Well Juan just left after providing me with a night full of extraordinary enthusiasm. I had dinner with Julio last night at O’Neills in Hoboken. We made plans to go to the beach which sounded like a good time. Umbrellas chairs and coolers all packed up. Juan came over around 10:00. We hung out with lysergic tabs a melting and watched the last two episodes of Weeds.
Then Juan got hungry and was itching for a walk. I rarely go out at night, just prefer to stay in so Juan was instrumental in getting me out. He ran into McDonalds and I hung out on the sidewalk, nerves starting to tingle. Lot’s of people out on Washington Street at midnight.
After what seemed to be an eternity, Juan emerged from McDonalds and we walked over to Pier A.. A few people roaming around as Juan and I lay on the grass and looked up at the few stars that were visible. Quite enjoyable and mellow. It had been a number of years since I had done this and I let it all go, and just enjoyed the ride.
We lay there for a while, listening to various people from around the world talk in their native tongues or singing an off key version of Happy Birthday in the distance. I suggested getting up and walking around, mentioning Stevens Tech but Juan wasn’t that into that idea at first.
We started walking in that direction when Juan suggested going back to the apartment. We were both somewhat clammy and soon we were in the apartment, me languid on the coach and Juan being a most able DJ.
Of course time flies while you’re in the state that we were in and for me it was all quite lovely and mellow. Juan would play some song and I would close my eyes and feel like I was in Versailles, a place where I had never been before.
It was a lot of fun just laying there in the dark, the only illumination being the holiday lights which give off quite a nice glow, contrasted with Juan’s silhouette in front of the computer monitor. Things got so mellow that we lay in the air conditioning with ambient tunes floating through eventually drifting off to sleep.
I woke up around 6:00 and texted Julio that I wasn’t going to the beach. It was spoiling to rain today so it was going to be a wash out. I went back to bed responding to a text from Bill asking me to record the US vs. China basketball game.
Then it was back to bed, waking up finally around noon. Rain clouds on the horizon. A beautiful ride, a blast from the past, something out of the ordinary, all courtesy of Juan. When we were going out for the walk earlier in the night, I asked Juan if I should bring my camera.
Juan being Juan mentioned that it was dark out and that I’d need to use the flash, saying ‘Don’t be that guy.’ Good advice indeed from a beloved good friend like Juan. Back to work tomorrow, and back to reality for real, after spending hours among tangerine trees and marmalade skies.
According to the counter for Word Press, the publisher of this blog, this has been entry 1,001.
Woo hoo! Let’s trip!
You’re still high, too many typos. “starts”.”bark”
that’s the only bus i’ll ride.