Tag Archives: Work

Everything’s Alright

Well it’s Monday again. It was a pretty good weekend. Cigars and bourbon on Friday, Chaz’ party on Saturday and yesterday a whole lot of nothing. I only went out for a little while yesterday afternoon, a trip to CVS to pick up various items and that was it. That was all I wanted to do with the world.

Not because of anything in particular, just a low key day. I did watch the Golden Globes from start to finish. Good to see Bruce Springsteen win an award and giggling on stage. Tina Fey is great and won her well deserved awards.

I am itching to see Slumdog Millionaire and Bill wants to see The Wrestler so I guess that’s where we’ll be somewhere down the line. We usually get the ‘let’s go to the movies’ bug around this time of year. Hype from the award shows does the trick.

Bill has discount passes for the movies which would make it more enticing as well as affordable. He has to get the passes though. It’s convenient since the movie theaters are right by the bus terminal. NO movie theaters in Hoboken, yet.

At work last week Vivek mentioned how good Slumdog Millionaire was and today he said I should go to 28th and Lexington where I could by the DVD for $5.00. He also mentioned that it might not be released in India due to the fact that Indians don’t like to see themselves portrayed in such a bad light, what with the abject poverty and violence.

He also mentioned that Indians tend to be a bit straight laced, just look at the reaction they gave to Richard Gere kissing that Indian actress at a press conference.

Or maybe everyone just feels that way towards Richard Gere. I know I did about 10 years ago when he was online in front of me at Tower Records, snapping up the last Story of Jamaican Music boxed set. He was talking to a friend about ‘How much Cindy was going to like it’. That was when he was married to Cindy Crawford. Julio was there with me so if you don’t believe me you can ask him.

Today was just like any other Monday. Getting up was a chore though. Most Monday’s are. Nothing special to report, a few errands here and there, a salad for lunch. All very hum drum. I did run into Scott Harbison on the bus tonight. He got on in Hoboken two stops before I was getting off.

It was good to see him. He’s on the wagon and working with the Hoboken Leonard Cohen, Lew Carbone. I have a feeling Lew Carbone Googles his name so I intentionally misspelled his name to see how far he will search.

I call him the Hoboken Leonard Cohen since he’s an older gent, an artist and always has a beautiful woman nearby. I don’t think he’s a Lothario, just that he enjoys the company of good looking women, much like Leonard Cohen.

I don’t know Lew Carbone at all, just seen him around town for the past 20 years or so. I could be totally wrong, but I think my point of view is so much more interesting.

That’s what I should do, take people I don’t know, just know about and write totally false things about them. Like how Jerri Fallow is a licensed truck driver who killed a man in South Dakota and is wanted on several bench warrants.

She’s crazy that Jerri Fallow. It is said that the man she killed only offered her a sandwich which apparently drove her over the edge.

So sad. So damn sad.

on the other hand….

Look Alive

Just got off the phone with Bill. It’s 11:37AM. Bill’s at work, I am not. He was just going off about how lucky I am to be able to go to work when I feel like it this week. My eyes rolled as I heard him say that and I needed to tell him what was what.

Yesterday while at work I sent him an Outlook invitation that I had posted in November and as a note on the invitation I wrote, ‘SEE? I am supposed to be out until Friday’. He got the invite but didn’t read it.

So technically I am off of work this week, as planned, as approved over a month ago by the managing director, the president of the company and the chief financial officer. Those are the other three people in the company- Vivek, Greg Stevens and Tom Chin.

I also explained that yes I am off and yes I am stopping by the office to take care of whatever odds and sods there might be, and no- I don’t have to do it.

I do it because I don’t want a pile of crap to deal with on Monday January 5. Plus it looks good that I am showing up when I don’t have to. So a few hours yesterday, maybe an hour tomorrow, maybe an hour on Friday…I wouldn’t say that I have the week off, would you?

A week off would be nice, but what would be nicer is a week off with someone to spend a week off with. I don’t have that.

Sorry but I was crabby when I talked to Bill about having the day off.

I am amazed sometimes at how I can change my mind. This afternoon I was all set to head into the city, just to wander around. I was all set, had the Lennon bio in my bag, some water, my bus pass and the latest New Yorker and my camera.

As I walked up towards Washington Street I realized that there really isn’t any good reason to head into the city, especially since I’m planning on going into the office tomorrow and anything that I wanted to do today, could be done tomorrow.

So I walked down Washington Street, talked to my sister on the phone, letting her know that her brownies and cookies arrived finally.

There’s also a gingerbread man in one of the containers. The gingerbread man looks horrified, as if he knows how it will end for him. As soon as you open the container, there he is under the wax paper with a look of anguish.

I walked over to Barnes and Nobel and farted around in there, bought a new calendar and walked home listening to the Kinks.

I really hope next year will be an improvement but I also think that it’s going to be tougher than it’s been this past year. Prices gone up, products shrinking and now I have a few friends out of work.

It seems inevitable that I will join their ranks but according to Vivek that won’t be until March 2010, and that will be here before you or I know it. Anything is possible of course. Gotta save some money this year while I still can!

I think everyone should take a nap at some point in the day. We can call it, ‘Siesta!’