Monthly Archives: April 2007

Ride A White Swan

Today is Tuesday. It’s been a good day despite that George Bush was staying at the Waldorf Astoria around the block from my office which put my area in lockdown for a spell this afternoon. That was something. Tons of cops that I could see and there were probably quite a few that I couldn’t see, hidden away on rooftops. Yes, the chimp in charge flew into Manhattan and landed in the middle of Central Park via helicopter. He then headed up to Harlem to promote his No Child Left Behind nonsense in a charter school, surrounded by blocks of children that have been left behind.

Bill was at his folks last night so I was solo. I watched Heroes which you read about last night, and even watched the Daily Show so I could watch the Gilmore Girls, who I think, like the Sopranos are headed to the series finale. That would be something if Stars Hollow gets invaded by a bunch of goombahs on the lam, staying at the Dragonfly Inn. I could easily see Paulie Walnuts hitting on Rory. Both shows have dramatic story lines edged with comedy, I think that a crossover would work very nicely.

The day once again had temperatures in the upper 70’s. It was toasty warm this morning when I walked to work and of course I was drenched. That means that I will need to have an extra T-shirt on hand when I get to the office to change when I get to work. Luckily no one is actually in the office when I get there so I could probably change at my desk but I wouldn’t. I’d use the bathroom. I was busy enough today, Carla the receptionist was out today and Ted the chief financial officer was out as well. I was busier than ever and I didn’t mind. Vivek has been after me to clean out my desk so that I could have my own space, and the previous occupant who comes in at 7:30 to do some sort of work wold have her own cube.

I don’t think the previous occupant really works there, but helps out whomever she supported when she did. She doesn’t respond to my emails though and she does have information that I do need but she doesn’t communicate with me at all, just moves things on my desk. Also uses my computer and I know that because her log in screen is usually on my screen when I come in. She even left work for me to do but didn’t sign it so I really didn’t know who left it behind. And I tried to do it, but didn’t have any one I could ask about it. Plus I had plenty of my own work to do.

Due to the lockdown of the chimp I decided to run out and grab a quick lunch, no time for a salad hunt and no time at all for a Helen Hunt. Can’t stand her. Just wanted to add that for a long time and use it before it actually expired. I ate a burger and worked through my lunch and I really didn’t mind. I think I proved something today. I booked travel for a few partners, arranged for a shoe shine guy to come to the office a few times a week to shine shoes at $4.00 a pair, and no, I’m not getting a cut of it. Slowly but surely I think I’m developing a system, and if it doesn’t work out, well at least they’ll have nice shiny shoes.

Diamond Dogs

It’s Monday and I remembered what I watched on Saturday night. Watched 3 hours of Heroes. It’s like my memory was erased for three hours. There are a few hours I’d like to have erased, but they’re not in consecutive order. Now I’m starting this later than usual due to something I had to do after work and now the newest episode of Heroes is on and of course I’m distracted.. Ok, Jess from Gilmore Girls is now Peter and he was just knocked out by Syler the resident baddie. I used to read comic books all the time so this is all a bit familiar.

I do like this show though I was hesitant at first, now I’m hooked. Last night was a good night. Bill and I had steaks at Arthur’s and that was fun, then we walked around town and came home in time to catch the Sopranos which was great. It keeps getting more and more intense with each week. Though it’s not the intensity that occurred the first season, somebody got whacked but it was only a supporting character again. They did that last week too. I don’t mind. It’s all leading up to something big in a few more weeks, then it’s arrivederci Tony.

Entourage was pretty good last night as well. It was more about Ari which made it spicy. That’s a great character, Jeremy Piven really stepped in shit for that one. That’s a Hoboken saying, quite possibly a Lodi expression since a lot of Hobokeners moved out to that area in the fifties and sixties during that white flight. I know the Crowleys in Saddle Brook and the Scilaros on Blue Ridge Drive moved from Hoboken back then. There was even a Hoboken Paint on Industrial Lane back in the day.

Slept well last night after we watched a boxing documentary series on HBO about the upcoming Mayweather and De La Hoya bout. I do enjoy watching a boxing match occasionally. This looks like a good bout from what we saw on the documentary. There’s one person I know who loves the sweet science and I should ask him what he thinks. Next time I talk to Pedro I’ll ask. If I remember. I plan on going back there to Otisville now that the weather is nice again. Perhaps I go up and watch the fight.

Work was work and it was good. I think I’m finding my footing as an office manager. When I was an office manager in every way but having the title there was a system set up where I operated. Now, I have to create the system. It’s relatively daunting, but I think I’ll be up for it. I just hope they have patience. So far, so good.

Now Wedding Crashers is on, following Heroes. It’s the premiere episode and it sure is funny to watch straight couples trash their own wedding, because you know how sacred an institution marriage is. I’m sure they’re getting paid for their participation and I’m sure the money is going to charity which makes it worthwhile. Yes they seem like the charitable types, these couples. Such a sacred institution. Where’s the church? Yes the RC Church who just today equated same sex marriage an evil and abortion being terrorism. Listen to those men in gowns. And such lovely gowns too.

It’s a cool evening, a nice breeze flowing through the open windows. Nice cross ventilation in a top floor apartment.

Elaine doesn’t control the purse strings. Elaine doesn’t control the purse strings. If he thinks I’m going to write this a hundred times he’s crazy.