Monthly Archives: July 2010

I’m Gonna Love You Too

It’s been a long day. Didn’t start out all that well either. Apparently there were one or two things that I neglected to do at closing last night and when I came in I heard all about it.

Calvin asked me if I was in a rush and oddly enough, I wasn’t. Sheer bloody absentmindedness I reckon. It’s really the only excuse. It only took a couple of minutes to fix under Calvin’s watchful eye.

I felt I was being punished though and was sent to take inventory in the humidor. About a half hour later, a large shipment of cigars came in via UPS and rendered my inventory count obsolete. I was also told that Marcus wanted to see me about something.

But Marcus flew the coop before I had a chance.

I’ve been on the ‘under consideration’ list on a website for a job that I am well suited for. A job that I want. A Monday through Friday job, either 9 to 5 or thereabouts. And the money is better than what I am making now.

Though I’ve lost weight doing this job at the cigar shop, it really isn’t what I want. A few weeks ago I got an email from one of the counselors at this website, requesting a meeting.

I told her I would be available on July 12 but never heard from her. So today I sent another email and she replied immediately with a phone number. So I called and arranged a meeting with her tomorrow morning at 10:30.

I asked Bill if he could print out some fresh copies of my resume and he said he would and leave the copies on my computer. I had a nice cigar at lunch that was recommended by Marcus and sat on a bench near the park as is my wont.

Not much to do but sit and smoke after I chatted with Bill on the phone. A homeless woman walked by muttering that some Wall Street types smoke cigars and suck cock. She meant me I was sure since I do look like a Wall Street type even though I was quite a ways from Wall Street.

Then she tried to light her cigarette butt which she found on the street and couldn’t before muttering and cursing and walking away. I was back in the cigar shop a little while after that and found Calvin putting the new cigars away, saying that he wanted Raymond and myself to deal with the customers.

That was fine by me and Raymond didn’t care since he was off to smoke his lunchtime cigar. I wasn’t that busy, though there was one or two assholes that came into the shop. Time moved as it often does and I helped a young couple buy some cigars for the girl’s father.

The young man had what sounded like a thick burr and I asked him if he was from Scotland. No, it turned out he was from Liverpool. He and his girlfriend were in New York with the British Navy and were heading back to ol’ Blighty on Saturday.

It was a pleasure helping them out and I saw them off just as Marcus reappeared. I still didn’t know what he wanted to see me about but I think it had something to do with a Sommelier class he has from time to time. It involved cigars this time which is why I was asked to sit in on it.

Basically so I could run and get whatever things Marcus needed during the class. I sat on an uncomfortable bench in the backroom and stifled several yawns as Marcus went on. Occasionally I ran and got items that Marcus needed and finally was able to smoke a cigar with a room full of people that never smoked cigars before.

Eventually I was able to close the shop, taking my time and making sure all the things were done properly. Marcus stayed in the back with his students as I headed out. I decided not to go to the Eagle for cigar night.

Actually decided this morning not to go. I didn’t want to lug around a change of clothes and with this interview tomorrow morning I made the right decision, inadvertently. Which is how some of my decisions come to be.

I started to listen to Elvis Costello & the Attractions, Armed Forces as I left the shop and midway to the bus terminal I saw the Liverpudlians, Paddy and Haley. I decided to slow my pace and direct them to a comedy club.

The comedy club I was thinking of was actually closed which was odd since it’s almost always open. I directed them to Times Square where there are dozens of young wannabe comics handing out fliers for their prospective clubs.

No copies of my resume available. Bill didn’t tell me he couldn’t print them out.

I’m Not Scared

So yesterday was Sunday. And it was the second Sunday that I decided not to post. And it was also a day where I didn’t do anything. I did laundry so that’s something I suppose.

Yesterday, I heard from Pedro who was planning on spending his Sunday off (similar schedules, he at Riker’s, me in retail) with Connie and going to Summerstage. I would have liked to have gone but I had laundry to do, a bath tub to clean and Summerstage was too close to the cigar shop for my liking.

I politely told him no and he was cool with it. After the laundry and the bath tun scouring I was going to head over to the river and read The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore.

Unfortunately storm clouds rolled in and it rained steadily and violently on and off for about an hour. By the time it stopped a lot of the humidity was gone but everything was wet and still the storm clouds lingered.

I watched a Monty Python marathon on IFC instead and also played some guitar inside. I recorded something that sounded somewhat interesting a few months ago when I was unemployed but now I couldn’t figure it out. It sounded good to me and of course could use some work.

After that just watched some TV. While waiting for True Blood I did wander over to the supermarket and bought somethings for lunch this week. Working Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, off next Sunday and Monday.

I arranged to have off on Wednesday since in order to drum up some business for the cigar shop, I mentioned that I would go to a cigar night at The Eagle in Chelsea.

I have been invited several times before and never went but figured that now that I’ll be in the city at a late hour, what harm could come from going to a gay bar’s cigar night? Might as well go and see what it’s all about.

Of course I’d rather just go home, but it will be an experience. And considering my history of visiting gay bars it could just be a waste of time.

The store today was fairly busy which was surprising since from what I heard regarding Sunday it was quite dead. I guess Calvin, Sean and myself made up for it. Marcus was back from his Italian honeymoon looking dapper before he headed out for the day.

Once again there was no Moroccan Princes shopping for their father, the King. I did have a nice cigar while sitting on a bench by the park. Today’s brisk walk was courtesy of the Psychedelic Furs Talk Talk Talk album, from Pretty in Pink to Dumb Waiters, done in 16.4 minutes.

Avoided the clots on the escalator and climbed the staircase once again, two steps at a time but taking my time at the same time. And I did not fall on my hands and knees. Even caught the Willow Avenue bus and was home before 10:00 tonight.

Bill fast asleep already, poor baby, so tired.

True Blood was truly bloody last night and that’s all I have to say on that matter. I also saw Captain Fun hugging his girlfriend at a downtown bus stop this morning.