Daily Archives: January 1, 2008

Salt of the Earth

New entry, new year. And I start by writing about the past. Nothing from the future, no lottery numbers or anything like that. No weather forecasts. There was a review in the New Yorker a few weeks ago about diarists by Louis Menand. One thing he said was most people write diaries knowing that someday they would be read by others. Well I can count maybe five people who will read this. Menand said some disparaging remarks about blogs which I won’t comment upon. Obviously, he hasn’t visited the pleasure dome that is https://johnozed.com His loss says I, says I.

Last night was pleasurable, low key and with good company. I was willing to cancel the plans to go to eat in case Bill was tired. The night before, Bill was at wit’s end emotionally. A certain song triggered a despair during which he called me several times leading me to believe he would just be a wreck. It was quite the opposite, he was energetic. Not amped up to 110 as usual, but a relaxed 85. We decided to do what we usually do on New Years Eve, which is go to Arthur’s Steakhouse on Washington. Eat some meat, have a couple of pints, then a cigar while walking around Hoboken watching people hustle off to bars, and clubs and parties.

I spoke to Chaz a week or so ago and invited him to join us, so we met up at the restaurant. Bill and I had been going for the past few years and we couldn’t recall it being as crowded as it was last night. I guess it was the only restaurant that wasn’t charging an admission, most of the others turning into discos with buffet style eating and open bars. The steaks were good, the potatoes as well. You have to eat the potatoes when they’re still hot because when the cool off they can taste quite terrible, and I should know since my nom du tater in my childhood was Patty Last, due mostly to my disdain for potatoes at that time. Like I said they were good.

It was a nice evening walking around Washington Street after dinner, and soon Chaz, Bill and myself came back to the apartment to have some more cocktails before ringing in the new year at Rand and Lisa’s open house. We watched Help on DVD and got a little jazzy to match the Beatles state of mind. I had made some cookies that resembled David’s Cookies from the eighties in taste and brought over a batch with a bottle of champagne and some Guinness. We got there around 11:45, just as Rand’s sisters were leaving. Long story there, not mine and they didn’t leave on my account, nor anyone else’s. Just some familial flakiness.

The three of us arriving balanced the departure of the other three. Soon enough it was midnight and champagne was flowing, hugs and kisses going back and forth. About tow hours later Bill and I were pretty much beat and said our good byes and good wishes and headed home. Dozens of people walking back and forth, leaving parties or go to parties. I was fast asleep mere minutes later after coming home waking up only hours later with a leg cramp. Must get bananas soon. I did go out and get bagels, calling up Rand and Lisa to see if they wanted any and I got them 2. Then I went home and vegged out.




Double Trouble

Lisa and Lois


Woo Hoo Time


Bill again

John Fig