Tag Archives: Fog

I Stay In Love

One of those days. Overcast, quite foggy, slow going all around. The weather is warmer today, in the 40 degree range which is making the snow melt, which is making everything foggy and also causing some flooding. It’s rumored to snow again in a few days so we shall see how that goes. Yes, it’s a Monday and it’s not the best day. Just not much going on. I did go out and do things and I also did things at home. Namely laundry and some cleaning. I am determined to get things in a better shape than they are now.

The pile of papers next to my desk has been shredded down. Somehow it has a habit of piling up and before you know it is unruly. Now it’s manageable but will have to be maintained. As things come in they should be taken care of or disposed as soon as possible. And there was so much laundry, neglected for a few days, seemed to have multiplied. I usually get two loads done, but today there was one more load to wash. And that will be done soon enough once the other clothes dry on the rack and hanging over the bath tub.

It’s been like that all day. Yesterday was quite similar, only a lot sunnier. Online it is nothing but bad news, a constant stream of it. They’re still looking for the Los Angeles police officer who has gone off the rails. He’s killed a few people and LAPD have killed some people in their haste to apprehend the rogue officer. Bill read the manifesto, I glanced at it on Gawker or Gothamist or some other site. Last weeks seemed promising with regards to the job searching, this week or at least for Monday- not so much.

Of course things might pick up soon enough. I still have a good feeling, although a bit foggy which is because of the weather. Presently I am disappointed. I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer to thaw so right now I am looking at rock hard iced chicken. So I have to rethink dinner.

Stage Door is on right now and the former ingénue is about to take her flying leap, voices and applause going through her head with a crazy look on her face. Who doesn’t like a Broadway melodrama with Katherine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, Eve Arden and Lucille Ball?

Bill and I watched Moonrise Kingdom. Such a fun and whimsical movie. I saw it with Annemarie in July of last year and Bill never saw it. He was impressed by the cast and the story. I loved it once again. We also watched part of the Grammys last night and if it weren’t for Jack White and the tribute to Levon Helm it would have been a waste of time. I guess I cared about the Grammys in the 1970’s but nowadays I have no use for them and if I wasn’t using my award to prop open a door I would return it.

Some good news possibly- the former Hitler Youth occupant of the Vatican has announced he will resign at the end of the month. Yes the Prada shoe wearing, gold fetishist who “issued a confidential letter to every bishop. In it, he reminded them of the extreme gravity of a certain crime. But that crime was the reporting of the rape and torture. The accusations, intoned Ratzinger, were only treatable within the church’s own exclusive jurisdiction. Any sharing of the evidence with legal authorities or the press was utterly forbidden. Charges were to be investigated “in the most secretive way … restrained by a perpetual silence … and everyone … is to observe the strictest secret which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office … under the penalty of excommunication.”

Perhaps whatever replaces it will be better than this former Hitler Youth participant and pedophile enabler. Or perhaps people will wake up and realize what a scam it all is.






What the World Needs Now Is Love

Night of the Living Baseheads

Last night was the debate between Obama and McCain and of course, as far as I’m concerned it was Obama’s victory. Whenever they would show a split screen and Obama was criticizing McCain and his record, McCain was grinning through gritted teeth it seemed.

Obama was most presidential I think. McCain was crazy. Obama did say a few times, ‘You’re right John..’ and then go on to back up that McCain might have been right at some point but where he is now was some place totally different.

And already the wrong wing has taken that little snippet of Obama saying that and will try to turn that into a pro McCain advertisement. Next time Obama will have to be a bit harder and sharper. I was tired before the debates started yet when it was underway I was totally engrossed. Bill came home halfway through.

His mother is making progress and will likely be in the hospital for a while. And she’s taken to speaking in Spanish to everyone, regardless if they speak or understand. Another thing that she’s taken to doing is behaving the nurse she was for quite a number of years, making the beds of various other patients on her floor to the amusement of the actual nurses as well as Bill. It’s good that she’s active though and stimulating her mind somewhat.

Bill was in bed soon after the debate and since I was drinking some crappy cranberry juice that had quite a bit of sugar in it I was up for a while. I watched Bill Maher after that but didn’t pay too much attention. I can catch that at a later date. I tried sleeping but the sugar hadn’t worn off yet but eventually I slept. It was rainy still when I woke up, gray skies and drizzle.

I had a plan to participate on an Improv Everywhere assignment of Governor’s Island, but with the weather being what it was I decided against it, watching instead a DVD of the Twilight Zone from the 1980’s with a soundtrack by the Grateful Dead and Merle Saunders.

It was the series brought back on CBS back then. I specifically wanted to watch the episode called Nightcrawlers, about a Vietnam vet who cannot fall asleep or else his nightmares of Vietnam will come to life and wipe out everyone including the dreamer.

It was also the very last episode on the DVD. Nightcrawlers also had Exene Cervenka in a featured role as a waitress in the diner. She was great and I remember telling her that I thought so when I met her at McSwells back in the day. She was doing a spoken word thing that night and mentioned that William Friedken who directed that episode was a crazy man, or words to that effect. He really put them through the paces.

After that I wandered around Hoboken, so muggy out, quite Hummus. I had hoped Pier A in Hoboken would be deserted but it was far from it. There was a Lights On celebration that had a lot of people wandering around.

I sat and looked at Manhattan through the fog and talked to my sister on the phone before heading home for a penne, pesto and chicken dinner. It is Saturday after all.

The weather promises to be the same tomorrow which is the Hoboken Art and Music Festival which features the headliner, Mary Weiss from the Shangri-La’s of Leader of the Pack fame. As well as Remember (Walking in the Sand) and I Can Never Go Home Again.

Hopefully the weather will cooperate and give me something to do or at least give me people that I can surreptitiously take pictures of. Yes, we see…

Just watched Bee Movie which was cute and funny. Waiting for Chris Rock’s latest HBO special. That’s it. Smell ya later.

Rest in Peace Paul Newman

photo from JockoHomo