Tag Archives: Guinness


Well I’m probably going to post later, it’s 6:53PM now. I thought I’d get started after I see Nick Lowe at McSwells with brother Brian at McSwells. It’s a foggy, balmy day always feeling like rain. Ran a few errands today around midtown and I heard a few people complaining about how cold it was. These people were spoiled last week when the temperature was in the upper 70’s. Work was interesting, a deal seems to have been made, a meeting went on all day long and when I left everyone involved in the meeting seemed content.

I had to go to the post office this afternoon for myself. I heard from the company that made the earphones I got from Julio and Stine this past holiday season, once again giving me an RA number so I can send back the earphones for the fourth time. I waited a short time on line then I got to the counter.

The Mailman behind the counter asks me:
‘Name 4 US Presidents not buried in the US.’ I answered correctly.

Then he said, ‘There is a race, and you overtake the guy in 2nd place. What place are you now in?’
This I answered incorrectly.
Finally, he riddled,
“There are 2 coins that add up to 30 cents. One of them is not a nickel. What are those coins?”

That one I knew from Scrubs, and no, it’s not a penny and a button with 29 cents written on it. It actually made for an interesting and fun experience at the post office for once. I did wonder, that if I hadn’t gotten any of the riddles right, would he refuse to handle my mail? It was reminiscent of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, crossing over the Bridge of Death. I would have been prepared, I know my sparrows.

What are your answers?

Well here we are later, and by ‘we’ I mean the royal ‘we’ and by that I mean ME. Several pints later. I really don’t do this that often, despite being in quite a similar state last weekend. By this I mean, drinking. Nick Lowe, very good. Excellent, in fact. Sold out show, jam packed. Also found out the secret word to tell the door people and get you into a sold out show. Me, 3 sheets to the wind. If it were 4, you would not be reading this. A good time had by Brian and special guest Chaz. Chaz duly writing down each song for his endless compilation.

I wound up going to bed immediately after writing those lines. Couldn’t focus and my fingers weren’t doing what I wanted them to do. Sleep uneasily, of course. A number of pints will do that to you.

Saw Roger, Ira Hubley and Georgia Kaplan as well as Thaylor and her husband Tom. Nick Lowe sang his hits, I Knew The Bride, Cruel to Be Kind, What’s So Funny (About Peace, Love and Understanding) as well as some new ones which were quite good. He’s very personable on stage, telling stories about his tour. He mentioned that it was the first time he was ever in Hoboken, after touring the US for the past 30 years, which was somehow fitting since it was the last night of his tour. Brian gave me a ride home and that is where I am now, waiting for Julio to play the role of Egg Man on this foggy day in Hoboken town. Sorry you had to wait, but the bottom of those pint glasses were so engrossing.

Here’s the best pic of the Basher himself. It’s a bit blurry but then again, so was I.

Yes I finished this this morning, and since I started it last night, I’ve post dated the entry.

She Brakes For Rainbows

Well I just got home from Martha Keavney’s party for her newest edition of Badly Drawn Comics which aren’t so badly drawn any more. In fact they’re now called Spelt-Rite Comics. Haven’t read the latest edition so I couldn’t tell you how it was. The first page looks drawn well enough, but I didn’t want to get into it since I was at a party and I was supplying the music. I got to the party at 3:59. It was supposed to start at 4:00. Martha was there with Garry Rindfuss a name from the past.

I hadn’t seen Garry in a long time. Tried keeping in touch via email but he never reconnected. Still it was good to see him. Martha looked good, her sister Eileen was there helping set up. I was asked to supply music for Martha’s party and for the past couple of weeks I was adding and subtracting tracks to a playlist on the iPod. I wasn’t sure who was going to be there, I figured there would be a few people from the past that both Martha and I knew. I was expecting a crowd, and I think Martha was as well.

Unfortunately there wasn’t a crowd. I invited Chaz, Kathe and Roda and none of them showed up. Kathe works across the street from the bar where the party was, but she forgot. I told Harpy and saw him on the street but he just kept on walking past. Rand and Lisa were there and once again they provided excellent company. One or two faces from the past made appearances but didn’t stay long.

I was fortifying myself with pints of Guinness seemingly making a connection with Kevin, off the boat from Eire. Talking about music, how Kevin Shields from My Bloody Valentine almost rented a space above the bar a few years ago but it didn’t work out. At $4.00 a pint I could listen all night. Too bad that it wasn’t as crowded as expected so Kevin closed the back bar where the party was. It turned out the pints in the main bar were a dollar cheaper at $3.00 a pint, leaving me to believe Kevin was skimming off the top, a dollar or two more than he should have been charging. Shite they call it.

Bill stopped by for about 5 minutes. Had to plead for him to wait a minute so I could pee and then see him off to the show he is stage managing. It all ended rather quietly. No one I expected to show up was there. I hope Martha wasn’t disappointed. I hope she didn’t spend too much on the space and snack. I baked cookies this morning for the party but never took them out. So I now have a bag of cookies which is nice I suppose.

Rand and Lisa were going to Benny’s Burritos but I wasn’t feeling it so they went east and I headed west to the Path train. Perhaps if I knew about going out for some food I would have been willing, but it was right at the end and I didn’t feel like being a third wheel. That’s about it. I’m coming down from my buzz and probably going to bed soon.


Martha’s comics

Lady Gigglepuss

Garry Rindfuss, Lady Gigglepuss, El Jefe