Tag Archives: Hoboken

I Stay In Love

One of those days. Overcast, quite foggy, slow going all around. The weather is warmer today, in the 40 degree range which is making the snow melt, which is making everything foggy and also causing some flooding. It’s rumored to snow again in a few days so we shall see how that goes. Yes, it’s a Monday and it’s not the best day. Just not much going on. I did go out and do things and I also did things at home. Namely laundry and some cleaning. I am determined to get things in a better shape than they are now.

The pile of papers next to my desk has been shredded down. Somehow it has a habit of piling up and before you know it is unruly. Now it’s manageable but will have to be maintained. As things come in they should be taken care of or disposed as soon as possible. And there was so much laundry, neglected for a few days, seemed to have multiplied. I usually get two loads done, but today there was one more load to wash. And that will be done soon enough once the other clothes dry on the rack and hanging over the bath tub.

It’s been like that all day. Yesterday was quite similar, only a lot sunnier. Online it is nothing but bad news, a constant stream of it. They’re still looking for the Los Angeles police officer who has gone off the rails. He’s killed a few people and LAPD have killed some people in their haste to apprehend the rogue officer. Bill read the manifesto, I glanced at it on Gawker or Gothamist or some other site. Last weeks seemed promising with regards to the job searching, this week or at least for Monday- not so much.

Of course things might pick up soon enough. I still have a good feeling, although a bit foggy which is because of the weather. Presently I am disappointed. I forgot to take the chicken out of the freezer to thaw so right now I am looking at rock hard iced chicken. So I have to rethink dinner.

Stage Door is on right now and the former ingénue is about to take her flying leap, voices and applause going through her head with a crazy look on her face. Who doesn’t like a Broadway melodrama with Katherine Hepburn, Ginger Rogers, Eve Arden and Lucille Ball?

Bill and I watched Moonrise Kingdom. Such a fun and whimsical movie. I saw it with Annemarie in July of last year and Bill never saw it. He was impressed by the cast and the story. I loved it once again. We also watched part of the Grammys last night and if it weren’t for Jack White and the tribute to Levon Helm it would have been a waste of time. I guess I cared about the Grammys in the 1970’s but nowadays I have no use for them and if I wasn’t using my award to prop open a door I would return it.

Some good news possibly- the former Hitler Youth occupant of the Vatican has announced he will resign at the end of the month. Yes the Prada shoe wearing, gold fetishist who “issued a confidential letter to every bishop. In it, he reminded them of the extreme gravity of a certain crime. But that crime was the reporting of the rape and torture. The accusations, intoned Ratzinger, were only treatable within the church’s own exclusive jurisdiction. Any sharing of the evidence with legal authorities or the press was utterly forbidden. Charges were to be investigated “in the most secretive way … restrained by a perpetual silence … and everyone … is to observe the strictest secret which is commonly regarded as a secret of the Holy Office … under the penalty of excommunication.”

Perhaps whatever replaces it will be better than this former Hitler Youth participant and pedophile enabler. Or perhaps people will wake up and realize what a scam it all is.






What the World Needs Now Is Love

I Should Have Known It

Today is just an ugly day. It started out cold with snow, then cold with damp and now cold with rain. I was outside exactly one time, no need to go out again. IT’s been an antsy day, watching the laundry dry on the racks, not letting it pile up into a mountain, but instead having a little hill instead, which was much easier to manage. And the weather suits my state of mind. All my outdoor activities were a trip to the bibliothèque, to the dry cleaners to drop off hangers and the supermarket where people were generally inconsiderate and vacant. I did run into people I know, which was good.

It was the times when no one was around that I found myself muttering under my breath as I walked the streets. No more texts from Shlomo and his gang of cigar store Zionists. It was nice of Israel to give me that can of kerosene and a box of wooden matches that night at the bridge. The bibliothèque was quite a shelter for those coming in from the rain and snow and cold. From there it was to drop off the coat hangers and then to the supermarket which with each passing day gets more annoyingly mismanaged.

Last night Bill came home after spending the day with his mother. She’s not doing so well and Bill tries to go see her every chance he gets. Since he only drove the bus on Friday, he was free on Saturday and Sunday. Saturday we watched Lincoln and Sunday he watched his mother. I was out and about for a little while yesterday but mainly stayed indoors. Bill came home in time to watch an awards program that he voted in and of course every time someone he voted for won, a cheerful yell was heard in the apartment.

He went to bed soon after that, around 10:00 and I of course stayed up watching the news before I too went to bed. Slept soundly I think and woke up with anxiousness in my mind. With each passing minute the anxiety made itself known and that is why muttering under my breath when outside seemed to help, and I was able to control it when talking to friends that I saw. It was those moments alone when the butterflies in my stomach made their presence known in my gut and in my mind which I sometimes confuse.

I’m sure everything will be alright, can’t do nothing about the past and tomorrow isn’t here yet and I am sure there are things I can better fill the present with than anxiety. Bill just came home and I can focus on him instead. I have Kindle on my tablet and finished reading Diane Keaton’s memoir, titled Then Again. It’s about Diane Keaton and it’s also about her mother, going through her mother’s papers and writing after she had passed away. It was a good read and if you like Diane Keaton you will probably like it a lot.

I did use Google Analytics again. It’s been awhile and I was able to see that one person from Bayside was online reading stories that seemed to involved a certain friend of mine from the recording studio days. It was addictive as I read what they were reading for a few minutes and tried to figure out what it was they were looking for. I enjoyed it, for a few minutes I watching someone else read what I wrote. Sort of like looking over their shoulder as they read. And when they stopped reading, so did I.