Monthly Archives: October 2008

Get Off of My Cloud

Well it was back to work for me today. It wasn’t so bad. Had some difficulty sleeping last night even after remaining awake most of the night. It wasn’t due to nerves. It was too warm, then it was too cool. It went on like that for awhile until I don’t know when. Bill of course was fast asleep snoring which usually puts me to sleep mostly, but not last night.

I’m pretty sure the bug had left me. It didn’t kill me, it made me stronger. Or so I would like to think. I did wonder during the intake last week at the ER, why I was asked what my religion was. I answered Atheist, which is what I am, but why would religion enter the picture?

Perhaps to see if I was a Christian Scientist, or a Jehovah’s Witness? I don’t know, but it was an odd question and perhaps an invasion of privacy.

The antibiotics worked so now I’m doing pro-biotics as per my sister the erstwhile blogger suggested. That means eating yogurt which isn’t as bad as I remembered. I bought some organic yogurt in Manhattan this morning which made me realize that I should have bought some in Hoboken instead and save some money that way.

I did take my time getting to work, caught a later bus, no Casey again. I really hope he didn’t catch whatever it was that I had. I did give him Purell almost immediately after shaking his hand. Maybe the terrorist fist jab would have been more appropriate.

Got to the office at 8:30 and of course no one was in. In fact no one was in until 10:00. Greg Stevens sent me an email saying that he was sick with a cold and a sore throat which made me realize that that was what I had and I more than likely infected him, though the bug is going around and he could have gotten it from anyone, especially since he rides the subway. I replied, wished him a quick recovery and suggested a good rest and plenty of fluids.

The mood in the office is still pretty much a downer and with Greg out that left Vivek, Tom Chin and myself. And Tom Chin and I had a run in mere minutes after him asking me how I was feeling. You see on Friday, while feverish I got a call from one of the sub-tenants asking me how to get into a locked file cabinet. I told her and thought that was that.

Apparently there were some items in the locked cabinet that were confidential, but the sub-tenant wasn’t going for those, she just wanted access to two empty drawers. Tom Chin has this really annoying habit of asking a question and when I answer proceeds to talk at me.

He’s been doing this since I started and I’ve generally resigned myself to the fact that he’s an asshole on this point. But this morning as he proceeded to get at me I stopped and turned the tables telling him that I answered the phone with a fever of 101 and it may have been a mistake but nothing happened at all.

The problem was taken care of right then and there when Vivek saw what the sub-tenant was doing. Tom Chin’s power trip over me ended this morning, basically letting him know that he had better cut the shit, so to speak.

He was quite meek throughout the rest of the day, which is probably how he is when at home dealing with his wife and their two terriers in Connecticut. Never saw a picture of his wife, but have seen a picture of Tom Chin with the two dogs. Looked like three bitches to me.

It was a good day.

Back to Life

I actually had most of an entry written last night before the power went out. And since it was a complete system shutdown, nothing was saved. Thank you Annemarie for posting in my place, you did an admirable job. It was quite a storm last night high winds and pounding rain and with the power out there was no air, meaning I couldn’t open a window making it quite stuffy.

I would up reading a book by flashlight when not pacing back in forth in the apartment which has been my world for the past four very long days. Bill came home through darkened streets and moments after his arrival the power came back on so I crown him Sun King for the day.

He’s been quite a help and a rock that I can rely on. Of course he’s been worried about me. I have been worried that he doesn’t catch whatever it is that I’ve had. I’d like to think that I’ve turned a corner health wise, still not 100% but I do have to get it together somewhat and get to the office tomorrow.

I think the corner was last night, probably while everyone was having a nice dinner and a good time at the Hamilton household. I was able to sleep much like I used to, and only had to change my t-shirt three times as opposed to something like ten times a few nights previous.

Saturday Night Live was good, the digital short was hilarious, ‘Are you there Jah? It’s me Ras-Trent’. Coldplay were interesting, I really liked their first song a lot. Jon Hamm was the very funny host and it got me interested in Mad Men again. Tonight is the season finale and you would think AMC would have a block of shows leading up to it but instead they have horror movies for Halloween.

Yesterday was the first time since Wednesday that I left the apartment and it was a bit like a psychedelic experience. First off I was still a bit light headed and walking to the supermarket was a bit of a trip. There were a handful of customers, some in pajamas and with the lights down low to save electricity made for quite a surreal experience. By the time I came home I was drenched in sweat once again and found myself in bed under the covers.

Juan stopped by yesterday, fearless of the bug that I have. I attempted to stay awake through the day so my night sleep wouldn’t be disturbed but while watching a documentary on quantum physics and Mark Everett of Eels who’s father was a prominent physicist. But physics started wearing me down and getting drowsy so I went for a lie down and Juan was on his way. Can’t really say it went downhill from there, more like it was a slow decline.

Right now I’m watching a dvd of the Jack Benny show which is still pretty funny and I can see a connection from Jack Benny to Stephen Colbert. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that they’re both better known for their characters than for themselves.

Both play characters named after themselves. Has anyone else noticed this? Over half a century later Jack Benny still has some great laughs. It’s all in the timing. Still, laughter is the best medicine and this is helping greatly.

Another good medicine is homemade soup which my sister in law Elaine just dropped off with my niece Corinne. Luckily Elaine had given me a heads up and I was able to clean up the hovel a bit which was looking even worse than usual since it had been my prison/hospital room for the past two weeks.

It wasn’t much that I could do but clean up the couch so they could at least sit them both comfortably. They were here for about an hour and it was a nice visit and I’m sure the soup is good, just haven’t warmed it up yet.

So far I’ve been outside three times today which is an accomplishment. Tons of strollers out. Too many all rolling down the sidewalks with parents behind them sometimes three or four strollers abreast. I doubt if I’ll be heading out again today. Got to reserve power so I can go to work tomorrow and deal with that mess.

I’ve only been out since Wednesday but it feels longer. With the power outage last night it really made me feel out of sorts this morning. Time is relative, and for the record my temperature is basically ‘normal’ 98 degree range. And there is nothing like homemade soup, made with love.