Tag Archives: Work

Busy Bodies

Oh what a day it’s been. And by that I mean what a long day it’s been. Hopefully you’ve seen what I had posted last night. For me it was a labor of love, and hearing Bill sing the national anthem a few times today made me realize how much I love him.

Sure he drives me crazy like no one else, but when he’s not around I miss him a lot. I guess that’s what love is, in case you wanted to know what love is and you wanted me to tell you. Slept really well last night, and woke up reluctantly. Bill still asleep beside me.

Nope, he wasn’t getting up first. That left it to me, to make my own coffee. By the time I was ready to go Bill was stirring. Got to the office, did the usual bullshit. Now there are 4 people I work with in my company.

Though I’ve written that I would stay until the end if something came up I would be a fool to let it pass me by. And Tom Chin is really making it easy to think about leaving. Today’s foible from Tom Chin was him asking me if I had made a photocopy of a check from June 30. I told him I wasn’t sure.

He was upset with that answer. He poured through the files, I checked my email regarding the check and sure enough on June 27 I sent him an email asking him if he wanted me to deposit it to which he responded that he would do it himself the following Monday.

So it was on him to make a copy of the check as well as the deposit himself. Yes, Tom Chin is a fucking idiot who will turn 60 at the end of the month if he’s lucky. As the afternoon passed I was getting more and more tired.

I was supposed to meet Lois this evening, for a walk around Hoboken but now that I am home, home is where I want to stay. At this moment I feel like I could go right to sleep. Bill and I were supposed to go to a Mets game tonight, but I found out that he didn’t get the tickets after all which was fine by me.

I spent a good part of the afternoon bubble wrapping various artworks that were the property of the latest partner in my firm to be shown the door. It’s a glass door and you can see right through it. The city, or at least midtown is overrun by tourists and fashionistas.

Big fashion shows going on around town, way too thin girls on too high stilettos trying to walk on sidewalks. A good bet could be placed that one of them will take a spill. I have no need to see this so I keep walking.

Right now on the news is the news about Obama talking about McCrazy, saying ‘if you put lipstick on a pig, it’s still a pig.’ The republicunts are up in arms, saying that Obama called Sarah Pallid a pig.

No, he didn’t called her a pig, but it is refreshing to know that when you say ‘pig’ the republicunts immediately think of Sarah Pallid.

Can’t believe it is only Wednesday but then again this is the first full week of work in a couple of weeks. I was talking to Trudy, a very nice woman who works for a company that sublets space from my company.

September 11 came up in the conversation and I started to tear up when I was telling her about calling my brothers and sister, leaving messages telling them I loved them, while unsure whether or not I would be able to get out of the city. Tears took me by surprise, but then again tomorrow is the anniversary of that horrible day.

Here’s some pics from last night from the dressing room.

Day In Day Out

Well last night I was getting better, or so I thought. Bill came home as I was watching a retrospective on George Carlin. Bill didn’t know that he had passed away. I drank some juice and soon went to bed. Didn’t sleep as well as I did earlier, perhaps I had slept too much. 20 hours of sleep will do that to you. My temperature has been around 97.9.

I didn’t actually fall asleep properly until I put a pillow between my knees as I slept on my side. I got up to the sound of 96 Tears by ? & the Mysterians. I decided to take it easy, to go into work later than usual. I showered and shaved and had some breakfast. Put on some clothes, too hot for whatever it was I was wearing so I changed again as Bill was stirring.

I headed out to the bus stop just missing one when I felt out of it. A bit light headed, more than usual. I felt it would probably be best if I stayed home again and to go in tomorrow. Bill was surprised to see me walking through the door, more surprised that I was covered in sweat. I went about taking off my clothes and sitting in my underwear.

Bill’s concerned obviously and worried. I told him after my last dental visit to be aware if I stop making any sense, a fear of having a stroke like my brother Frank had in May 2007. Now he’s overly concerned. I reassured him that I was ok, just needed another day to get back on my feet.

I decided to read Nic Sheff’s harrowing memoir of addiction and started to think I was withdrawing. But I’m not addicted to meth or heroin or any of those nasty things he’s been shooting up. Decided to stop reading that for a while and get some sleep.

Yesterday there was an engine on the street outside my building and every time I would start to fall asleep the construction workers would turn on the engine. I guess they were done with the engine since I haven’t heard it rev up today. Made for an easy nap when the phone rang. It was my sister Annemarie from California, worried about me.

Of course the phone was in the other room so I eventually got out of bed and got the message and called her back. She was worried about my neck hurting but no, it’s basically my back and since I heeded her advice from years ago about the pillow between my knees I’ve been alright. Except for the phone ringing.

It was nice that she called, and I hate the fact that she’s worried about me. I don’t get being worried about too well. I always think there are so many other things to be worried about than me. And there are. But you know what? I would be hurt if no one worried about me. I’ve got to get over it.

Still it was nice to hear from her, just wish she wasn’t so concerned. And it was nice that she offered to help me should I need anything. But at 3000 miles away, I don’t think she’d be willing to get me some orange juice.

Well I just ate my first meal in about 48 hours. My temperature is 98.4, an hour ago it was 98.8 so I guess I’m back to ‘normal’. Or in the ballpark.

Got an email from work : You poor little thing….just stay home for the rest of the week. I handled Maywood yesterday, so all is well in New Jersey. You just keep drinking liquids and feel better soon. We are all fine. Kate. Kate’s a managing director. I’m feeling better and I am going to work tomorrow.