Tag Archives: Bill

Not the Sporting News

Just got back to Hoboken with Bill after his performance of the National Anthem at CitiField before the New York Mets/Philadelphia Phillies game. Bill of course did an excellent job, he even had to compete with a jet taking off from nearby LaGuardia airport while singing the ‘o’er the land of the freeee’ part. He did well, but the jet’s engine had more power behind it. The crowd acknowledged Bill’s greatness and Bill shook the hands of soldiers and police officers as he left the field. I had hoped to record it, but the camera decided that the time was right to not being able to record.

I did have the foresight to record the sound check with the tablet but Bill and I thought the camera would work best. We were proven wrong but happy enough to have the sound check which did not have a competing jet flying overhead. And there will be a DVD from the New York Mets organization in a few weeks. That would be the one that was on the big screen which I was trying to feature along with Bill singing in the foreground. That was recorded in my head and you can’t go there. Sorry.

The sound check video is on Facebook and has been well received. At the game were a lot of Bill’s friends including his former co-workers and good old Moe (whom I always picture as looking like Gabe Pressman even though he doesn’t look like him at all) his former boss, the one I had exchanged emails with yesterday. We both ignored each other as my brother Frank with sister in law Elaine and their friends plus my niece Corinne and her beau Vic. All nice and pleasant. We weren’t sitting near them though so pleasantries were brief.

Our seats were by Bill’s dentist and his crew. Same level- nose bleeds. Last time I was that high up at a stadium was when I went on a day trip to Shea Stadium for a Mets/Pirates game. The only thing I remember is Willie Stargell’s bat breaking in half when he swing and hit the ball, the top half of the bat going flying into the stand and hitting someone. We were safe from where we were sitting, safe from bats and fly balls. I wasn’t so sure then about the jets flying a few hundred feet of the heads of members of the Lodi Boys Club.

We didn’t stay too long, despite it being a beautiful day today, it got cold once the sun went down. I almost ran around Hoboken with Juan but I had too much to do already and that was a smart choice. It was really just a swell day with a very easy ride home on public transportation. A bad night for the New York Mets with a 4-0 shut out from the Philadelphia Phillies. That was just on the 11:00 news. You know better than to come here looking for sports information.




Daft Punk – Get Lucky
This is a great song.

Rocky and Fumble

What a day. If there was a day to run into friends it would be today. But no one is around it seems. It started with a phone call from someone I used to work with, Dave who reminded me of someone I used to work around, Rocky. Dave is in the cigar business and was calling to shoot the shit as it were. As he talked about his adventures and misadventures I was walking to the bibliothèque. He knows Shlomo and Israel from the other cigar store and dished the dirt on them.

I had to get off the phone and told Dave that he should call me over the weekend, when my calling plan is not as restrictive as it is during the week. In fact anyone calling me would have the best chance of getting me on the weekends and that means you too Mr. Chasm.

I got home and found some emails from Bill and his former boss. It’s a mishegas to say the least and I replied that ‘Yeah what happened was uncool but Moe was a dick and karma’s a bitch.’ And just like when you close that door, that moment that you realize you just locked yourself out with the keys on the other side of the door, I realized after I hit the send button, the email went to Moe and not Bill, followed by a manic cackle from me that was tempered by regret at this fumble.

Moe responded soon enough, stating that he did not deserve to be called that and I said I was sorry. But it did weigh heavily on my conscience. All afternoon it weighed me down. So after roaming around Hoboken heavy hearted, I wrote once again to Moe, stating that what I wrote was not intended for him to read but once something is seen it can’t be unseen. Moe should understand that since he had been known to reply to ‘all’ on emails (throughout the company) that should only have been sent to the original recipient.

I closed with my sincere regret and sorrow that things ended the way they did. He replied that he was sorry they ended that way too. Where things stand, I don’t know. I do know that I won’t be seeing Moe at the Mets game tomorrow, now that this has happened. Then again, I wasn’t really planning on seeing him anyway. It would have been too awkward for all concerned and now it is really awkward.

Other than that, it is back to Maxwell’s for me again tonight. RoDa is working as well and I have something in mind that he might be interested in. Not going to say what it is right now, but it is something that came to me last night when I went to bed. Something that was so compelling that I got out of bed and wrote it down, sketched it down really, a germ of an idea. I just have to convince RoDa to use Google Drive, which is a great program that everyone should use.




Rocky & Fumble (with friends) from Los Bros Hernandez- Love & Rockets

Rocky & Fumble (with friends) from Los Bros Hernandez- Love & Rockets

Don’t Pass Me By