Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Times of Your Life

I am terribly disappointed in the choice of Rick Warren to say the invocation or the magic words at Obama’s inauguration. I too supported Obama, donated my time volunteering and donated money that I could have used for myself and my partner of 8 years.

I have stopped being a member of Obama Pride when it seems too hypocritical for gay people to continue in that Facebook group.

To have my relationship as well as millions of others relationships compared to incest, bestiality and pedophilia and then have the person as an honored member at your inauguration is really too much of a slap in the face to those of us in same sex relationships.

Obama claims we can disagree without being disagreeable, and by saying that it seems to me that the incest, bestiality and pedophilia comments are not disagreeable to him.

After years of being told by Warren and his ilk, that we are sinful in our love, not to mention his positions on a woman’s right to choose, and stem cell research as well as his attacks on atheists, to see Barack Obama embrace such a person really hurts and looks like an endorsement. It really is terrible and it hurts.

Does his team really think that an LGBT marching band will heal this open wound? Wouldn’t Rev. Peter Gomes, Harvard theologian and chaplain who did the invocation for Reagan and Bush I have been a better choice? I cannot understand how a person can unite by embracing a ‘person’ such as Rick Warren who spews nothing but hateful words about a large group of Obama supporters.

Posted at http://change.gov/page/content/GeneralDiscussion/

No. After donating my time and money to the Obama campaign, for him to turn around and embrace someone who considers same sex relationships to be evil sinful and akin to bestiality, incest and child rape, to invite him to say some magic words at his inauguration is just wrong and I withdraw any further support.
Let his new friends at Saddleback Church pick up the slack.

Posted at http://www.365gay.com/news/calif-gay-rights-leader-rejects-inauguration-invite/#

I helped build the most powerful and effective grassroots movement in America. You picked someone who considers my relationship as well as millions of others to be tantamount to incest, bestiality and child molestation to perform the invocation.

I suggest you ask the parishioners of the Saddleback Church for any more money, for you will not be getting any funds from this disillusioned supporter.

Kindly refrain from sending me any more emails regarding Barack Obama. I have donated my time and my money for his election, but I will not sacrifice the pride I have in my same sex relationship.

In response to:
John —
You helped build the most powerful and effective grassroots movement in America.
Now, you’re helping to define how this movement will support President-elect Obama’s agenda and continue to bring the change we need.
Between now and Barack’s inauguration, we’ll continue to collect your ideas and feedback.
After the inauguration, we should be able to announce a clear plan for the future of this movement — a plan determined by you.
Thanks for being a part of this journey to bring about change in the years to come,
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, How was the play?
It’s been a pretty good day. Feeling more in the holiday spirit than I’ve been lately.

Bill came home last night, if only for an hour or so. It was just really great to have him here. I missed him, missed being able to hug and kiss him without care. He tried to set up my computer with the wireless but he couldn’t do it either.

I didn’t mind, I wasn’t upset. I have been using his Mac for so long now, a couple of weeks already that going back to the small screen almost feels like a step backward. But it’s not my computer, it is Bill’s and though he doesn’t mind, I should get back to it.

Got the presents en route to California. One gift inside was purchased before my sister Annemarie issued her edict on no presents this year. By writing this I expect to head her off at the pass so I won’t hear ‘Oh You shouldn’t have. Really…’ in her sweet dulcet tones.

No hanging with Pedro last night, no heading out to see Ann Boyles at Meghan and Jim Mastro’s house tonight. Meghan is a bit ill and it’s really ugly outside.

Rain, sleet and snow and I almost broke my neck outside walking down the street so I’m staying home. Oh well.

Rebel Waltz

Well I am in a much better mood, still angry with the Obama team though, and with him, himself. Today he commented on the Rick Warren pick for the invocation and one particular ting that Obama said stuck I my craw.

He mentioned that we can disagree without being disagreeable. That’s all well and good.

For me to disagree is like this, “I support same sex marriage” someone else, “I do not support same sex marriage”. To me that is how people disagree as an example.

Disagreeable could be seen as “I support same sex marriage” someone else, “I think same sex marriage is just like bestiality, child rape and incest between a brother and a sister”.

This is the reasoning that Barack Obama uses to explain why he picked Rick Warren to say the invocation for his inauguration.

Where is this atmosphere that Obama speaks of that he would like to create? What type of atmosphere could exist between a group of people that love each other and want the SAME RIGHTS THAT HETEROSEXUAL COUPLES GET, and a group that says that we are going to molest their children, we can’t be trusted to teach in schools, we spread disease (thanks Dad) and we are all going to hell.

One group advocates love and equality and another condemns and shames. What type of atmosphere will exist in such a vacuum?

It really is a sickening feeling that someone who actively courted the gay vote and dollars thinks it’s all right for Rick Warren to grace his inauguration. An inauguration that I worked towards, millions of people worked towards and donated money to. And then to hear from some ‘allies’ saying we’re making too much of a big deal out of it.

Obama’s people are claiming to be all inclusive. If that’s so, can we expect to see representatives from the Ku Klux Klan and Aryan Nation, maybe even some Black Israelites, and the Army of God up on the stage with Obama and Warren?

No we know that’s not what’s going to happen, because when you boil it down, it’s perfectly all right to treat LGBT like shit.

C’mon, it’s true. Everyone hates LGBT people, it’s the one thing christians, jews and muslims can all agree on. And atheists are hated too. I am doubly cursed!

The right wank is gloating over this of course, claiming liberals (read gays) are so intolerant of different views. I know it’s not the case, we just resent having our relationships compared to child rapists.

I ran into Casey Chasm on the bus this evening and he suggested that the whole Rick Warren fiasco is a distraction from the fact that the economy is getting worse than was originally imagined.

That may be true and it also maybe much like a Monty Python sketch where a door to door salesman is trying to get a couple interested in a home made TV show.

When the couple’s attention span is on the wane, a mollusk is tossed out described as a filthy, disgusting pansy which gets the couple riled up enough to curse and stomp on said mollusk.

So the economy is in the toilet and people are tired of hearing about it…hey, look! A homosexual! How disgusting is that? Something everyone can rally around and hate with all of their hearts and the justification of their religion to feel like that.

Much like religion was used all those years ago when it was against the law for Barack Obama’s parents to marry.

Obama’s people are saying that it’s a balance since Rev. Dr. Joseph Lowery is going to deliver the benediction at the inauguration.

Dr Lowery has long been a supporter of civil rights for ALL people whereas Rick Warren, aka Falwell in a Hawaiian shirt actively works to take civil rights away from certain people.

That is the face that the Obama administration wants to present. A balanced face like Bell’s palsy. Yeah, I am still pissed off.

The day wasn’t all about being fired up though. I heard from Maurice Menares and that was a good laugh. He’s in Oregon married with a kid. He’s doing well and working for Adidas.

He suggested looking him up if I find myself on the west coast. I mentioned Arcata and a sketchy plan of perhaps going out there for my nephew’s graduation next year. A side trip to Oregon, is it possible? It all remains to be seen.

I had to run an errand to Chinatown this afternoon and I finagled that into a detour to Farfetched where I picked up a present or two for Bill and some cards for the nieces and nephews.

There was also a plan to hook up with Pedro but he backed out due to the incoming snowstorm which is expected to leave a foot of snow in Otisville making his return home that much more difficult.

I was also supposed to go visit the Mastro’s where Ann Boyles is supposed to make an appearance like Mary on a half shell but I haven’t heard anything about that. So it’s all up in the air, but at least I am home and happy.

I would be happier if Bill were here driving me up the wall, but we do have a plan to take part in a demonstration on Saturday night for Marriage Equality. That could very well turn into an anti Rick Warren/No Thanks Obama rally.

It doesn’t look like Obama is going to do a thing about it and Rick Warren has congratulated Obama for taking a stand AGAINST the people that voted him into office. A stand against the LGBT community, women, and science.

After eight fucking years of having the religious right shoved down our throats, Obama’s people decide to open the show with a nutjob with left over, reheated bull fucking shit not that different than James Dobson, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson and the shit sleaze they had to say.

Remember, according to Falwell and Robertson, 9/11 was a reckoning for LGBT people and women having the right to choose. Meet their devil spawn, Rick ‘Purpose Drivel Strife’ Warren.

Hell hath no fury like an LGBT community/women/scientific community scorned.