Category Archives: Yesterday’s News Tomorrow

Paper Planes

Tuesday again. Been a busy day at work, guests coming in for meetings, former co-tenants still on the lease until next year, coming by to see exactly what are they paying 30k a month for. The answer to that is they are paying that much for 5 empty offices that Vivek allows his partner to squat in.

I had to clean out that office yesterday, moving a whole bunch of crap from an office to a disused conference room. I didn’t mind since I am supposed to be getting a check from Vivek and his partner for doing some work for them on the side.

I submitted a time sheet of sorts totaling 14 hours. So that extra money could help, but their record keeping is askew. I would be impressed if they got it together to pay me. I would do the work anyhow and it was Vivek and his partner who insisted about submitting my hours.

Last night was President Obama’s first televised press conference, explaining and answering questions about his stimulus package. It certainly was refreshing to see someone intelligent behind the podium, speaking clearly and coherently without snickering.

Whatever snickering I heard of was on FuckSnooze, with Bill O’Shithead and Bernard ‘Jizz chin’ Goldberg mocking and impersonating Helen Thomas. I’m sure O’Shithead would have done a Jeff Gannon impersonation, but who knows the rates for male escorts in the Washington DC area? Besides Goldberg, I mean.

The President stated that he thinks Wall Street is looking for an easy way out.

Unfortunately, there is no easy way out.

After the President, I watched Heroes which was merely ok. Nothing really grabbed me. It sort of petered out. Maybe next week it will find it’s cojones. I spoke with Lovely Rita yesterday. She asked me to print out some resumes for her.

I did that with pleasure and when I see her on Thursday after work, I will give them to her. Didn’t see Bill tonight. I was going to but his boss came in late, burying Bill underneath a small mountain of work. There wouldn’t be enough time so we’ll meet up for a few minutes tomorrow.

Tonight is pretty quiet, nothing much planned. Can’t think of anything on TV, I’ll more than likely watch the Daily Show and the Colbert Report after Olbermann. Haven’t watched Rachel Maddow lately. It’s all part of the weening off process, you see. Plus, how much bad news can I stand to hear when I’m home and trying to relax?

I received an email for David Byrne at Radio City in a few weeks. Seems like a good show, lot’s of Talking Heads songs as well as his work with Brian Eno. Sounds right up my alley. I checked out the prices, thinking about taking Bill to come along, then I saw the price for 2 tickets, $90.00.

Out of my price range, and those were the cheapest seats. Perhaps if Jerry Harrison, Chris Frantz and Tina Weymouth were playing with him it would be worth it, but without them, it will go on without me.

Latest casualty of the economic crisis is Casey Chasm. Laid off last week. But he is fertile though and in nine months he will prove it. Actually Mrs. Chasm will show the proof. I’m sure the Chasms will make excellent parents, being such good people and all.

Start to Move

Like Dinah Washington sang, What a Difference a Day Makes. Yesterday at this time, well, yesterday at this time I was just getting home. Now I’ve been home for almost an hour. Different characters today. Vivek was in the office when I came in, and he quickly left the stage to attend some meeting somewhere.

Greg Stevens made it in as did Tom Chin who was surprisingly understanding. A lot of the shit that I had to deal with regarding Vivek was quickly cleared up since he had the files. Greg Stevens and I talked quite a bit today and he mentioned that he thought Vivek might be bi-polar, or it could just be the stress of being a managing director in these dire economic times. Possibly both. Greg Stevens will now be out on Mondays and Fridays and more than likely will not be performing in the Sunday matinée.

Last night I was just frazzled by the days events. Watched Olbermann and Rachel Maddow. Harpy called during Rachel Maddow and he was a garrulous as ever, a bit annoying at that. Not that he’s annoying, he’s generally amusing, but he kept stepping on my lines and if he was in front of me I would have throttled him.

That’s right, I would have throttled Harpy, in fact I had a ruler handy and could have throttled him to within an inch of his life. But instead I just let him go on and on and ended his phone chat on a relatively up note.

I did feel better watching Flight of the Conchords. Some Dewars helped too. I think Jemaine would make a better male prostitute than Brett. Went to bed at a decent hour and woke up with a feeling of dread.

So much so that every step I took from the bus terminal to the office was filled with me imagining a confrontation between Tom Chin and myself. I should have written the lines from the imaginary confrontation down, they were that good.

A few years ago when Bill and I were in a rough patch in our relationship and we were having a late night discussion about things in bed with the lights out. I was saying such profound lines and I felt then I should have been writing them down but I figured I would remember them the next morning which of course by then I had forgotten all the lines.

Tonight I took the Path train home and was able to finish the John Lennon biography by Phillip Norman. It was good and ended as sadly as I remembered. The epilogue was an interview with Sean Lennon who mentioned that when he was 5 years old he had no idea what was going on, why his house was filled with such dour people and where was his father, what were all these people doing outside the Dakota singing songs and crying?

He mentioned that it took him some time to actually listen to his father’s music both solo and with the Beatles and how jealous he was of the world who had known of his father a lot longer than he did for 5 years.

I’m just glad that today wasn’t so bad after all. And I did enjoy a Padron on the way to the train. The Lennon bio was a day late and cost me $0.20. Now it’s onto Sarah Vowell, The Wordy Shipmates.
