tonight. I call him earlier, to remind him but he’s going to Susan’s and says he can’t make it.

I berate him and he relents. You see, I figured that I would do the smart thing and buy the tickets online in case it gets sold out. I did that Friday in the midst of the fiascos going on. I think that is what changed Harpy’s mind.

So I just get a phone call from Bill, his mother left the apartment again and was wandering around Stuyvesant Town on her own. Luckily someone found her and brought her to Bill’s cousin Elsie’s apartment. So now Bill can’t make it.

I am quite sure this will be the last time I ever make plans in advance to go to a movie, much less buy the tickets in advance. You buy the ticket as well as a processing fee and there’s a good chance that I will be eating that ticket.

I’m not happy about this. Not there was anything Bill could have done about his mother. She wandered off. Oh and Medicare has rejected his claim for assistance which I didn’t say anything about but had a feeling it could turn out that way.

Other than that it’s been a mediocre Monday. Rearranging deck chairs which seems to be my current lot in life. Last night I watched Big Love and despite not catching the previous couple of episodes it still is quite good and I need to catch up.

Flight of the Conchords was hilarious though, New Zealand Town and hair gel were the 2 themes and it was one of their best so far, featuring Lucy Lawless! I did watch East Bound & Down, starring Danny McBride. I’m not so sure about that despite what my brother Frank has to say. He loves the show for some reason. For me it’s just not that good.

Still haven’t gotten over the effects of the daylight savings thing. Thought I would have after taking a nap yesterday afternoon but no, that didn’t work. Nice nap though. It was dark when I woke up this morning and I didn’t like that one bit.

I’ve really been enjoying both Jenny Lewis ‘Acid Tongue’ and the Bird and the Bee “Ray Guns are not Just the Future’. Haven’t heard all of the War Child – Heroes compilation and haven’t heard the Red Hot compilation, Dark Was the Night at all. Soon though, I can feel it.

Now I have 2 hours to kill before heading out to the movie. Yes I am writing this at work. This goes to show you how much work there is for me to do. At least for today. Vivek and his partner are out today so it’s just me and Tom Chin and he’ll be out Wednesday and Thursday which is fine by me.

Bill has me worried, he is at wit’s end with his mother. She’s just been a handful, argumentive and restless. Walking back and forth in the apartment, asking the same questions over and over. It’s affecting him quite a bit, he’s not sleeping well and it’s causing his left arm and his chest to have pain from the stress and that ain’t good at all for anyone.

Bill has brought his mother home and looks like he will have to put her in a home since this can’t going on much longer, roaming the streets without any idea of where she is and not dressed for whatever weather is going on outside. She is basically a danger to herself.

Read A Book

Just got back from visiting friends in Hoboken. Never been to their place. Didn’t know exactly where they lived, but I had an inkling for some reason which was on target. Oh by they I mean Elsie and Dutch. 2 people that I know and readers of the blog.

Or at least one of them read it and tells the other I don’t know but I do know their cats like me and from what I heard their cats don’t like just anyone. Always a hit with the pussy I suppose. No possible threat. A bit randy perhaps? Perhaps I was. 4 or 5 Heinekens will do that.

Still it was a last minute thing, phone call, invite of food, sounded good to me. Fast chatter and wandering tangents over a few hours wore me out and I still had to come home to write. I’d be open for another invite and since they read this from time to time I’m putting that out there.

Food was good despite a heavy parmigiana presence and I’m no fan of the parm. Still I left stuffed. There promises to be a heavy snowstorm tomorrow, from what I read they’re anticipating 6 inches or more. Unless it was a male meteorologist then we can actually expect 2 inches.

Last night I had a good phone call with Harpy. He was himself as usual but relatively coherent this time which made it fun. Running down various things Harpy can do for employment.

His girlfriend Deborah is a yoga teacher and I suggested that since she’s successful with that maybe he can manage her and her calendar as well as her fellow yoga teachers, sending them out on various assignments getting a commission or whatnot.

Sort of like Harpy’s Angels, ‘Hello Angels’, ‘Hello Harpy’.

Why not? It could work and wouldn’t hurt to try. He’s another decent cook, that Harpy. Perhaps that angle. I also suggested a government job. In any event we have to find Harpy a job. Him first since he’s been unemployed the longest out of all my friends.

He’s not collecting either so if you know anything let me know and I’ll forward it to him. He’s also a very good bookkeeper which was his last job was. This afternoon I watched 2 DVD’s. The first was the Homecoming with Ian Holm. A film of the Harold Pinter play from 1973 which was quite harrowing.

I’m sure it would have been more intense and perhaps more entertaining (if that’s the right word) watching it live on stage. In fact it was recently on Broadway with Ian McShane, Michael McKean and Raul Esparza which of course, I wasn’t interested in seeing until after it closed.

After that I watched Grizzly Man by Werner Herzog which was engrossing and not as harrowing as I thought it would be. True story of Timothy Treadwell who left civilization to commune with brown grizzly bears in the wilds of Alaska.

It was a collection of videos made by Treadwell that were gathered and edited and made into a documentary by Herzog. Sad, deluded Treadwell, it did not end well for him and his girlfriend. There was an audio track of their attack and slaughter by a grizzly bear, one that wasn’t used to them and vice versa.

You don’t hear the audio but Herzog listens to it and tells a friend of Treadwell to turn it off and then he tells the friend to never listen to it, instructing her to destroy the tape.

It reminded me of Into the Wild, a DVD that I had a few weeks ago, starring Emile Hirsch as yet another young man fed up with civilization and goes off on walkabout eventually meeting an untimely demise.

My walkabout usually involves me staying within the mile square confines of Hoboken and the only bears I see are generally hirsute men.

And to end tonight’s entry on a very Up note, here are 2 recent pictures of Kal-El, who is learning to walk. Still the cutest baby in the world!

