What is going on, on a Thursday night in Hoboken with a 51° temperature? Not much. The Rastas I used to hang out with back in the day would say I was looking Asian, specifically Chinese, if you get my non-racist racist statement.
I had an interview this morning and I think it went well. The interviewer sat me in their office and instead of reviewing my resume, proceeded to tell me all the tasks I would be doing if I got hired. I was charming of course. And the tasks were nothing I hadn’t done before, and quite well I might add.
The whole thing took a little over 30 minutes, with another 15-minute tour of the area where I would be working. If I got hired. And the phone interview that was going to be rescheduled was rescheduled, and the brush-off from the same company regarding a different position was made official with an email.
I sort of had to force the hand of this phone interviewer reminding them of my reply two days ago that I was still interested in the position that was offered. They sent another invite and I picked 9:00 AM, figuring that I had gotten up at 8:00 AM for today’s in-person interview, then I could get up at 8 AM again for a 9:00 call. Coffee will be ingested as well as a shower if there is time.
So many plates in the air!
It’s been a good day I think. It’s not over yet though. Bill is off to bed soon, then the phone call with Mike. That’s the routine lately. ‘It works nicely and everyone benefits’ he wrote sensing a foreboding that faded quickly as foreboding sometimes does.
The Rastas were right 35 years ago. I do not have to look in the mirror to check, them eyelids be heavy. Julio would have had a laugh at that himself back in the day, while he looked like a resident of Saipan.
The interview was in an area I worked, for the Algerians. After the interview, I strolled the old haunts and found most of them were gone. The store where I hoped to get a cigar was no longer selling cigars.
The super-deli I would get an egg sandwich was now a furniture showroom. The two floors at 360 Park Avenue South were vacant, the Algerians having left a few years ago. Restaurants had changed names and menus.
I didn’t meander too much since it was raining a bit. Took the PATH train back home. The station was shut down for a makeover for almost a month and only had just reopened two days ago. It is brighter and somewhat cleaner.
The new staircases were nice too since the old ones were quite old and probably about 100 years old. One platform was finished and the other was covered in plywood. Maybe they’re both finished and one platform is an art installation. Yeah, that’s more like it.