I Am I Said

I am I Said. That’s the song I woke up to this morning. It was an odd song years ago and it still is today. That Neil Diamond. It’s how the day started for me. Slept a deep sleep, and could barely remember Bill kissing me good bye. He’s off driving the bus again so I won’t see him until Sunday night.

I do recall telling Bill to be careful.

It being a holiday weekend meant that there weren’t as many people as usual commuting to work. The fact that I was traveling after the rush hour, at 10:00 probably accounted for the lack of people. But that was filled up by people with suitcases, getting out of town for the weekend.

It was a breeze getting to the bus terminal and that too wasn’t too crowded except for the Greyhound and other bus ticket counters. Not too many people on the subway either and I made it uptown rather quickly.

Decided to get my shoes shined. I sat and read the Daily News while the shoe shine guy did his thing. Next to me was a guy who looked like a character from Amelie, so much so that I asked him if he was an actor.

The character in Amelie was the bloke who’s boss thought he was dimwitted. It wasn’t him but he was certainly handsome enough. I still had time to kill so I decided to sit in my usual spot but had to go out of my way due to something being filmed along the way.

Almost got my newly polished shoes dirty thanks to overzealous production assistants.

Spoke to Bill for a few minutes on the phone and headed to the shop a few minutes after that. Some young woman asked if I worked in the building I was just leaving the shade of. I told her no and kept walking towards the shop.

Just Calvin and Marcus in, Raymond expected in a few minutes. Marcus didn’t stay long, it being a holiday weekend and 10 days until his wedding. Calvin, Raymond and I made a good team. I sold a humidor and a few other nice items.

I did make sure my name was attached to those sales but still have to remember to do so most of the time. Whomever opens the register gets the sale unless the name is changed manually. I’m sure there’s a better program. And I’m sure there’s a better register.

The register Raymond and I used today jammed after closing. I closed the register for the day and came up $10.00 short. Actually $9.00 and change. We recounted the till and looked under and behind the register to no avail.

Since Raymond and I used it the most and we’re the ones who came up short, we put $10.00 in. Actually I put in $10.00, Raymond is still on the hook to me for $5.00. After that we hurriedly got out of the shop, Raymond going his way and me headed to the bus terminal.

It took me 16.9 seconds minutes, listening to the Pretenders first album. Actually from Precious to half way through Space Invaders. Home a little after 10:00 which wasn’t so bad. Working tomorrow and Sunday as well as Monday.

Next weekend, Annemarie comes to town (!) and that Sunday is the party. Fast approaching!

4 thoughts on “I Am I Said

  1. Annemarie

    wait – tonight you took minutes and last night (this post) took seconds?? I’m confused…

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